The 20 Principles of the Alexander Discipline, Volume 2. R.G. "Wick" Alexander
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Название: The 20 Principles of the Alexander Discipline, Volume 2

Автор: R.G. "Wick" Alexander

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Медицина

Серия: Volume

isbn: 9780867155419


СКАЧАТЬ alt="e9780867155419_i0017.jpg"/>

      Figs 1-2w and 1-2x Final occlusal views. Final maxillary intermolar width: 32.1 mm; final mandibular intercanine width: 28.0 mm.


      Fig 1-2y Final cephalometric tracing.


      Fig 1-2z Final panoramic radiograph showing root positions and partial denture placement on the left side.


      Figs 1-2aa to 1-2cc Facial views 20 years posttreatment.


      Figs 1-2dd to 1-2ff Intraoral views 20 years posttreatment.


      Figs 1-2gg and 1-2hh Occlusal views 20 years posttreatment. The patient being an adult at the beginning of treatment, the bonded 3 × 3 has remained in position.

      Table 1-1 Archwire sequence

ArchwireDuration (months)
0.0175 multistrand SS1
0.016 SS8
17 × 25 SS14
Active treatment time:23 months
0.0175 multistrand SS3
17 × 25 multistrand SS2
17 × 25 SS12
Active treatment time:17 months

      Table 1-2 Individualized forces

ForceDuration (months)
Coil (maxillary left21
second premolar)
Bite plate12
Class II5
Buccal box1

      Case 1-2


      This patient was first examined when my office had been open for only 12 days, at which time I had no education in treating mixed dentition malocclusions or any guidance in the use of cervical facebows.

       Examination and diagnosis

      A 7-year-old girl presented a mixed dentition with a Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. Her overbite was 4 mm, she had an overjet of 7 mm, and there was a mandibular arch-length discrepancy of 4 mm in the mixed dentition. The treatment objectives included the correction of the overjet and Class II molar relationship without the removal of permanent teeth.

       Treatment plan

      The treatment plan called for banding the maxillary permanent teeth (2 × 4) with a tied-back archwire and having the patient wear a cervical facebow 12 to 14 hours a day. If I were treating this patient today, I would divide this treatment into two phases, but at the time, I continued treatment until the permanent teeth could be banded and properly positioned.


      Total treatment time was 39 months. The patient was retained with a maxillary wrap-around retainer and mandibular 3 × 3 for 3 years.


      Postretention records were taken 40 years after starting her treatment (36 years posttreatment and 33 years postretention). Final results demonstrate a very stable dentition in keeping with the goals we hope to attain in all of our cases.

      This patient will always be remembered as my first mixed dentition and cervical facebow case. Without my having experience to predict a successful result, this patient cooperated and taught me valuable lessons in Class II treatment and eventually was used as an American Board case in 1972.

      Table 1-3 Archwire sequence

ArchwireDuration (months)
0.014 SS12
0.016 SS7
17 × 25 SS20
Active treatment time:39 months
0.014 SS2
0.018 SS6
Active treatment time:8 months

      Table 1-4 Individualized forces

ForceDuration (months)
Cervical facebow20

      Case 1-2


      Figs 1-3a to 1-3c Pretreatment facial views, age 7 years. (a) Soft tissue profile shows retrognathic mandible. (b) Frontal view shows lips strained. (c) Smile shows flared anterior teeth.


      Figs 1-3d to 1-3f Pretreatment intraoral models show a Class II molar relationship, an overbite of 4 mm, and an overjet of 7 mm.


      Figs 1-3g and 1-3h Pretreatment occlusal models. Initial maxillary intermolar width: 28.6 mm; initial mandibular intercanine width: 25.5 mm. (g) Maxillary midline diastema is present, along with flared anterior teeth. (h) Mandibular discrepancy of 4 mm.


      Fig 1-3i Pretreatment cephalometric tracing shows a Class II, Division 1 malocclusion and a retrognathic mandible.


      Figs 1-3j to 1-3l Final facial views, age 10 years. (j) Soft tissue profile is balanced. (k) Frontal view shows lips together with no strain. (l) Smile shows nice balance.