Название: Fauxhawk
Автор: Ben Doller
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Зарубежные стихи
Серия: Wesleyan Poetry Series
isbn: 9780819575876
brandishingan e-bouquet HDgeraniums
handmethetorch let’sseewhatthissolventsays
nothingforlunch butfunnylookingdiskettes
nothingfornoon butfurinasock
themeterisrunning themeterisrunning
theincorporation bouncingabucket onahotday
screwedup blacktop plasticsound
nothingbutsun inplaceofthesupper
businessinfront carmageddonintheback
themeterisruining themouthfeel
thepoematablet protectsyourtongue
it’snicetolookatthemirrorsometimes thewallbehind
[ EY ]
I abase my base.
I abash my bash.
I abate my bait.
I abduct my duct.
I abet my bet.
I abhor my whore.
I abstain my stain.
I abstract my tract.
I abut my butt.
I accede my seed.
I accent my scent.
I acclaim my claim.
I acclimate my climate.
I accompany my company.
I accost my cost.
I account my count.
I accredit my credit.
I accrue my crew.
I acknowledge my knowledge.
I acquire my choir.
I address my dress.
I adhere my here.
I administer my minister.
I admire my mire.
I admit my mitt.
I adore my door.
I advise my vice.
I affirm my firm
I affix my fix.
I afford my Ford.
I affront my front.
I allow my low.
I amass my mass.
I ambush my bush.
I analyze my lies.
I anchor my core.
I appeal my peel.
I append my end.
I apply my ply.
I appoint my point.
I apportion my portion.
I appose my pose.
I appraise my praise.
I apprise my prize.
I archive my chive.
I arrange my range.
I arrest my rest.
I ashame my shame.
I asperse my purse.
I assault my salt.
I assign my sign.
I atomize my mys.
I atone my tone.
I attack my tack.
I attest my test.
I attire my tire.
I augment my meant.
I avail my veil.
I avoid my void.
I avow my vow.
I await my wait.
I awake my wake.
aw hell I am
at a such a great
distance from
this conflict
in the halfawake
I couldn’t even
pretend to read,
see, I have
amassed this
massive inaccessible
intelligence, better,
knowledge, eminently
translatable in
vocab-sense yet
the syntax
I consider hostile
as it I cannot
occupy, like
walking on a historical
(what starts the west up?),
where the guy put
the beastcouples
on the boat, all aboard
the mythosphere,
right?, & what
about all the lonesome
creatures, СКАЧАТЬ