Название: Understanding Peacekeeping
Автор: Alex J. Bellamy
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр: Зарубежная публицистика
isbn: 9780745686752
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Williams, Paul D., 1975- author. | Bellamy, Alex J., 1975- author.
Title: Understanding peacekeeping / Paul D. Williams, with Alex J. Bellamy.
Description: Third edition. | Medford, MA : Polity Press, 2021. | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: “New edition of the most comprehensive introduction to the field of peacekeeping”-- Provided by publisher.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020012849 (print) | LCCN 2020012850 (ebook) | ISBN 9780745686714 (hardback) | ISBN 9780745686721 (paperback) | ISBN 9780745686721 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Peacekeeping forces.
Classification: LCC JZ6374 .B45 2021 (print) | LCC JZ6374 (ebook) | DDC 341.5/84--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020012849 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020012850
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ADFAllied Democratic Forces (Uganda)AFPAustralian Federal PoliceAFISMAAfrican-led International Support Mission to MaliAMIBAfrican Union Mission in BurundiAMISAfrican Union Mission in the SudanAMISECAfrican Union Mission in the ComorosAMISOMAfrican Union Mission in SomaliaANSPNational Academy for Public Security (El Salvador)APCarmoured personnel carrierAQIMal-Qaeda in the Islamic MaghrebASEANAssociation of Southeast Asian NationsASFAfrican Standby ForceASIFUAll Sources Information Fusion Unit (MINUSMA)AUAfrican UnionAusAIDAustralian Agency for International DevelopmentC34UN Special Committee on PeacekeepingCARCentral African RepublicCISCommonwealth of Independent StatesCIVPOLcivilian policeCNNCable News NetworkCPAComprehensive Peace Agreement (Sudan)CPPCambodian People’s Party (PRK)DDRdisarmament, demobilization, reintegrationDFIDDepartment for International Development (UK)DFSUN Department of Field SupportDOMREPMission of the Representative of the Secretary-General in the Dominican RepublicDPKOUN Department of Peacekeeping OperationsDPOUN Department of Peace OperationsDPPAUN Department of Political and Peacebuilding AffairsDRCDemocratic Republic of CongoDSLDefence Systems LimitedECCASEconomic Community of Central African StatesECOMIBECOWAS Mission in Guinea-BissauECOMICIECOWAS Mission in Côte d’IvoireECOMIGECOWAS Mission in The GambiaECOMILECOWAS Mission in LiberiaECOMOGMilitary Observer Group of the Economic Community of West African StatesECOWASEconomic Community of West African StatesEISASExecutive Committee on Peace and Security Information and Strategic Analysis SecretariatEOExecutive OutcomesEUEuropean UnionEUFOREuropean Union forceEUFOR RDEuropean Union Reserve DeploymentEUPMEuropean Union Policing MissionEUTMEuropean Union Training MissionFARDCArmed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the CongoFDLRForces Démocratiques de Libération du RwandaFIBForce Intervention Brigade (MONUSCO)FMLNFrente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (El Salvador)FNINationalist and Integrationist Front (DRC)FOMUCCEMAC Mission in Central African RepublicFPUformed police unitFUNCINPECNational United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative CambodiaFYROMFormer Yugoslav Republic of MacedoniaG5 SahelBurkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and NigerGPSPGlobal Peace and Security PartnershipHIPPOHigh Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (2015)ICCInternational Criminal CourtICGLRInternational Conference on the Great Lakes RegionICRCInternational Committee of the Red CrossICTYInternational Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslaviaICUIslamic Courts Union (Somalia)IDGInternational Deployment Group (Australian Federal Police)IDPsinternally displaced personsIEDimprovised explosive deviceIEMFInterim Emergency Multinational Force (DRC)IFMIsatabu Freedom Movement (Solomon Islands)IFORImplementation Force (NATO-led)IGADIntergovernmental Authority on DevelopmentIHLinternational humanitarian lawIMFInternational Monetary FundIMTInternational