Comrade Kerensky. Boris Kolonitskii
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Название: Comrade Kerensky

Автор: Boris Kolonitskii

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781509533664



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       The publication of this series was made possible with the support of the Zimin Foundation.

      Boris Kolonitskii, Comrade Kerensky

      Sergei Medvedev, The Return of the Russian Leviathan

      Maxim Trudolyubov, The Tragedy of Property

      The Revolution against the Monarchy and the Formation of the Cult of ‘The Leader of the People’ (March–June 1917)

      Boris Kolonitskii

      Translated by Arch Tait


      Originally published in Russian as Б.И. Колоницкий, “Товарищ Керенский”: антимонархическая революция и формирование культа “вождя народа” (март–июнь 1917 года) © Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, Moscow, 2017

      This English edition 2021 © Polity Press

      The СКАЧАТЬ