Civil Society. Michael Edwards
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Название: Civil Society

Автор: Michael Edwards

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781509537365


СКАЧАТЬ reshape human beings and their relationships in any terms other than money, growth, and organizational self-interest. As with social media in chapter 4, therefore, I have revised the treatment of civil society and the market in chapter 3 to take account of a growing body of research and experience which suggests that the costs of internalizing market values and practices are starting to outweigh the benefits.

      Taken together, these four trends pose major challenges to the theory and practice of civil society in all of its guises, though they also open up some important opportunities – in the shape, for example, of new social movements that have arisen in response to the strengthening of nationalist political forces, or the increasing dissatisfaction with the condition of associational life that one sees among many younger activists. I explore these opportunities in chapter 2. It is also clear that these trends feed off each other: authoritarianism and polarization are natural bedfellows which both benefit from and accentuate the fracturing of the public sphere. The decline of voluntary associations which bring people of different views and backgrounds together is a consequence of that fracturing but also another cause. The more civil society is eroded, the less it can do its job; and the less it does its job, the weaker it becomes. Faced by these interlocking and deeply entrenched problems and developments, what can be done?

      Reviving civil society in the face of repression, polarization, and inequality is both a personal and a political (or institutional) challenge. Do we want to build an authentic civil society or not? If we disagree on what that means, do we want to be part of a democratic dialogue to find out? And since dialogues at present are neither civil nor democratic, are we at least committed to building the conditions in which everyone can participate so that we can start a different conversation with each other instead of shouting from our separate bunkers? Anything that brings people closer together rather than forcing them apart will help; anything that generates honest conversation instead of fake news and propaganda can move us forward; and anything that enriches the quality of life rather than diminishing it deserves our attention. These are all ways to build a civil society that’s worthy of the name. The rest is up to us.

       1 Ripley (2018). 2 Rutzen (2015); CIVICUS (2018). 3 4 Skocpol and Williamson (2012). 5 Cramer (2016); Hochschild (2018). 6 7 Lindsay (2018). 8 Edwards (2018b).

      My thanks go to all those who have provided feedback on the third edition of Civil Society since its publication in 2014, and who have supplied me with a rich array of additional references, case studies, and other source material. Naturally, responsibility for all errors and omissions in the book remains mine. I have received excellent support and guidance from Jonathan Skerrett and Karina Jákupsdóttir at Polity Press in Cambridge, while three anonymous reviewers made valuable suggestions on an earlier draft. The revisions for this book were completed at our home in upstate New York, where my wife Cora is blazing a trail for true democracy and decency in government. As my own “civil society,” this book continues to be dedicated to her.

      Michael Edwards

      Swan Hill

      March 2019