Democracy Against Liberalism. Aviezer Tucker
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Название: Democracy Against Liberalism

Автор: Aviezer Tucker

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Афоризмы и цитаты


isbn: 9781509541225


СКАЧАТЬ of the struggle between the executive and legislative and judiciary branches of government following the plague reflect how far neo-illiberal democracy had already proceeded down the road in each country; all the authoritarian way in Hungary, and half way in Israel. So far, in this early stage, in countries that had not been on the road to illiberalism and authoritarianism already before the plague, the plague increased the popularity of incumbents irrespective of their politics, but had few other apparent political effects.

      Yet, though the current crisis has been fueled by populism, and the dramatic noises of populism drown the steady droning of neo-illiberalism, its substance is neo-illiberal democracy, the unprecedented systematic attempt to deconstruct the independent branches and institutions of the liberal state. Populist president Jackson was a lawyer and he knew better than to challenge the constitution, such as it was, allowing slavery. The most extreme challenge president Jackson posed to liberal institutions was in his struggle with the Bank of the United States (Signer 2009). A comparable contemporary liberal populist to Jackson is Trump’s first Attorney General, former Alabama senator Jeff Sessions, a populist xenophobe and likely racist, but also a liberal in respecting the constitution and the separation of powers. Trump, Orbán, Kaczyński, and so on, by contrast, are strictly illiberal. They have no respect for the rule of law and the institutions in charge of enforcing it.

      The strategic plan of the book is to move from a general historically based comparative study of illiberal democracy to the current crisis of populist neo-illiberal democracy, its causes and scenarios for its future. The current predicament raises general questions about its historical evitability. Finally, on the basis of the previous chapters, I propose policy reforms that may preempt similar recurrences in the future, laying the foundations for new liberalism without nostalgia.

      The next chapter, “Old Hemlock in Plastic Cups,” examines what neo-illiberal democracy is by comparing ancient and modern forms of absolutist democracy.

      The third chapter, “All the Roads Lead to Caesarea,” examines the two types of path dependencies that have led to neo-illiberal democracy recently: Post-totalitarian technocratic to populist illiberalism, as it developed in Hungary and Poland; and the post-liberal populist illiberalism of established liberal democracies like the United States and Israel. I argue that neo-illiberal democracies are inherently unstable. They may result in a Caesarian transition to stable authoritarianism, or in a stable liberal restoration. Other scenarios are less probable.

      The final chapter, “New Liberalism without Nostalgia,” proposes policy prescriptions. It is divided into three parts: first I propose measures for the preemption of populism; then, I suggest how to remove barriers to social mobility; finally, I suggest measures to strengthen liberal institutions. My policy recommendations are mostly “blue sky” or “loonshots,” and decidedly non-nostalgic. Unlike many political programs, I do not advocate a return to any “golden age.” I do not think the past was as great as nostalgia paints it, and I do not think it can be restored. Instead, I advocate the opposite of neo-illiberal democracy, new-liberal democracy. I outline what new liberalism may mean for the contemporary irreversibly globalized world, marked by syncretism more than universalism.

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