Stories of one night. Алексей Аркадьевич Мухин
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СКАЧАТЬ aid techniques, as he recently got his driving license, Pavel gently pulled her out of the car, called an ambulance and the traffic police. According to the rules, she could not be taken away from the scene, but the same could be said about leaving her in this state on the roadway, especially knowing the “speed” of our ambulances. And he needed the first aid kit to help her. He took the liberty and moved her to a small café, which was across the road.

      – That’s right, there, – the trucker, a heavyset man of short stature in a baseball cap and robe, supported him.

      He stroked his mustache, took her over from Pavel’s hands and helped to carry her to the café.

      – You bring her up, and I’ll wait here for the cops.

      Pavel nodded and brought Elena in the café.

      The waiter – the stronger one – intercepted Yarskaya and put her on the sofa.

      Meanwhile, she slowly recovered, and now only moaned.

      – Vasya, hang a sign “Closed” on the door. No big deal, they’ll drink elsewhere. We have something here!!! – The stronger one ordered to his slim colleague.

      – Aye, understood! – An obedient boy rushed to perform the task.

      – So, come on: cotton, alcohol, first aid kit, if any, – Pasha ordered.

      – I’ll be back right now, – the waiter ran away.

      While he was absent, Pasha took a damp cloth and wiped the blood from Lena’s forehead. Soon, the waiter returned with the first aid kit. Pasha treated the wound and gave her ammonia to smell.

      Elena came to herself, sighing and moaning.

      She opened her eyes.

      – Oh, who are you? There’s a girl… and where am I?.. We have to go!..

      She tried to get up.

      – There is no need to go anywhere, – Pavel said calmly. – The girl’s all right.

      How do you feel?

      – What do you mean – no need?! – Elena started screaming and tried to get up again.

      – Lie!

      – I do not need to lie! – She rudely pushed his hand away. – We have to go and save the poor child! I go! Let me go immediately! – She attempted to get up again.

      Pavel forcibly sat her down on the sofa.

      – Hold her! She’s in shock! – Pavel called the waiter.

      The latter grabbed Yarskaya. His grip was actually strong. She immediately stopped and stared at the waiter, her eyes bulging. Meanwhile, Pasha opened a bottle with pure alcohol and poured it into a cup.

      – Drink! – He gave it to Elena.

      She drank and leaned back on the sofa, calming down. Pasha and the waiter stood aside looking at her, as if bewitched. Then they looked at each other.

      – Alcohol is the best anti-shock remedy! – Pavel commented.

      – Ah, – the waiter answered, looking admiringly at Pavel.

      – What’s your name? – Pavel asked.

      – Pasha.

      – Namesake! Nice to meet you!

      – And are you Celentano? – The waiter did not let him finish.

      – Yes, Adriano, – Pasha remarked ironically and then added, – Okay, I’m sorry. Pasha, we need a hearty meal. Bring us something instead of the alcohol.

      – Got it, – the waiter nodded.

      – I’ll pay, – Pavel called after him.

      – Everything on the house! – The waiter said, leaving to fulfill the order.

      Pavel approached Yarskaya and sat opposite. He looked around the café. The place was pleasant in all respects. Twilight, dim light in beautiful chandeliers, paintings on the walls – all this created a situation of solitariness. However, wooden tables and white tablecloths on them looked very standard and somehow not in the Moscow style, without the pathos inherent to local restaurants. But the interior was extremely well matched.

      – Well, how are you? – He leaned over Elena.

      – Quite well! Everything happened so quickly: a truck, that girl, her mother, I was so confused…

      She gestured strongly. It was evident that she was off her head.

      – And then I…

      Pavel handed her a glass of water. Lena drank it greedily.

      – Do you happen to have a mirror and a comb?

      – You are a real woman, – Pavel said admiringly.

      She did not answer. Pavel even thought that she was tired of compliments. He got her everything she asked. While Elena was making her toilet, Pavel was afraid to disturb her with a gaze, then sat and stared at her.

      Soon the table was set and they sat down to have dinner.

      – We have such an unusual acquaintance! – She said with a smile, and took a deep breath.

      – It’s okay. You’ll be calmer in a bit.

      – Why so? – She asked briskly.

      – I finished driving courses recently. There I attended lectures on first aid during accidents.

      – Um, they turned out handy, you see.

      – Yes, – Pavel said. – Let’s have a drink.

      – Well, as I understand it, for the meeting? – She supported him, raising her glass.

      They clinked glasses.

      – And I know you. You are Celentano.

      – Well, yeah, – Pavel remarked ironically. – Adriano.

      – Well, what’s up? You are a charming man… And I did not introduce myself. I am Elena.

      – I know who you are, – Pavel said delicately.

      – Well, you still need to introduce yourself, don’t you? How are you here, a savior?

      – Well, I… you know… problems somehow piled up, I went out for a walk, and then you… in such a situation. I read online that you crashed to death.

      – Oh! Well, that’s something new about me! I already “was” a lesbian, slept with all the men of the Russian cinema. I have not been a zoophile yet.

      She perked up a bit.

      – Do you suffer a lot from the “yellow” press?

      – Well, СКАЧАТЬ