Man With The Muscle. Julie Miller
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Название: Man With The Muscle

Автор: Julie Miller

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

isbn: 9781472058645



      Trip grabbed the book right back, but turned his focus to Cutler. “Permission to take him down, sir?”

      The captain grimaced, looking very much like a babysitter who’d lost control of his charges. “Where are those beers?”

      “Right here.” Rafe Delgado had returned, seemingly even more grumpy than when he had left. He plopped the tray down, sending foam cascading over the top of the frosty pilsner glasses. “Help yourselves.”

      Wisely, each man kept his comments about the testy waiter to himself and reached for a beer.

      Holden’s phone vibrated on the tabletop just as the cell on Alex’s belt buzzed. He set down his beer and wiped his hand on the leg of his jeans before answering. Trip and Sarge were opening their phones, too, as Captain Cutler’s went off. The noise of the bar instantly muted and the tension around the table thickened as the captain picked up the call. Alex checked his watch. After 10:00 p.m. They’d been off the clock for more than an hour. A call summoning KCPD’s premiere SWAT team at this time of night couldn’t be good.

      Alex was clearing the Call Dispatch message off his touch screen when the captain rejoined them at the table. “Got it. My men are still with me—I’ll notify them. Cutler out.” He disconnected the call and addressed the team. “Hold off on those drinks.” He glanced at Holden. “Tell Liza the ice cream will have to wait.”

      “What’s up, boss?” Alex asked.

      “Looks like we’re getting some overtime tonight. Rafe, I need you to head on back to HQ to get the van. We’ll need all our equipment. We’ll meet you at the Plaza address Dispatch gave and suit up there.”

      “Yes, sir.” Rafe nodded, his surly mood hidden behind a face that was pure business. He grabbed his jacket and jogged out the door.

      “Captain?” Holden prompted. They still didn’t have an explanation for the off-duty call.

      “Looks like we’ve got another Rich Girl murder. Banking family this time. The Cosgrove estate. They found Cosgrove’s daughter strangled to death in her bedroom. Signs of torture.” Cutler muttered a curse under his breath. “There was a party going on downstairs when they found her. Almost a hundred people on the scene with a dead woman upstairs.”

      “That’s ballsy.” Holden voiced what Alex was thinking. “Sounds as though this guy is trying to flaunt his crime.”

      “That’s the second death with that kind of victim in just over a year, isn’t it?” Trip asked, sliding a bookmark between the pages of his paperback and cramming it into the pocket of his jacket. “The first one’s never been solved. I thought a task force had been set up to narrow down a suspect.”

      “Yeah.” Alex frowned. They were men of action. Troubleshooters. Protectors. They weren’t the cops who sifted through clues at crime scenes. “Why call us instead of homicide?”

      “It’s up to us to secure the scene so the detectives and CSI can get in and do their job.”

      “We’re on crowd control?”

      “Not exactly.” The captain pulled his KCPD SWAT jacket from the back of his chair and shrugged into it. “The perp’s upping his game. The party’s no coincidence. This time he left a bomb threat with the body.”

       Chapter Two

      Audrey Kline squinted against the swirling strobe effect of the four police cars and other official vehicles lined up on the street in front of the Cosgrove mansion as she climbed out of her Mercedes and tried to make sense of what was going on here. The scene outside the sprawling stone house resembled the aftermath of some kind of natural disaster, with people huddling under blankets, women wearing their escorts’ suit jackets over designer dresses, one man sitting at the back of an ambulance with a blood pressure cuff around his arm, and many others silently weeping.

      It was true. It hadn’t been some cruel tabloid rumor that had blipped past on her local internet news site.

      Gretchen was dead.

      The certainty of it hit her like a punch to the gut and, for a moment, she sagged against the open door, her shocked breaths forming frosty clouds in the damp November air. How? Why?

      Screeching brakes alerted her a split second before the glare of headlights spun around the corner half a block away, hitting her square in the face. A television news van. Audrey turned away and closed the car door, instinctively shielding her face from the unwelcome intrusion.

      There was already a slew of other reporters here, searching for someone noteworthy from the wealthiest and most powerful of Kansas City society to give them a sound bite. And more of those underground bloggers who’d broken the news of the murder half an hour ago were probably mingling with the guests, texting away.

      But Audrey was in no mood to be a media darling tonight. Gretchen’s death was personal. Private. She needed answers. She needed this to make sense. This was the second friend she’d lost in the past two years. Her mother had died the year before that. Standing around and waiting with the others would only give her time to feel, to remember, to hurt. And to have that kind of weakness caught on tape and posted in the public eye would only make the grief that much tougher to deal with. If she ever wanted to be known as something more than Rupert Kline’s little princess, then weakness wasn’t something anyone here was going to get a chance to observe.

      With newfound resolve giving her strength, Audrey buttoned up the front of her cashmere blazer, stuffed her keys into the pocket of her jeans and slipped through the suits and cocktail dresses of the party guests gathered outside the front gate. They parted like zombies, shocked and murmuring, as she made a beeline for the uniformed policeman standing by the driveway’s wrought-iron gates. “Excuse me, officer? I’m a friend of the family.”

      Her father had taught her that standing as tall as her five feet five inches allowed and walking and talking with a purpose usually convinced people that she belonged wherever she wanted to be. But the young officer wasn’t fooled. Leaving one arm resting on his belt beside his gun, he raised his hand to stop her. “I’m sorry, miss. No one’s allowed to come inside the gate.”

      She tilted her chin to argue that she belonged here. “My father and Mr. Cosgrove went to Harvard together. I don’t think he would mind …”

      And then she saw the two detectives—one tall and light-haired, jotting notes, the other shorter and darker—talking to a pair of crime scene investigators, each wearing their reflective vests and holding their bulky kits in their hands. What were they doing outside the house? Had something happened on the grounds, as well? The blip she’d seen on her laptop said the victim had been found in her bedroom upstairs.

      Why weren’t they interviewing suspects? Taking pictures? Why were they just standing around? Didn’t they know what a beautiful soul Gretchen had been? How much her parents and friends had loved her? Why weren’t they tearing that house apart to find out who’d killed her?

      Audrey took a deep breath to cool her frustration, wishing she’d taken the time to don a suit and high heels instead of quickly pulling on jeans and a jacket over her pajamas. She’d been up late working at home instead of attending Gretchen’s party where she might have been able to do some good by kick-starting the investigation and putting these people to work. With no makeup and her hair hanging СКАЧАТЬ