The Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog. John R. Erickson
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Название: The Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog

Автор: John R. Erickson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература

Серия: Hank the Cowdog

isbn: 9781591887003



      I laid low for a while, hiding in the shelter belt, until I was sure the artillery had gone back to bed. Then I went down for a roll in the sewer, cleaned up, washed myself real good, came out feeling refreshed and ready to catch up on my sleep. Trotted down to the gas tanks and found Drover curled up in my favorite spot.

      I growled him off my gunnysack. “Beat it, son. Make way for the night patrol.”

      He didn’t want to move so I went to sterner measures, put some fangs on him. That moved him out, and he didn’t show no signs of lameness either. I have an idea that where Drover is lamest is between his ears.

      I did my usual bedtime ritual of walking in a tight circle around my bed until I found just exactly the spot I wanted, and then I flopped down. Oh, that felt good! I wiggled around and finally came to rest with all four paws sticking up in the air. I closed my eyes and had some wonderful twitching dreams about . . . don’t recall exactly the subject matter, but most likely they were about Beulah, the neighbor’s collie. I dream about her a lot.

      What a woman! Makes my old heart pound just to think about her. Beautiful brown and white hair, big eyes, nose that tapers down to a point (not quite as good as mine, but so what?), and nice ears that flap when she runs.

      Only trouble is that she’s crazy about a spotted bird dog, without a doubt the ugliest, dumbest, worthlessest cur I ever met. What could be uglier than a spotted short-haired dog with a long skinny tail? And what could be dumber or more worthless than a dog that goes around chasing birds?

      They call him Plato. I don’t know why, except maybe because his eyes look like plates half the time, empty plates. He don’t know a cow from a sow, but do you think that makes him humble? No sir. He thinks that bird-chasing is hot stuff. What really hurts, though, is that Beulah seems to agree.

      Don’t understand that woman, but I dream about her a lot.

      Anyway, where was I? Under the gas tanks, catching up on my sleep. All at once Drover was right there beside me, jumping up and down and giving off that high-pitched squeal of his that kind of bores into your eardrums. You can’t ignore him when he does that.

      Well, I throwed open one eye, kept the other one shut so that I could get some halfway sleep. “Will you please shut up?”

      “Hank, oh Hankie, it’s just terrible, you wouldn’t believe, hurry and wake up, I seen his tracks down on the creek, get up before he escapes!”

      I throwed open the other eye, pushed myself up, and went nose-to-nose with the noisemaker. “Quit hopping around. Quit making all that racket. Hold still and state your business.”

      “Okay Hank, all right, I’ll try.” He tried and was none too successful, but he did get the message across. “Oh Hank, there’s been a killing, right here on the ranch, and we slept through it!”

      “Huh?” I was coming awake by then, and the word killing sent a jolt clean out to the end of my tail. “Who’s been killed?”

      “They hit the chickenhouse, Hank. I don’t know how they got in but they did, busted in there and killed one of those big leghorn hens, killed her dead, Hank, and oh, the blood!”

      Well, that settled it. I had no choice but to go back on duty. A lot of dogs would have just turned over and gone back to sleep, but I take this stuff pretty serious.

      We trotted up to the chickenhouse, and Drover kept jumping up and down and talking. “I found some tracks down by the creek. I’m sure they belong to the killer, Hank, I’m just sure they do.”

      “What kind of tracks?”


      “Hmm.” We reached the chickenhouse and, sure enough, there was the hen lying on the ground, and she was still dead. I walked around the body, sniffing it good and checking the signs.

      I noticed the position of the body and memorized every detail. The hen was lying on her left side, pointing toward the northeast, with one foot out and the other one curled up under her wing. Her mouth was open and it appeared to me that she had lost some tail feathers.

      “Uh-huh, I’m beginning to see the pattern.”

      “What, tell me, Hank, who done it?”

      “Not yet. Where’d you see them tracks?” There weren’t any tracks around the corpse, ground was too hard. Drover took off in a run and I followed him down into the brush along the creek.

      He stopped and pointed to some fresh tracks in the mud. “There they are, Hank, just where I found them. Are you proud of me?”

      I pushed him aside and studied the sign, looked it over real careful, sniffed it, gave it the full treatment. Then I raised up.

      “Okay, I’ve got it now. It’s all clear. Them’s coon tracks, son, not coyote. I can tell from the scent. Coons must have attacked while I was out on patrol. They’re sneaky, you’ve got to watch ’em every minute.”

      Drover squinted at the tracks. “Are you sure those are coon tracks? They sure look like coyote to me.”

      “You don’t go by the look, son, you go by the smell. This nose of mine don’t lie. If it says coon, you better believe there’s a coon at the end of them tracks. And I’m fixing to clean house on him. Stay behind me and don’t get hurt.”

      I threaded my way through the creek willows, over the sand, through the water. I never lost the scent. In the heat of a chase, all my senses come alive and point like a blazing arrow toward the enemy.

      In a way I felt sorry for the coon, even though he’d committed a crime and become my mortal enemy. With me on his trail, the little guy just didn’t have a chance. One of the disadvantages of being as big and deadly as I am is that you sometimes find yourself in sympathy with the other guy.

      But part of being Head of Ranch Security is learning to ignore that kind of emotion. I mean, to hold down this job, you have to be cold and hard.

      The scent was getting stronger all the time, and it didn’t smell exactly like any coon I’d come across before. All at once I saw him. I stopped dead still and Drover, the little dummy, ran right into me and almost had a heart attack. I guess he thought I was a giant coon or something. It’s hard to say what he thinks.

      The coon was hiding in some bushes about five feet in front of me. I could hear him chewing on something, and that smell was real strong now.

      “What’s that?” Drover whispered, sniffing the air.

      “Coon, what do you think?” I glanced back at him. He was shaking with fear. “You ready for some combat experience?”

      “Yes,” he squeaked.

      “All right, here’s the plan. I’ll jump him and try to get him behind the neck. You come in the second wave and take what you can. If you run away like you did last time, I’ll sweep the corral with you and give you a whupping you won’t forget. All right, let’s move out.”

      I crouched down and crept forward, every muscle in my highly conditioned body taut and ready for action. Five feet, four feet, three feet, two. I sprang СКАЧАТЬ