No Win Race. Derek A. Bardowell
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Название: No Win Race

Автор: Derek A. Bardowell

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9780008305154


СКАЧАТЬ to minimise as much. Didn’t have to apologise or hide as much. In these cricketers was hope; hope that I wouldn’t always be anxious about being trapped between blackness and Britishness.

      Couldn’t win though. Couldn’t change this narrow perception of blackness. A perception that we were subjects. If we were not subjects then we were somehow extremists, enemies of the state. Couldn’t change the perception that we were all the same. I was no different to my father. No different to a Nigerian. We were possessions. Guests. Barbaric, devilish-looking, ugly. Couldn’t win by rebelling. Couldn’t win by being compliant. Couldn’t win for trying. Blackness had been a white problem, not my problem. I’d started to recognise this through cricket and the establishment’s illogical response to black players. The establishment’s inability to see blacks as equals, its inability to see blacks as truly English, its inability to acknowledge us on our own terms. Blackness could only be seen through their eyes, their history, their struggles. Our version, our history, our lens did not exist. It didn’t seem to exist to my PE coach and it didn’t exist to the establishment.

      ‘It was only long years after,’ said C L R James, ‘that I understood the limitation on spirit, vision and self-respect which were imposed on us by the fact that our masters, our curriculum, our code of morals, everything began from the basis that Britain was the source of all light and leading, and our business was to admire, wonder, imitate, learn; our criterion of success was to have succeeded in approaching that distant ideal –to attain it of course was impossible.’19

      I’m not sure I could ever support a team as much as that West Indies side. They meant more to me than Ali. They were activism, style, excellence and heritage. They amplified my parents’ childhood stories. They never minimised, despite criticism. They exposed the fragility of the Empire state of mind. They validated me, my past, my present. They represented a part of me, the heart of me, but not all of me. I was stillborn in England. Still more English than Jamaican. I needed to find the English me, the non-white-defined English me, the something that represented a side of me that my father could never be.

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