LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies. Donna Serdula
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Название: LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies

Автор: Donna Serdula

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Поиск работы, карьера


isbn: 9781119651468


СКАЧАТЬ by making it as easy for them as possible to help you. And as you struggle to come up with the words for your own recommendation, imagine how difficult it would be for the other person!

      In addition, by writing the recommendation yourself, you can infuse the recommendation with keywords that help optimize your profile’s searchability. All those keywords can be infused into recommendations to make your profile rank even better. (Refer to Chapter 2 to find out even more about how to get found on LinkedIn.)

      If my arguments to write the recommendation yourself failed to persuade you, at the very least provide the person with some criteria as to what you’d like stated in the recommendation. Consider including language similar to this:

        Dear Dave,

        I have enjoyed working with you. Would you be open to providing me a recommendation of my work that I can include on my LinkedIn profile?

        When you write the recommendation, I would love it if you’d mention my strength in social selling and how I often acted as a trusted advisor to my clients. Perhaps you can even mention how I saved the Wiener deal using my extensive knowledge of widgets and ended up renewing them for an extra two years, which resulted in a $2M uptick in revenue?

        Thanks so much! I appreciate it! —Hal


      When writing a recommendation for yourself, the best thing to do is list your qualities you want highlighted. If you aren’t quite sure what qualities you want highlighted, ask yourself the following questions:

       How does this person know you?

       How long have you known each other?

       How did you work together?

       Detail a singular experience in which you exhibited a high level of leadership as it fits within his or her knowledge of you.

       What one quality of yours proved beneficial to this person? What was the result?

       Did you mentor or work alongside this person? What impact did you have on him or her?

      Use the answers to these questions to craft a powerful recommendation.

      Here’s how to request a recommendation from within LinkedIn:

      1 In the LinkedIn search bar, type the name of the person you want to recommend and click the search button.A list of profiles matching the name appears.

      2 Open the profile of the person you want to recommend by clicking the search result.

      3 Click the More… button located in the intro section.

      4 Select Request a Recommendation.A dialog box appears, asking, “How do you know [this person]?” as shown in Figure 3-10.

      5 Choose your relationship to the person.You have numerous options. Read through the list carefully and choose the relationship that most closely echoes yours. Unfortunately, there is no “other” option, so you must determine the best fit. Luckily, the other person has a chance to make changes, so if he or she doesn’t feel you used the proper relationship option, he or she can change it for you.

      6 Choose your position at the time from the drop-down list.The drop-down list contains a listing of your experiences as listed on your LinkedIn profile.

      7 Click the Next button.

      8 Provide a personalized message to send with your recommendation request.LinkedIn provides a simple, pre-written message: “Hi, can you write me a recommendation?” As I have stated, it is best to add the recommendation for the person or at the very least, guidelines to what you want covered in the recommendation.

      9 Click the Send button when you are ready to send your request.

Snapshot of LinkedIn’s recommendation request form.

      FIGURE 3-10: LinkedIn’s recommendation request form.

      Ditching the default request text

      When requesting a recommendation from a connection, LinkedIn provides a pre-written request for you to send. Rather than use LinkedIn’s default text, personalize the message instead. Try something like this:

        Dear Fran,

        It’s been a pleasure working with you and accomplishing so much together. It would be an honor to include a recommendation from you on my LinkedIn profile. I know how busy you are so I took the liberty of writing the recommendation for you. Please feel free to make any edits, and if you would prefer to write your own recommendation, please do so. Thank you in advance and I hope we can do lunch together soon. <insert pre-written recommendation> —Ollie

      Once the recommendation request is sent, rather than wait for the other person to respond, I highly suggest reaching out to the person directly to let them know that you requested a recommendation. Give them a call and walk them through the steps of providing the recommendation. Let them know how appreciative you are of the help they are providing.

      Accepting a recommendation

      1 Go to your messaging screen by clicking the Messaging icon on LinkedIn’s main navigation bar.In your list of messages on the left is the recommendation the person wrote for you along with a link to review it.

      2 Click СКАЧАТЬ