Christina, Book 3: Consciousness Creates Peace. Christina von Dreien
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Название: Christina, Book 3: Consciousness Creates Peace

Автор: Christina von Dreien

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Зарубежная психология

Серия: Christina

isbn: 9783905831702


СКАЧАТЬ people wonder how they can increase their vibration. As I see it, the easiest way is to go along with the individual learning processes that are currently on the agenda in your own life without resistance. That’s all. This alone increases your vibration. Nature has arranged everything so that the most important things in our lives are uncomplicated and just happen. If we feel joy in our lives, if we feel good and if we’re optimistic that the world will change for the better – no matter what it looks like at the moment and what it might look like in the near future – then our vibration increases automatically.

      Unconditional love is not something we go looking for somewhere outside of ourselves, and then pick up and integrate within ourselves. It’s what all of us are, eternally, in our true being. Every soul has its ultimate origin in the Source, in God, and therefore every soul always carries unconditional love in its innermost core.

      Our heart is the gateway to our soul. As we move more and more into our heart and dissolve the many layers that cover our innermost core – conditioning, patterns, prejudices, opinions and so on, both in our day consciousness and in our subconscious – we move closer to this unconditional love, layer by layer. We don’t just “click!” into unconditional love, it’s a process. We recognise which patterns from the past are no longer relevant and beneficial, and then we release these patterns that are blocking us one by one and dissolve them. Step by step, through finally letting the past be the past and by dissolving our blockages, we gain an expanded perspective and a fresh view of ourselves, of our life and of the world – a new state of consciousness. In this way, we move ever closer to our innermost core. The more our personal vibration increases, through letting go of these patterns and by changing our consciousness, the faster the mist that lies between our day consciousness and our subconscious can dissolve. It’s as if the sun slowly rises above the mist and evaporates it. This is how our innermost core and the source of our being emerge more and more: unconditional love.

      But for that to happen, we need to look at our subconscious because this plays an important role in all of this. For example, person A may not feel anger or hatred towards person B in their day consciousness. But due to some previous event, there is still repressed anger or hatred against person B in person A’s subconscious. In order for unconditional love to flow, the links and emotions stored in the subconscious have to be made conscious and then either be dissolved or overwritten with constructive energy.

      We can become aware of and look at things from the past as well as things that are no longer relevant, but it’s important that we no longer identify with them. Because as long as we think we’re still identical with the person who experienced this or that in the past, we’re not really able to dissolve it. Instead of thinking like this, we can switch to the observer perspective and realise that in our past this or that event took place, but that we ourselves have long since arrived at another point in our development. In this way, we overwrite the old programs and patterns with our new consciousness.

      Unconditional loving begins with self-love. As long as we have no love for ourselves, it’s difficult for us to either find love outside or to carry love out into the world. This is because we radiate everything we carry within us outwards into the world through our vibration. And what we radiate outwards then manifests in our lives. That’s cosmic law. As long as we have no self-love, we don’t radiate love, and so love, which is present everywhere in the world, can’t reach us because it’s unable to find anything in us to dock on to.

      It can be said that there are two different groups of people on Earth today. The first group are those who still believe that violence can only be stopped by force and that wars are needed to create peace. The second group are those who have already understood that this doesn’t work because by responding to violence, anger, hatred and condemnation with counter-violence, with more anger, hatred and condemnation, you strengthen these low energies so that they never stop.

      The solution is to react to violence and war with a different energy, an energy that has a higher frequency than the problem: with love! Every war in the world had its beginning in a lack of love. And it’s a law that a problem and the solution to the problem never lie on the same vibration frequency. The solution to a particular problem always lies on a higher frequency than the problem itself.

      I’ll give you an example: Imagine standing somewhere in the mountains in front of a dark cave entrance from which black clouds are emerging. There are people living in this cave who consider manipulation, violence and war a good idea, who nourish hostile thinking and who do all kinds of things that serve the unlight. These people see and know nothing but their dark clouds. Now, among them, there are some people who feel that something isn’t right and who no longer want to remain trapped in the cave. The problem is that while they can think they’d like to live differently, they don’t know how to. Because it’s so dark, they also don’t know where the cave’s exit is and how they could get out. I’m sure there are people like that everywhere, in every conflict, who want to get out of the dark cave.

      Our responsibility and task – as those standing outside the cave in the light, who don’t live in a consciousness dominated by hostile thinking, manipulation or violence – is to send light into the cave. That is, we send in positive energies in the form of golden clouds. These can be good feelings such as hope, joy, confidence, lightness, optimism and trust, but above all the two energies of forgiveness and love. Without forgiveness, there will continue to be an atmosphere of discord. Only when we’re able to make peace with the past and forgive the dark beings for their actions will we be able to meet them with unconditional love. It’s a huge challenge to send our love to those unlight beings who feel no love for us at all. But every human being and every other living being – even beings of unlight – should be given the chance again and again to turn to the Divine and enter into the light.

      We can best forgive the unlight by realising that we have much cause to be grateful for everything we’ve experienced in the past, both individually as souls and collectively as humanity. As Earth people, this is our master’s examination: to learn to let our love flow to all living beings, even if circumstances are difficult.

      Our golden clouds of forgiveness and unconditional love have to be larger and stronger than the dark clouds inside the cave if the people in the cave are to be able to see them at all and be able to accept them – should they want to. Like a bright ray of light, these golden clouds will show those in the cave who are consciously or subconsciously looking for the exit – and who are ready to accept our gift – the way to freedom. Others will choose not to accept our offering of light and will remain trapped in the cave. This should also be respected. We can also leave the golden clouds of our love in the cave, so that anyone who wants to can come back to them sometime later and undergo transformation. Love is patient, very patient.

      Love has a very strong transformative power, meaning it has the ability to transform negative things into positive things. The same goes for humour, by the way. However, a single person alone can’t transform the world but a large number of people can. The more people who begin sending golden love clouds into the darkness of our time, the faster crisis situations will cease to be solved with violence, and will be solved with love instead. This is our common learning process, which we have all been involved in for thousands of years – alongside the individual learning processes we go through in our various incarnations. Unconditional love is our collective learning task as humanity, and it’s only this unconditional love that will enable lasting peace in this world.

      We can recognise our personal learning theme, our personal learning task in life, by the fact that it comes up again and again. If your life keeps confronting you with similar, unpleasant situations, then this is exactly where your learning task lies. The СКАЧАТЬ