The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Carol A. Chapelle
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Название: The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics

Автор: Carol A. Chapelle

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9781119147374


СКАЧАТЬ S. (1999). Interactional coherence in CMC. Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 4 (4). Retrieved March 26, 2019 from

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      Seeing gender or gendered behaviors and expectations as embedded in contexts, histories, and cultures helps us remain aware of the dynamics and indeterminacy of this topic. The conventional idea of gender as a fixed and dichotomized category prescribed by a set of patriarchal values might still have strong meaning for some people, allowing them to manipulate and advance a political agenda in some contested contexts, but convention has been challenged by scholars in fields of applied linguistics and discourse analysis. These scholars point out that individuals retain agency in enacting and negotiating gendered roles and expectations in mundane interactions with others. Not all interactions have a gendered dimension, of course; nor do actions and intentions necessarily bring individuals the expected results. A society might change its ideals about gendered roles, such as being a good mother and father or a filial son and daughter, as it evolves from a traditional society to a modern one. In fact, in most developed countries, birth rates have decreased as people no longer see traditional familial rituals such as marriage and giving birth as necessary rites of passage. Nor do individuals in these countries necessarily turn to traditional family and family members as their main or only sources of emotional and financial backup and support in times of trouble. With old familial values being replaced by more global and modern ones such as consumerism and individualism, customs associated with gendered expectations are also changing.

      Scholarship on Chinese gender seems to indicate that, before the period of extended contact with the West, (1) gender concepts were anchored in beliefs about family structure and social roles more so than in beliefs about biological sex (and even beliefs that we might call “biological” were based on classical Chinese medicine, not Western science); (2) “men” and “women” were plural categories rather than unified categories opposed to each other; (3) “manhood” and “womanhood” were not directly linked to heterosexuality, and reproducing the lineage was a more important aspect of sexuality than individual pleasure.

      Did contact with the West bring changes? Are any of the gendered traits more susceptible СКАЧАТЬ