Worldly Wisdom and Foolish Grace. Barbara Carnegie Campbell
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Название: Worldly Wisdom and Foolish Grace

Автор: Barbara Carnegie Campbell

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781725270220


СКАЧАТЬ is as a complete lay person in this regard. I hope I have been able to simply remind you of some of the social issues we have all been hearing about, so that you can see the stark contrast between how culture and politics view these situations and how people of faith are called to think differently. That contrast and contradiction of views is what makes these ten lessons seem so foolish to our cultural ears. The lessons from Abraham’s Tent seem “foolish” because they can only be understood and followed when you stand on a foundation of pure grace, pure unapologetic, undeserved, unconditional grace that allows pure love to flow.

      I hope you find it inspiring, remarkable and convicting that these ten important life messages that Rabbi Jesus taught are also shared by Jews and Muslims and, for that matter, by almost every other major world religion. It is also telling that these ten lessons are some of the hardest instructions we will ever hear these great leaders telling us to follow. They are, undoubtedly, the lessons that most of the children of Abraham find most difficult to follow. I invite you to reflect bravely and boldly on the “foolish” grace that lies within the opposite and challenging lessons that Abraham’s Tent taught throughout the ages and that their disciples continue to believe are possible through living with compassion and humility.

      This is not, in the end, your typical “What would Jesus do?” book. Life is complicated and these lessons will not speak to every situation we face today. They might give us a place to start, however. I hope they will encourage us to continue looking and listening for answers that will build the peaceable and beloved community. I hope you will find some comfort and guidance in these texts and be encouraged to continue digging.

      I invite you to consider these thoughts just the beginning of a conversation about how we should live in community with others. I hope that you will continue the conversation that this study only begins throughout your life of learning and growing.

      It is harder today than ever to speak the words of “foolish grace” to a culture that is filled with the “worldly wisdom” that proclaims hatred, fear, prejudice, violence, conspiracy theories, denial of science and the normalcy of sexism, misogyny, and extremism. My goal is to give you a lens to understand that there are other ways to a greater truth and a more compassionate way to respond.

      Go out into the world with courage. The peace of God be with you and hold you tight. These are hard lesson to hear. I know I need to hear them, none-the-less, every day, over and over again. I pray you will give these holy and sacred lessons a chance. I hope you will be able to see and understand beyond my feeble attempts to do these lessons the justice they deserve. I hope you will let them speak to you and move you in a new direction, even if just for a moment, for perhaps we have all been called “to such a time as this.” (Esth 4:14)


      I have recently started writing down before I get into my bed, at least three things for which I feel grateful. My list of “Gratitude” is in my journal beside my list of “To do” and “Worries.” I have found that listing these things makes my mind stop going over it all and let’s me fall asleep easily. It’s really just turning it all over to a divine spirit that I trust created and cares for me and the entire world day and night.

      Writing an acknowledgement page is another opportunity, some say, to recognize all for which I am grateful in this one life I’ve been given. (Other say be short and specific to the book, but that’s no fun!) I am most grateful for that loving and mysterious Spirit that I have felt beside and within me since I was a young, introverted child, looking at the world from inside what felt like a box of one way mirrors. I could see out but no one out there could see in. Thanks be to God, for the life of faith I’ve been led down, a life of unconditional love, grace, and acceptance. I only wish I could have lived it with less worry, which has felt like the greatest sorrow God may have felt about my life.

      God has blessed me by being present in the people in my life. My life’s journey has brought me to so many people who taught me, through their words and actions, just what I needed to learn. I wish I could mention and thank each of you personally. I pray you know who you are. I have been incredibly fortunate to have walked with the best of the best.

      Each of the congregations I was called to serve taught me about pastoring with their gentle assurance and patience. The senior pastors I served beside taught me the things I truly needed to know about ministry. To my beloved church families, you who are too numerous to name, I say, always and forever, “You each have a very special place in my heart.”

      My dear friends at the P’nai Or Jewish Renewal Congregation and Rizwan Ahmadiyya Mosque not only welcomed me openly and encouraged my questions and stumbling along the path of coming to understand their faith traditions, but made my faith journey whole. Many thanks to my brothers and sisters at P’nai Or: including Rabbi Aryeh, z’tl, Rabbi David, Rabbah Deborah, Cantor Baruck, Magiddahs Batya and Rivkah, mentor Milt, and every one of those “faces of light” who became family to me. Your lives are indeed a blessing to me. To you, always and forever, I say, “Shalom aleichem!”

      My dear family at Rizwan Mosque: Harris and Yasemin, Arif and Naila, Shazia, the dear children and youth from Abraham’s Tent, and all the dear Rizwan members also welcomed, blessed, and taught me a faith that is so much deeper. To you, always and forever, I say, “as-Salâm Alaikum.”

      I traveled this interfaith journey as part of the Interfaith Council of Greater Portland. to Kyra, Liathana, David, and all my ICGP friends, thank you for your friendship and dedication to our cause. Angela, you changed my understanding of the faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and my own faith more than any other Christian I know.

      Friends leave special marks on our souls. From Laurel, who became my first and lifelong best–friend at the age of five, to Chris, my high school and Girl Scout partner–in–crime, to beloved “Bones” in college, soulmates Rob and Do in seminary, and my weekly coffee/counseling buddies, I am who I am because of your grace-filled spirits and I think of you often with great joy.

      This writing would not have been accomplished without the friendship and encouragement of Leas, who first encouraged me to write a book of sermons and kept me at it for lo, these many years. Leas taught me about the Peshita and is a biblical scholar far beyond my pastoral training. He was my first editor, in fact, helping me dig through some of the most difficult passages. Thanks also to the incredibly professional and helpful staff and editors at Wipf and Stock who answered my email–pleas almost daily with patience and support, even during the Covid-19 quarantine.

      I am so grateful that I have a family filled with support, laughter, and love. To my siblings and in-laws, my adventurous and loving children: son, Matthew and daughter-in-law Eden, and daughter, Laurel, and the most amazing grandkids Mackey could ever have wished for, thank you for all your love and support every day.

      Most of all, to Capi, my lifeline, my partner–in–crime, and my bff! Thank you! Again and again! Without you I’d have missed out on so many historical markers, tiny flowers, birds singing, squirrels playing, moons shining, and the love of many four–legged furry pets!! And, yes, editor Capi, this is obviously too many exclamation points!!


      Scripture Abbreviations

      Elder Testament

      Gen Genesis

      Exod Exodus

      Lev Leviticus

      Num Numbers

      Deut Deuteronomy

      1 Kgs First Kings

      2 СКАЧАТЬ