The Game Never Ends. Zaire Crown
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Название: The Game Never Ends

Автор: Zaire Crown

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы

Серия: The Game Series

isbn: 9781496725233


СКАЧАТЬ and wet that Marcus joked that she had a Jacuzzi in her pussy.

      She was in a trance with her eyes closed and about to bust again when Marcus suddenly stopped mid-stroke. She knew her man well enough to know he didn’t cum. “Bae, what’s wrong?”

      “You ain’t gone believe this shit,” he whispered low through a mouthful of smoke. “Guess who standing over there lookin’ me right in my muthafuckin’ face?”

      Tuesday glanced across their spacious bedroom and in the gloom could see Tanisha’s tiny silhouette. Their two-year-old daughter stood just inside the half-opened door silently watching them.

      “You forgot to lock it,” hissed Tuesday. She snatched the sheet to cover herself. “Shit! How long she been there?”

      “I don’t know, but just be cool. We ain’t gotta make this weird for her. She too young to know what she seeing anyway. If we don’t act like we doin’ nothing wrong then it’ll be straight.”

      He called to her: “Hey, Nisha. What’cho doin’ outta bed?”

      Tanisha started to whine the way kids do when they think they’re in trouble.

      Marcus put out the blunt and tried to fan away the smoke. “It’s okay Ni Ni, I’m not mad at you. Come here. Come to Da-Da.”

      Tanisha shuffled over to their bed wearing Wonder Woman pajamas and holding the stuffed toy bunny that was her constant companion. Tuesday slid off of Marcus when he picked up his daughter and kissed her forehead.

      “What’s the matter wit’ my baby? Mommy woke you up makin’ all that noise?” Tuesday kicked him under the sheets.

      When Tanisha said she wanted water, Tuesday gave her a few swallows from a glass on the nightstand. Then she climbed in bed between them and made herself comfortable. Tuesday and Marcus just smirked at each other because they knew that sex was a wrap. They were back in Mommy and Daddy mode.

      Tuesday had named Tanisha after her best friend who had been a casualty of the war she fought in Detroit.

      She teased her. “Nisha look like she still sleepy.”

      The little girl shook her head for an emphatic “no” even as she let out a long yawn.

      A few minutes later, Tanisha was resting her head on her father’s chest with a thumb in her mouth. Tuesday was playing with the ends of her daughter’s braided hair.

      “I already ended that situation tonight.” Tuesday saw no reason to keep lying to him when he obviously knew the truth. “I shouldn’t have let it get outta hand like that.”

      He asked, “Was she starting to catch feelings?”

      It took a few seconds before she confessed, “We both were.”

      Marcus gave her a kiss for support. It was his way of saying he appreciated the honesty and she would not be judged. Tuesday loved this about her man. If Tanisha wasn’t there, that would’ve earned him some more head.

      “If you don’t mind me asking, what made you shut it down?”

      She looked into his eyes. “She wanted the one thing from me that I wasn’t willing to give.”

      The conversation Shaun pressed Tuesday to have with Marcus was not in regards to Tuesday leaving him. It was about Shaun joining in. She had proposed a polyamorous relationship where the three of them all lived together as one big happy family.

      Tuesday pretended to think about it, but knew that was never going to happen. She understood how difficult it must have been for Shaun to see Tuesday pull off in her new Benz and head off to her big mansion while being left to struggle in the hood. Tuesday liked spending time with Shaun but wasn’t looking to save a bitch. She damn sure wasn’t looking to share her family or her man.

      Marcus laughed. “I’m just trippin’ cause yo’ boy couldn’t get invited to the party one time.”

      Tuesday was serious. “I don’t mind bringin’ bitches home who come to play. But that bitch wanted to stay.”

      Chapter Six

      Early the next morning Tuesday was back at work simply because she couldn’t skip a second day. The headquarters for Abel Incorporated sat in downtown Los Angeles, occupying a gleaming glass high-rise that resembled a twisted piece of art-deco sculpture. For fourteen years, Abel had grown exponentially until it had become a Fortune 500 company employing over twenty-seven hundred with assets approaching six billion dollars.

      While Brandon lauded their record earnings, Marcus was most proud of its outreach within the urban community. Abel donated heavily each year to numerous causes that provided entrepreneurial opportunities or scholarships for minorities nationwide. Marcus was very passionate about them giving back. Many times Tuesday had heard him lecture on how it was their civic responsibility as a black-owned company. Her husband and stepfather disagreed on exactly how much responsibility.

      While she knew Marcus’s intentions were sincere, Tuesday secretly felt that his generosity was motivated by guilt. For years he had flooded those very same communities with drugs, contributing to the crime, poverty and overall destruction.

      This was his way of paying restitution. Years back, she peeped the biblical connection between a man who had done so much evil under the name Caine trying to do good using the name Abel.

      Tuesday always tried to downplay her sexy at work. She wore a navy-blue custom Dior pant-suit that didn’t draw too much attention to her curves. She complemented the look with a white blouse and heels appropriate for the office. Insecurity still made her feel like all the white faces stared at her.

      The CEO’s office was on the seventieth floor. It was a massive space with plush carpeting and ultra-modern decor. The walls consisted of wooden tiles in a layered herringbone pattern, except for the rear, which was a floor-to-ceiling picture window. Its sliding door led to a narrow balcony, but the potential seven-hundred-foot drop made Tuesday enjoy her scenic view of the Pacific coast from behind the tempered glass.

      Tuesday was relieved when her secretary told her she had a light agenda with no tedious meetings; however, that quickly changed when she found a mountain of paperwork waiting on the desk. Brandon’s office had delivered thirty different reports from twelve departments that needed to be read and signed by the day’s end.

      When she first took her new identity as Tabitha Green, Marcus had given her a driver’s license, birth certificate, social security card, medical records, along with detailed work and credit histories. Later he added a Master’s in Business Administration once he decided to make her CEO. The forged degree from Wharton hung on the wall.

      Tuesday had never stepped on a college campus and feared those working under her could sense it.

      In their presence she knew to tone down the slang, to speak proper English. She knew so many others within the company were more qualified. The woman she sent on Starbucks runs actually had more education than she.

      All these concerns were voiced to Marcus from the start, but as usual, he had convinced her she could handle it by running some smooth shit on her. He explained that a conductor doesn’t know how to play every instrument in his orchestra. It’s only his job to delegate, to make sure the wind, string, СКАЧАТЬ