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СКАЧАТЬ (20 March 2008): 348–351.


      Arthur C. Brooks. “Social Science with a Soul”. Wall Street Journal, 3 March 2012; Brooks’s summary is clearly supported in James Q. Wilson. The Moral Sense (New York: Free Press, 1993), VII, XIV, 225, 250–251.


      Wilson. Moral Sense, 23.


      Валери Джейн Моррис Гудолл (род. 1934) – британский приматолог, этолог и антрополог, посол мира ООН. Дама-Командор ордена Британской империи. Широко известна благодаря изучению социальной жизни и интеллекта шимпанзе в национальном парке Гомбе-Стрим в Танзании и как основательница Международного института Джейн Гудолл. Прим. ред.


      Дайан Фосси (1932–1985) – американский приматолог, этолог и популяризатор охраны дикой природы. Прим. ред.


      Steve Kemper. “No Alpha Males Allowed”. Smithsonian, September 2013, 41.


      Darwin. Descent of Man, chap. 4.


      Wilson. Social Conquest, 133.


      Wilson. Social Conquest, 120.


      Wilson. Social Conquest, 290.


      Wilson. Social Conquest, 251.


      The evolutionary model of the brain, called the triune brain, was first proposed by physician and neuroscientist Paul D. MacLean in The Triune Brain in Evolution (New York: Plenum, 1990).


      Victoria Sayo Turner. “It Takes Effort to Be Selfish”. Scientific American, April 2016, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/it-takes-effort-to-be-selfish/.


      Leonardo Christov-Mooreet et al. “Increasing Generosity by Disrupting Prefrontal Cortex”. Social Neuroscience, March 2016, doi: 10.1080/17470919.2016.1154105.


      See Shawn Achor. The Happiness Advantage (New York: Crown, 2010), esp. 43–45; Paul J. Zak. The Moral Molecule: The Source of Love and Prosperity (New York: Dutton, 2012), esp. 63–66.


      Zak. The Moral Molecule, XII.


      William T. Harbaugh, Ulrich Mayr, and Daniel R. Burghart. “Neural Responses to Taxation and Voluntary Giving Reveal Motives for Charitable Donations”. Science 316 (15 June 2007): 1622–1625; Elizabeth Svoboda. “Hard-Wired for Giving”. Wall Street Journal, 31 August – 1 September 2013, C1–С2.


      Dacher Keltner. Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life (New York: Norton, 2009), 229.


      Stephen W. Porges. “The Polyvagal Perspective”. Biological Psychology 74/2 (February 2007): 116–143.


      Stephen W. Porges. “Social Engagement and Attachment: A Phylogenetic Perspective”. Roots of Mental Illness in Children, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, http://condor.depaul.edu/dallbrit/extra/psy588/porges-NYAS.pdf.


      Дачер Келтнер (род. 1952) – профессор психологии в Калифорнийском университете в Беркли, где он руководит Лабораторией социального взаимодействия. Он также является основателем и директором факультета Большого центра науки. Прим. ред.


      Born to Be Good, 230.


      Nancy Eisenberg et al. “The Relations of Children’s Dispositional Prosocial Behavior to Emotionality, Regulation, and Social Functioning”. Child Development 67 (1996): 974–992.


      Caitlin Esch. “Money Triggers Social Insensitivity… and Hard Work”. Marketplace, NPR, 3 December 2015.


      Mariano Grondona. “A Cultural Typology of Economic Development”, in Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington, eds. Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress (New York: Basic Books, 2000): 44–55; Amy Wrzesniewski et al. “Multiple Types of Motives Don’t Multiply the Motivation of West Point Cadets”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 111/30 (29 July 2014): 10990–10995.


      Kathleen D. Vohs. “Money Priming Can Change People’s Thoughts, Feelings, Motivations, and Behaviors: An Update on 10 Years of Experiments”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144/4 (August 2015): 86–93.


      Grondona. “A Cultural Typology”, 45.
