Blood at the Bookies. Simon Brett
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Название: Blood at the Bookies

Автор: Simon Brett

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: A Fethering Mystery

isbn: 9781448304806


СКАЧАТЬ business still looked fairly healthy. And, from her own point of view, she thought the smoking ban was an inestimable improvement. It was now possible to spend five minutes in a betting shop without emerging reeking of tobacco.

      As the horses on the screen lined up for the 1.40, a change came over the room. Even with the number of races scheduled – at least three meetings for the horses, interspersed with the greyhounds, not to mention computer-generated virtual racing – there was still a moment of intense concentration before the ‘off’ of each one.

      ‘Come on, Girton Girl, you can do it,’ said the decorator Wes.

      ‘No way,’ said Sonny Frank. ‘Iffy jumper if ever I saw one. Came down three out last time out at Uttoxeter.’

      ‘But that was the jockey,’ Vic, the other decorator, countered. ‘Useless apprentice. She’s got McCoy up today.’

      ‘Which is why she’s down to eleven to eight,’ Wes contributed.

      ‘Still an iffy jumper.’

      ‘What you on then, Sonny?’

      ‘The winner.’

      ‘Oh yeah? So you’re on Girton Girl too, are you?’

      The globular old man chuckled. ‘No, no, I recognize rubbish when I see it. Remember – bookies never lose.’

      ‘Ex-bookies do,’ said Wes.

      ‘Ssh, they’re away,’ said Vic.

      There was an animated exchange between the Chinese waiters and then a moment of relative silence – interrupted only by the endless jingles from the slot machines and the hiss of the sleet-storm outside – descended on the room as the punters listened to the race commentary. One horse had got left at the start and, by the time it got into its running, was some seven lengths away from its nearest rival. The horse was Nature’s Vacuum. Oh dear, thought Jude.

      The odds-on favourite, Girton Girl, meanwhile, seemed contemptuous of her opposition and swept over the first fence four lengths ahead of the rest of the field.

      ‘Gone too soon,’ shouted Sonny Frank.

      ‘Cobblers,’ came the riposte from Wes. ‘That horse stays like the mother-in-law.’

      ‘Others never going to catch her,’ Vic agreed.

      ‘Don’t you believe it,’ said Sonny.

      Amongst the desultory cries of ‘Yes, yes!’ and ‘Move it, you lump of cat’s meat!’ Jude was vaguely aware that a new customer had come into the betting shop. He was a man in his twenties, his face pale and pinched. The reddish hair was cut very short and he was muffled up in a dark blue overcoat that looked almost naval. His head and shoulders were frosted with ice. He stood by the doorway, as though looking for someone. He swayed slightly. Perhaps he’d had too good a lunch at the Crown and Anchor. Jude was too preoccupied with the race to take much notice of him. And a shout from Sonny Frank of ‘What did I tell you, Jude?’ brought her attention firmly back to the screen.

      And yes, after that pathetic start, Nature’s Vacuum was slowly picking his way through the field. First past the exhausted stragglers, then the one-paced hopefuls, till he’d got himself up to fourth place.

      Jude found herself instinctively joining in the shouts of encouragement. ‘Come on, Nature’s Vacuum!’ she yelled.

      Three fences to go. Nature’s Vacuum looked full of running. But then so did the favourite. The distance between Girton Girl and the second horse was increasing rather than diminishing. She avoided the fate that had ended her hopes at Uttoxeter, and sailed over the third from last like a gazelle.

      ‘Hang on in there, Nature’s Vacuum!’ shouted Jude. But for the first time she was assailed by doubt. Sonny’s tip had been right in a sense. Nature’s Vacuum was a good prospect, certainly much better than the odds suggested, and maybe he’d soon win a race. But it didn’t look like being this one at Wincanton.

      The contest wasn’t over yet, though. With an effort of will she clamped down on her negative thoughts. Her horse remained upright, she was still in with the chance of a hundred quid. ‘Come on, Nature’s Vacuum! You can do it!’

      At the penultimate fence the horse came up alongside the long-time second, and put in a flying leap which gave him a length advantage. But he still had five lengths to make up on the leading filly, who looked to be coasting home.

      ‘That’s the way, Gertie!’ shouted Wes.

      ‘Go on, my son!’ roared Vic. (People in racing have never been too specific about the names and genders of horses.)

      Sonny Frank and Jude just sat and watched.

      Running up to the last, Nature’s Vacuum maybe picked up half a length, but it looked like being too little, too late. Wes and Vic’s beams threatened to split their faces. ‘Come on, my son!’ they roared together. There was no way Girton Girl could lose.

      National Hunt racing, though, is an unpredictable sport. The favourite approached the last at a slight angle, cleared it fine, but then veered alarmingly off towards the rail. Nature’s Vacuum took a dead straight line and put in a superb jump. That, together with Girton Girl’s detour, meant that by the time the two horses were again together on the run-in, the second was less than a length behind. Both jockeys flashed away with their whips and used every ounce of their own energy to drive their horses forward. Nature’s Vacuum drew alongside, then Girton Girl seemed to find a new reservoir of strength and regained the lead. But neither wanted to come second, and Nature’s Vacuum surged again.

      They crossed the line together and the photograph was called.

      ‘Which one was it?’ shrieked Jude.

      ‘Gertie got there,’ declared Wes with dispiriting certainty.

      ‘I wouldn’t be so sure,’ said Sonny. ‘The angle’s deceptive at Wincanton. I think the other one’s the winner.’ Still he didn’t declare an interest in either horse.

      ‘And I think the result’s coming …’ the commentator announced.

      ‘Number Four,’ boomed over the racecourse’s PA system. ‘The winner was Number Four. Second, Number Seven. Third, Number Two. The distances were a short head and seven lengths.’

      Jude turned with glee to look at Sonny Frank. The old bookie winked at her.

      ‘Always knew it was a crap horse,’ said Wes, crumpling up his betting slip.

      ‘Iffy jumper,’ Vic agreed, doing the same.

      And the two of them went off to do a few minutes’ decorating before the next race. Outside, the sleet had stopped as suddenly as it had started.

      In a state of euphoria Jude rushed towards the counter. The young man in the naval overcoat was still swaying by the doorway. She grinned at him, feeling benevolent towards the entire world, and was rewarded by a weak but rather charming smile which revealed discoloured teeth.

      Jude went to collect her hundred and five pounds (a hundred winnings, five pound stake) from an impassive Nikki and once again turned to thank Sonny.