A Book of Simples. Various
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Название: A Book of Simples

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 4057664633996


СКАЧАТЬ To make Cherry Water.

       94. Almond Puddings.

       95. Quince Cream.

       96. My Lady Ingrams Cream.

       97. To make Pyramid Cream.

       98. To make Gimboles.

       99. Biskit Approvea.

       100. Sugar Cakes.

       101. To make Jelly.

       102. To preserve Green Walnuts.

       103. To make Cheesecakes.

       104. To Preserve Green Apricocks.

       105. To Preserve Goosberrys.

       106. To Preserve Sweet Lemons or Oranges.

       107. To make Black Puddings.

       108. To make White Puddings.

       109. To make a Posset.

       110. To make a Sullibub.

       111. To make a Snow to put on the Sullibub.

       112. To make Clouted Cream.

       113. The Red Surfet Water for any Surfet.

       114. To make French Bread.

       115. To Dry Apricocks.

       116. To make Plumme Gimbols.

       117. To dry Cherrys Red.

       118. To make Bean Cakes.

       119. The Cabbidge Cream.

       120. To make Paste of Apricocks.

       121. Angelicoe Cakes.

       122. To make a Lemon Cream.

       123. A Clouted Cream.

       124. To pickle Mushroms.

       125. To preserve White Quinces whole.

       126. To preserve Goosberrys.

       127. To make Jelly.

       128. To preserve Rasberrys.

       129. To preserve Oranges.

       130. To souce Pigg.

       131. To preserve Apricocks.

       132. A Sweet Bag.

       133. To coller Beef.

       134. Cherry Wine.

       135. Little Cakes to be baked in Pans.

       136. To make a Carrot Pudding.

       137. A Cream.

       138. To make a Flesh Cheese.

       139. A Cordiall Organy Water.

       140. To Salt Hams or Tongues.

       141. Dr. Moors admired Pills.

       142. To make Almond Puddings.

       143. To make Sawcidges. СКАЧАТЬ