Название: Natural Language Processing for Social Media
Автор: Diana Inkpen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Программы
Серия: Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
isbn: 9781681738147
List of Figures
2.2 Taxonomy of normalization edits [Baldwin and Li, 2015]
2.3 Arabic dialects distribution and variation across Asia and Africa [Sadat et al., 2014a]
2.4 Division of Arabic dialects in six groups/divisions [Sadat et al., 2014a]
3.2 An original tweet with hashtags in its three possible regions
4.1 Examples of annotated social media posts discussing ADRs [Nikfarjam et al., 2015]
4.2 The DeepHealthMiner neural net architecture [Nikfarjam, 2016]
4.3 SVM-based text mining procedure for impact management [Schniederjans et al., 2013]
A.1 TRANSLI Social Media Analytics and monitoring module architecture
A.2 TRANSLI user interface for event creation module
A.3 TRANSLI user interface for event browsing module
A.4 TRANSLI user interface to present an event. Components are identified with their IDs
List of Tables
1.1 Social media platforms and their characteristics
2.1 Three examples of Twitter texts
2.4 POS tagset from Gimpel et al. [2011]
2.5 Example of tweet parsed with the TweeboParser
3.1 An example of annotation with the true location [Inkpen et al., 2015]
3.3 Mean error distance of predictions on the Eisenstein dataset [Liu and Inkpen, 2015]
3.4 Results for user location prediction on the Roller dataset [Liu and Inkpen, 2015]
3.5 Performance of the classifiers trained on different features for cities [Inkpen et al., 2015]
3.6 Classification results for emotion classes and non-emotion by Ghazi et al. [2014]
3.7 Accuracy of the mood classification by Keshtkar and Inkpen [2012]
3.8 Statistics on hashtag use in the aligned bilingual corpus [Gotti et al., 2014]
3.9 Distribution of hashtags in epilogues and prologues [Gotti et al., 2014]
3.11 Percentage of unknown hashtags to “standard” English and French vocabularies, after automatic segmentation СКАЧАТЬ