A Treasury of War Poetry: British and American Poems of the World War 1914-1917 (WWI Centenary Series). G. H. Clarke
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СКАЧАТЬ Joseph Lee and the Spectator:—”German Prisoners.”

      Mr. E. V. Lucas and the Sphere:—”The Debt.”

      Mr. Walter de la Mare and the London Times:—”’How Sleep the Brave!’”; Mr. de la Mare and the Westminster Gazette:—”The Fool Rings his Bells.”

      Mr. Edward Marsh, literary executor of the late Rupert Brooke:—”The Soldier” and “The Dead.”

      Mr. Thomas L. Masson:—”The Red Cross Nurses,” from the Red Cross Magazine.

      Lieutenant Charles Langbridge Morgan and the Westminster Gazette:—”To America.”

      Sir Henry Newbolt:—”The Vigil”; “The War Films”; “The Toy Band,” and “A Letter from the Front.”

      Mr. Alfred Noyes:—”Princeton, May, 1917”; “The Searchlights” (London Times), “A Prayer in Time of War” (London Daily Mail), and “Kilmeny.”

      Mr. Will H. Ogilvie:—”Canadians.”

      Mr. Barry Pain and the London Times:—”The Kaiser and God.”

      Miss Marjorie Pickthall and the London Times:—”Canada to England.”

      Canon H.D. Dawnsley and the Westminster Gazette:—”At St. Paul‘s, April 20, 1917.”

      Dr. Charles Alexander Richmond:—”A Song.”

      Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Ronald Ross and the Poetry Review:—”The Death of Peace.”

      Mr. Robert Haven Schauffler:—”The White Comrade.”

      Mr. W. Snow and the Spectator:—”Oxford in War-Time.”

      Mrs. Grace Ellery Channing Stetson and the New York Tribune:—”Qui Vive?”

      Mr. Rowland Thirlmere and the Poetry Review:—”Jimmy Doane.”

      Mrs. Ada Turrell and the Saturday Review:—”My Son.”

      Dr. Henry van Dyke and the London Times:—”Liberty Enlightening the World,” and “Mare Liberum”; Dr. van Dyke and the Art World: “The Name of France.”

      Mr. Tertius van Dyke and the Spectator:—”Oxford Revisited in War-Time.“

      Mrs. Edith Wharton:—”Belgium,” from King Albert’s Book (Hearst’s International Library Company).

      Mr. George Edward Woodberry and the Boston Herald:—”On the Italian Front, MCMXVI”; Mr. Woodberry, the New York Times and the North American Review:—”Sonnets Written in the Fall of 1914.”

      The Athenaeum:—”A Cross in Flanders,” by G. Rostrevor Hamilton.

      The Poetry Review:—”The Messines Road,” by Captain J.E. Stewart; “— But a Short Time to Live,” by the late Sergeant Leslie Coulson.

      The Spectator:—”The Challenge of the Guns,” by Private A.N. Field.

      The London Times:—”To Our Fallen” and “A Petition,” by the late Lieutenant Robert Ernest Vernède.

      The Westminster Gazette:—”Lines Written in Surrey, 1917,” by George Herbert Clarke.

      Messrs. Barse & Hopkins:—”Fleurette,” by Robert W. Service.

      The Cambridge University Press and Professor William R. Sorley:— “Expectans Expectavi”; “’All the Hills and Vales Along,’” and “Two Sonnets,” by the late Captain Charles Hamilton Sorley, from Marlborough and Other Poems.

      Messrs. Chatto & Windus:—”Fulfilment” and “The Day’s March,” by Robert Nichols.

      Messrs. Constable & Company:—”Pro Patria,” “Thomas of the Light Heart,” and “To Belgium in Exile,” by Sir Owen Seaman, from War-Time; “To France” and “Requiescant,” by Canon and Major Frederick George Scott, from In the Battle Silences.

      Messrs. E. P. Dutton & Company:—”To a Soldier in Hospital” (the Spectator); “Chaplain to the Forces” and “The Spires of Oxford” (Westminster Gazette), by Winifred M. Letts, from Hallowe’en, and Poems of the War; “A Chant of Love for England,” by Helen Gray Cone, from A Chant of Love for England, and Other Poems (published also by J.M. Dent & Sons, Limited, London).

      Lawrence J. Gomme:—”Italy in Arms,” by Clinton Scollard, from Italy in Arms, and Other Poems.

      Messrs. Houghton Mifflin Company:—”To the Belgians”; “Men of Verdun”; “The Anvil”; “Edith Cavell”; “The Healers” and “For the Fallen,” by Laurence Binyon, from The Cause (published also by Elkin Mathews, London, in The Anvil and The Winnowing Fan); “Headquarters,” by Captain Gilbert Frankau, from A Song of the Guns; “Place de la Concorde” and “In War-Time,” by Florence Earle Coates, from The

      Collected Poems of Florence Earle Coates; “Harvest Moon” and “Harvest Moon, 1915,” by Josephine Preston Peabody, from Harvest Moon; “The Mobilization in Brittany” and “The Journey,” by Grace Fallow Norton, from Roads, and “Rheims Cathedral—1914,” by Grace Hazard Conkling, from Afternoons of April.

      John Lane:—”The Kaiser and Belgium,” by the late Stephen Phillips.

      The John Lane Company:—”The Wife of Flanders,” by Gilbert K. Chesterton, from Poems (published also by Messrs. Burns and Gates, London); “The Soldier,” and “The Dead,” by the late Lieutenant Rupert Brooke, from The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke (published also by Messrs. Sidgwick & Jackson, London, in 19l4, and Other Poems).

      Erskine Macdonald:—The following poems from Soldier Poets:—”The Beach Road by the Wood,” by Lieutenant Geoffrey Howard; “Before Action,” by the late Lieutenant W.N. Hodgson (“Edward Melbourne”); “Courage,” by

      Lieutenant Dyneley Hussey; “Optimism,” by Lieutenant A. Victor Ratcliffe; “The Battlefield,” by Major Sidney Oswald; “To an Old Lady Seen at a Guest-House for Soldiers,” by Corporal Alexander Robertson; “The Casualty Clearing Station,” by Lieutenant Gilbert Waterhouse; and

      “Hills of Home,” by Lance-Corporal Malcolm Hemphrey.

      The Macmillan Company:—”To Belgium”; “Verdun”; “To a Mother,” and “Song of the Red Cross,” by Eden Phillpotts, from Plain Song, 1914-1916 (published also by William Heinemann, London); “The Island of Skyros,” by John Masefield; “Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight,” from The Congo and Other Poems, by Vachel Lindsay; “O Glorious France,” by Edgar Lee Masters, from Songs and Satires; “Christmas, 1915,” from Poems and Plays, by Percy MacKaye; “The Hellgate of Soissons,” by Herbert Kaufman, from The Hellgate of Soissons; “Spring in War-Time,” by Sara Teasdale, from Rivers to the Sea; and “Retreat,” “The Messages,” and “Between the Lines,” by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson.

      Messrs. Macmillan & Company:—”Australia to England,” by Archibald T. Strong, from Sonnets of the Empire, and “Men Who March Away,” by Thomas Hardy, from Satires of Circumstance.

      Elkin СКАЧАТЬ