Sandy. Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice
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Название: Sandy

Автор: Alice Caldwell Hegan Rice

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664601742


СКАЧАТЬ collecting his few possessions, he rolled them into a bundle, and slipping the surprised kitten into his pocket, he gladly followed Ricks once more out into the broad green meadows, along the white and shining roads that lead over the hills to Kentucky.

       Table of Contents


      "This here is too blame slow fer me," said Ricks, one chilly night in late September, as he and Sandy huddled against a haystack and settled up their weekly accounts.

      "Fifty-five cents! Now ain't that a' o'nery dab? Here's a quarter fer you and thirty cents fer me; that's as even as you kin split it."

      "It's the microscopes that'll be sellin'," said Sandy, hopefully, as he pulled his coat collar about his ears and shivered. "The man as sold 'em to me said they was a great bargain entirely. He thought there was money in 'em."

      "For him," said Ricks, contemptuously. " It's like the man what gulled us on the penknives. I lay to git even with him, all right."

      "But he give us the night's lodgin' and some breakfast," said Sandy.

      Ricks took a long drink from a short bottle, then holding it before him, he said impressively: "A feller could do me ninety-nine good turns, and if he done me one bad one it would wipe 'em all out. I got to git even with anybody what does me dirty, if it takes me all my life."

      "But don't you forget to remember?"

      "Not me. I ain't that kind."

      Sandy leaned wearily against the haystack and tried to shelter himself from the wind. A continued diet of bread and water had made him sensitive to the changes in the weather.

      "This here grub is kinder hard on yer head-rails," said Ricks, trying to bite through a piece of stale bread. A baker had let them have three loaves for a dime because they were old and hard.

       Sandy cast a longing look at Ricks's short bottle. It seemed to remedy so many ills, heat or cold, thirst or hunger. But the strict principles applied during his tender years made him hesitate.

      "I wish we hadn't lost the kitten," he said, feeling the need of a more cheerful companion.

      "I'm a-goin' to git another dawg," announced Ricks. "I'm sick of this here doin's."

      "Ain't we goin' to be turfmen?" asked Sandy, who had listened by the hour to thrilling accounts of life on the track, and had accepted Ricks's ambition as his own.

      "Not on twenty cents per week," growled Ricks.

      Sandy's heart sank; he knew what a new dog meant. He burrowed in the hay and tried to sleep, but there was a queer pain that seemed to catch hold of his breath whenever he breathed down deep.

      It rained the next day, and they tramped disconsolately through village after village.

       They had oil-cloth covers for their baskets, but their own backs were soaked to the skin.

      Toward evening they came to the top of a hill, from which they could look directly down upon a large town lying comfortably in the crook of a river's elbow. The rain had stopped, and the belated sun, struggling through the clouds, made up for lost time by reflecting itself in every curve of the winding stream, in every puddle along the road, and in every pane of glass that faced the west.

      "That's a nobby hoss," said Ricks, pointing down the hill. "What's the matter with the feller?"

      A slight, delicate-looking young man was lying in the road, between the horse and the fence. As the boys came up he stirred and tried to rise.

      "He's off his nut," said Ricks, starting to pass on; but Sandy stopped.

      "Get a fall?" he asked.

      The strange boy shook his head. "I guess I fainted. I must have ridden too hard. I'll be all right in a minute." He leaned his head against a tree and closed his eyes.

      Sandy eyed him curiously, taking in all the details of his riding-costume down to the short whip with the silver mounting.

      "I say, Ricks," he called to his companion, who was inspecting the horse, "can't we do somethin' for him?"

      Ricks reluctantly produced the short bottle.

      "I'm all right," insisted the boy, "if you'll just give me a lift to the saddle." But his eager eyes followed the bottle, and before Ricks had returned it to his pocket he held out his hand. "I believe I will take a drink if you don't mind." He drained the contents and then handed a coin to Ricks.

      "Now, if you'll help me," continued the stranger. "There! Thank you very much."

      "Say, what town is this, anyway?" asked Ricks.

      "Clayton," said the boy, trying to keep his horse from backing.

      "Looks like somethin' was doin'," said Ricks.

      "Circus, I believe."

      "Then I don't blame your nag for wantin' to go back!" cried Sandy. "Come on, Ricks; let's take in the show!"

      Half-way down the hill he turned. "Haven't we seen that fellow before, Ricks?"

      "Not as I knows of. He looked kinder pale and shaky, but you bet yer life he knowed how to hit the bottle."

      "He was sick," urged Sandy.

      "An' thirsty," added Ricks, with a smile of superior wisdom.

      The circus seemed such a timely opportunity to do business that they decided to rent a stand that night and sell their wares on the street corner. Ricks went on into town to arrange matters, while Sandy stopped in a grocery to buy their supper. His interest in the show had been of short duration. He felt listless and tired, something seemed to be buzzing continually in his head, and he shivered in his damp clothes. In the grocery he sat on a barrel and leaned his head against the wall.

      "What you shivering about?" asked the fat woman behind the counter, as she tied up his small package.

      "I feel like me skeleton was doin' a jig inside of me," said Sandy through chattering teeth.

      "Looks to me like you got a chill," said the fat woman. "You wait here, and I'll go git you some hot coffee."

      She disappeared in the rear of the store, and soon returned with a small coffee-pot and a cup and saucer. Sandy drank two cups and a half, then he asked the price.

      "Price?" repeated the woman, indignantly. "I reckon you don't know which side of the Ohio River you're on!"

      Sandy made up in gratitude what she declined in cash, and started on his way. At the corner of Main street and the bridge he found Ricks, who had rented a stand and was already arranging his wares. Sandy knelt on the sidewalk and unpacked his basket.

      "Only three bars of soap and seventy-five microscopes!" he exclaimed ruefully. СКАЧАТЬ