Monitoring Team (Mindanao)IMTFIntegrated Mission Task ForceINTERFETInternational Force in East TimorIPMTInternational Peace Monitoring Team (Solomon Islands)IPOindividual police officerIPOAInternational Peace Operations AssociationIPTFInternational Police Task ForceISAFInternational Security Assistance Force (Afghanistan)ISFInternational Stabilization ForceISOAInternational Stability Operations AssociationJMACJoint Mission Analysis CellKFORKosovo ForceKLAKosovo Liberation ArmyKPCKosovo Protection CorpsKPSKosovo Police ServiceLASLeague of Arab StatesLDKDemocratic League of KosovoLTTELiberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sri Lanka)MAESAfrican Union Electoral and Security Assistance Mission (Comoros)MEFMalaita Eagle Force (Solomon Islands)MFOmultinational force observersMICEMAECOWAS Mission in MaliMICOPAXECCAS Mission for the Consolidation of Peace in Central African RepublicMINUCIUnited Nations Mission in Côte d’IvoireMINUGUAUnited Nations Verification Mission in GuatemalaMINURCAUnited Nations Mission in the Central African RepublicMINURCATUnited Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and ChadMINURSOUnited Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western SaharaMINUSALMission of the United Nations in El SalvadorMINUSCAUnited Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African RepublicMINUSMAUnited Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in MaliMINUSTAHUnited Nations Stabilization Mission in HaitiMIPONUHUnited Nations Civilian Police Mission in HaitiMISABInter-African Mission to Monitor the Implementation of the Bangui AgreementsMISCAAfrican Union Mission in the Central African RepublicMNFmultinational forceMNLANational Movement for the Liberation of the AzawadMONUAUnited Nations Observer Mission in AngolaMONUCUnited Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of CongoMONUSCOUnited Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of CongoMOUmemorandum of understandingMPRIMilitary Professional Resources IncorporatedMUJAOMovement for Oneness and Jihad in West AfricaNAMNon-Aligned MovementNATONorth Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNGOnon-governmental organizationNLANational Liberation Army (Macedonia)NPFLNational Patriotic Front of LiberiaOASOrganization of American StatesOAUOrganisation of African UnityOCHAUN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsOLMEEOAU Liaison Mission in Ethiopia/EritreaONUBUnited Nations Operation in BurundiONUCUnited Nations Operation in the CongoONUCAUnited Nations Observer Group in Central America United Nations Operation in MozambiqueONUMOZUnited Nations Operation in MozambiqueONUSALUnited Nations Observer Mission in El SalvadorONUVENUnited Nations Observer Mission for Verification of the Elections in NicaraguaOROLSIUN Office of Rule of Law and Security InstitutionsOSCEOrganization for Security and Cooperation in EuropeP5Permanent Members of the UN Security Council (Britain, China, France, Russian Federation, United States)PAEPacific Architects and EngineersPCCpolice-contributing countryPCRSUN Peacekeeping Capability Readiness SystemPDKParty of Democratic Kampuchea (Khmer Rouge)PIFPacific Islands ForumPLOPalestine Liberation OrganizationPOCprotection of civiliansPRKPeople’s Republic of KampucheaPRTsProvincial Reconstruction Teams (Afghanistan)PSCPeace and Security Council; private security companyQIPquick impact projectRAMSIRegional Assistance Mission to the Solomon IslandsRDHQrapidly deployable headquartersRECAMPRenforcement des capacités africaines de maintien de la paixROTCReserve Officer Training CorpsRPFRwandan Patriotic FrontRSIPRoyal Solomon Islands PoliceRUFRevolutionary United Front of Sierra LeoneSADCSouthern African Development CommunitySAICScience Applications International CorporationSCRSecurity Council resolutionSEAsexual exploitation and abuseSFORStabilization Force (NATO-led) in BosniaSHIRBRIGStandby High Readiness BrigadeSMCStrategic Military CellSNASomali National ArmySPLM/ASudan People’s Liberation Movement/ArmySPCUN standing police capacitySRSGUN Special Representative of the Secretary-GeneralSSRsecurity sector reformSWATSpecial weapons СКАЧАТЬ