2 Part 2Figure 2.1 Poorly mineralized fractures that are oblique to the core axis may ...Figure 2.2 The typical tightly packed layout of core boxes on tables leaves no...Figure 2.3 Piecing core together on a layout table exposes all core surfaces a...Figure 2.4 Core‐analysis tools in a traveling desk made of a core‐box lid. Pro...Figure 2.5 Left: a Master Orientation Line (the green “MOL”) marked on a verti...Figure 2.6 Drawing a green Master Orientation Line on a core surface for conti...Figure 2.7 Petal fractures, induced by the weight of the bit on the formation ...Figure 2.8 Top: a system of two intersecting sets of extension fractures break...Figure 2.9 A set of closely spaced fractures with a compound history on a fold...Figure 2.10 Measuring fracture dip angle with a carpenter's protractor, using ...Figure 2.11 Examples of fracture dip‐angle histograms derived from core data. Figure 2.12 Example of variable fracture depth‐distributions by type in one co...Figure 2.13 An example of fracture distribution, plotting fracture frequency b...Figure 2.14 Example of the percentage distribution of three fracture types by ...Figure 2.15 Left: an example of a known vertical fracture termination, where a...Figure 2.16 Left: chart showing the cumulative heights for vertical extension ...Figure 2.17 Example of vertical‐fracture height data from a vertical core, doc...Figure 2.18 Example of a dataset for vertical fracture heights captured by a v...Figure 2.19 Left: histogram showing the truncated, measurable heights for a po...Figure 2.20 If only one face of a mineralized fracture is available for measur...Figure 2.21 A visual reference for estimating remnant fracture porosity (from ...Figure 2.22 Top left: a histogram of the widths of bed‐normal extension fractu...Figure 2.23 Top left: a histogram of the widths of bed‐normal extension fractu...Figure 2.24 Top: a histogram of remnant fracture porosity data in carbonates m...Figure 2.25 Histograms of fracture data from other carbonates can be more regu...Figure 2.26 A dataset from cored shear fractures. Top left: a histogram of the...Figure 2.27 Two views of a shear fracture in four‐inch (10 cm) diameter core. Figure 2.28 The apparent fracture spacings in a core or scan line must be geom...Figure 2.29 Top left: a histogram of true fracture spacings (i.e. spacings nor...Figure 2.30 Left: rose plot showing the orientations of 46 vertical extension ...Figure 2.31 The true spacings of 31 vertical extension fractures measured in h...Figure 2.32 Left: histogram showing spacings measured between 49 pairs of vert...Figure 2.33 An example where 12 near‐vertical, calcite‐mineralized extension f...Figure 2.34 Plots of the probability of intersecting vertical fractures with