The Case of the Midnight Rustler. John R. Erickson
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Название: The Case of the Midnight Rustler

Автор: John R. Erickson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература

Серия: Hank the Cowdog

isbn: 9781591887195


СКАЧАТЬ Everybody says that. I don’t feel all that big, but I guess I am.”

      “You are, believe me. I’d guess you’ve got some St. Bernard in you somewhere. I’m not the kind of guy who talks about other dogs having big feet, but those feet of yours are really something.”

      “Yeah.” He stood up and stretched. “They always said that I got my big feet and gracefulness from the St. Bernard side, and my ferocious disposition from the German Shepherd side.”

      He grinned and yawned again. That made about three yawns in the space of three minutes. Then he lumbered over to the endgate of the pick­up, and in the process of doing that, he bumped into me and stepped on my foot.

      It felt like I’d been stepped on by an elephant and run over by a truck. I squalled.

      He gave me a sleepy look. “Oops, sorry. I’m a little awkward first thing in the morning. Takes me a while to wake up.”

      “Hey Brewster, it’s not the first thing in the morning. It’s going on ten o’clock, and around here, we figger the day’s half over at ten o’clock.”

      “Yep, and if a guy’s going to catch himself a nap, he ought to do it in the middle of the day.”

      He lumbered back to his spot at the front of the pickup, stepped on my foot again, and flopped down. The whole pickup shook when he bedded down. He crossed his paws in front of him and rested his chin on the paws. Then his eyes appeared to roll back in his head.

      “Just one moment, Brewster. I have some questions I’d like to . . .”

      “Skaw, snork, skrunk, zzzzzzzzzzz.”

      The window of opportunity had slammed shut. Brewster was asleep again.

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