The Sheikh's Bought Wife. Sharon Kendrick
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Название: The Sheikh's Bought Wife

Автор: Sharon Kendrick

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474052382


СКАЧАТЬ time in her life, she was exactly where she was supposed to be. ‘It was my dream job,’ she admitted, with a smile. ‘And I leapt at the chance.’

      Zayed stilled, momentarily taken aback by the impact of that unexpected smile. Why, it made her face light up as if it had been illuminated by sunshine. For the very first time he noticed that her eyes were the colour of caramel and that her enthusiasm had made them gleam, like the most precious amber. Why the hell didn’t she smile like that more often, instead of walking around with such an uptight and prissy expression?

      But she was prissy, he reminded himself—and that was exactly why she was perfect for the role he had in mind. He didn’t want an attractive woman who flashed her eyes and her body at him, who might tempt him into sex. He wanted a brief, businesslike marriage in order to attain Dahabi Makaan for his people—and then a swift termination of their non-consummated union.

      ‘You love my country, don’t you?’ he questioned suddenly.

      ‘Absolutely,’ she said simply.

      ‘Yet you have never visited it before?’

      ‘No. I haven’t.’

      She attempted another smile but this time it was more of a grimace, he noted.

      ‘But you would like to?’

      She looked at him with the expression of a child on a boiling hot day who had just been asked whether they would like an ice cream. ‘Of course I would. But I can’t just go. I would need to be invited. I’d need to have somewhere to stay. And anyway,’ she added, her face crumpling as if she’d just remembered something, ‘I can’t afford it.’

      ‘But if you were invited,’ he said slowly, ‘and if money were no object, you would go.’

      A trace of impatience entered her intelligent eyes. ‘Obviously.’

      ‘Than I think we can be of service to one another.’

      She frowned. ‘I’m getting increasingly confused, Your Royal Highness. You invited me out for dinner and I’m still not sure why. Won’t you tell me what your purpose was for asking me here tonight?’

      He nodded, reminding himself that he needed to be stern and to lay down all the guidelines right from the beginning. She needed to be made aware of the honour he was about to bestow on her. ‘I need a wife,’ he said simply. ‘And you are the perfect candidate.’

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