Comrade Kerensky. Boris Kolonitskii
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Название: Comrade Kerensky

Автор: Boris Kolonitskii

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Историческая литература


isbn: 9781509533664


СКАЧАТЬ documentation in the Hoover Institute of Stanford University, Kerensky published, jointly with Robert Browder, The Russian Provisional Government, 1917: Documents, 3 vols, ed. Robert P. Browder and Alexander F. Kerensky (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1961).

      30 30. Portraits of Kerensky were printed most frequently in the periodical press. Thus, in 1917 his portrait appeared in no fewer than thirty-two magazines, and twelve printed it in two or more issues. This compares with portraits of Milyukov, printed that year in seventeen magazines, Breshko-Breshkovskaya in sixteen, Guchkov in fifteen, Rodzianko in thirteen, Chernov in twelve, Plekhanov in eight and Lenin in six. See Russkie portrety, 1917–1918 gg., ed. Matvei Fleer (Petrograd: [Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo], 1921; repr. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo V.Iu. Sekachev, 2010). Fleer did not manage to encompass all the periodicals of the time, but he did take in the main illustrated magazines.

      31 31. I have examined aspects of Kerensky’s political biography during the whole of 1917 in a number of publications: Boris Kolonitskii, ‘A. F. Kerenskii i Merezhkovskie’, Literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 3 (1991): 98–106; ‘Kerensky’, in Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution, ed. Edward Acton, Vladimir Cherniaev and William Rosenberg (London: Hodder Arnold, 1997), pp. 138–49; ‘Kul’t A. F. Kerenskogo: Obrazy revoliutsionnoi vlasti’, Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, 24/1–2 (1997): 43–66; ‘Britanskie missii i A. F. Kerenskii (mart–oktiabr’ 1917 goda)’, in Rossiia v XIX–XX vv.: Sbornik statei k 70-letiiu R. S. Ganelina, ed. Aleksandr Fursenko (St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 1998), pp. 67–76; ‘Kul’t A. F. Kerenskogo: Obrazy revoliutsionnoi vlasti’, Otechestvennaia istoriia, no. 4 (1999): 105–8; ‘“We” and “I”: Alexander Kerensky in His Speeches’, in Autobiographical Practices in Russia, ed. Jochen Hellbeck and Klaus Heller (Göttingen: [Vandenhoek & Ruprecht Unipress], 2004), pp. 179–96; ‘Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerenskii kak “zhertva evreev” i “evrei”’, in Jews and Slavs, vol. 17: The Russian Word in the Land of Israel, the Jewish Word in Russia (Jerusalem, 2006), pp. 241–53; ‘A. F. Kerenskii kak “pervyi grazhdanin”’, in Fakty i znaki: Issledovaniia po semiotike istorii, ed. Boris Uspenskii and Fedor Uspenskii, vyp. 2, Moscow, 2010, pp. 134–49; ‘Feminizatsiia obraza A. F. Kerenskogo i politicheskaia izoliatsiia Vremennogo pravitel’stva osen’iu 1917 goda’, in Mezhvuzovskaia nauchnaia konferentsiia ‘Russkaia revoliutsiia 1917 goda: Problemy istorii i istoriografii’: Sbornik dokladov (St Petersburg: Gosudarstvennyi elektrotekhnicheskii universitet, 2013), pp. 93–103; ‘Russian Leaders of the Great War and Revolutionary Era in Representations and Rumors’, in Russian Culture in War and Revolution, 1914–22, ed. Murray Frame, Boris Kolonitskii, Steven G. Marks and Melissa K. Stockdale (Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 2014), book 1, pp. 27–54; etc.

      In May 1917 Kerensky, having just been appointed minister of the army and navy, issued an order reminiscent in style of one of the tsar’s manifestos. It contained a vivid autobiographical element. ‘My new burden is immensely heavy, but as an old soldier of the revolution I have submitted myself unquestioningly to the severe discipline of duty and accepted responsibility before the people and the revolution for the army and navy.’1

      The 36-year-old minister accounted himself a veteran of the liberation movement well accustomed to revolutionary discipline, which accorded him the right to demand iron discipline from all in the armed forces. It was an approach Kerensky was to use repeatedly when addressing the troops. These statements enhanced his authority as a revolutionary-turned-statesman, and the claim needed to be substantiated by the events of his biography. In 1917 both Kerensky and his supporters constantly recalled episodes from his life which could be put to political use.

      We need both to examine that biographical contribution to establishing the authority of this revolutionary leader and to show the role he and his supporters played in disseminating information about his past career. We need to establish which episodes in Kerensky’s life were most frequently exploited, which were ‘edited’, and which were quietly forgotten. Of interest too are the efforts of Kerensky’s opponents, who had their own spin to put on his past.

      In 1917 information about Kerensky’s past life was obtainable from the minister’s own testimony and reminiscences of his contemporaries. Mention of his career was made by politicians, journalists and those drafting resolutions. From these tesserae of the mosaic, people in Russia were able to piece together a reasonably convincing picture of the man. Of particular importance was writing undertaken specifically to familiarize society with Kerensky’s biography.

      Kerensky was good with the press, and his staff knew when and how to release information to influential journalists hungry for news. Despite being overworked, he would find time to converse with publishers and journalists, writers and editors, to brief them on how he saw the changing situation and make recommendations. He periodically declared that he did not read items about himself in the newspapers, but without letting slip that he did study the reviews of the periodical press which his staff constantly provided.

      Kerensky set up press and propaganda sections in the departments he oversaw: first in the Ministry of Justice and later in the Ministry of War. These had many shortcomings, and Russian wartime propaganda was overall inferior to that of the Germans and British, but, compared to others, Kerensky and his staff acted energetically and proactively to influence the press and get feedback about the state of public opinion.2

      After the revolution, as minister of justice, Kerensky found himself in possession of a major asset. Order No. 1, signed by the new minister in February 1917, delegated Academician Nestor Kotlyarevsky to remove from the Police Department all papers and documents he might deem necessary and deliver them to the Academy of Sciences.3 The Okhrana security department had secret files with sensitive information about many contemporary figures, and it was important that they should be stored securely. Actually, they were not all removed to the Academy of Sciences: the file on Kerensky, which went back to 1905, was delivered to the Ministry of Justice.4

      Journalists were shown the documents and allowed to quote from them. There were also fairly extensive publications in the newspapers which drew on Okhrana materials about Kerensky.5 The press likewise reported on researches undertaken by local activists in provincial police archives.6