The Wicked West. Victoria Dahl
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Название: The Wicked West

Автор: Victoria Dahl

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408952931


СКАЧАТЬ believed him. He’d never lied to her about anything.

      Lily tugged at the first tie of her robe and opened it to expose both of her naked breasts. The soft noise that floated from the sheriff’s window might have been her imagination…or it might have been a gasp.

      Biting back a hopeful smile, she dared to look at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t claim to know what most women looked like unclothed, but she had the same pert shape as the Venus statue she’d spied at a long-ago exhibition. But her breasts were so much more flagrant than those made of cold marble. They were creamy and warm, the centers a rose pink crested by the deeper pink of hard nipples. They cried out for attention, demanded it. Would Sheriff Hale respond?

      Lily’s eyes snapped with excitement. She had a rather plain face; she knew that. But right now, as she watched herself in the mirror, she was beautiful. Her lips flushed with color, her cheeks glowed, and her eyes spoke of the need in her soul.

      Staring at herself, Lily dragged her hand up the rise of her breast, over her chest and the arch of her neck. When she reached her bottom lip, she paused to trace it before slipping the tip of one finger into her mouth. This time the sound from the other house was unmistakably the hiss of in-drawn breath.

      Yes. He watched her. He wanted.

      She slipped the finger deeper, rubbing it against her tongue, imagining that it was the sheriff’s shaft she tasted. Closing her eyes, Lily sucked.

      Would he like that? Would he need it? He must. Mr. Anders had loved it. He’d petted her hair and moaned that she was a good girl. Lily groaned at the thought and sucked her finger deeper.

      She would reach her climax tonight. Sometimes with her husband she hadn’t. Sometimes she’d only been overtaken by a wonderful relaxation. But tonight she would be consumed.

      Her flesh tightened around her bones as she dragged her finger from her mouth and drew a damp trail down her skin, all the way to the tip of one breast. When her finger dried, she licked it again, slowly, then imagined Sheriff Hale’s tongue as she painted her nipple with wetness.

      By the time she slipped her hand between the lower edges of her robe, Lily’s thighs were shaking. She left the robe closed, needing to hide that part of her until the sheriff ordered her to give him more. She didn’t even face the window as she cupped her sex and whimpered. Slipping her middle finger deeper, she rubbed that one delicious spot, imagining she did it because he’d asked her to.

      “No,” she whispered, wanting to be helpless. But he wouldn’t like her saying no to him. Lily raised her other hand and gripped her throat. Squeezing the tender flesh of her neck, she rubbed her sex faster and made her body shake. Touching herself usually brought her very little pleasure, but knowing the cold sheriff was watching made it so much more.

      “Please,” she begged. “Please.”

      When she heard a low grunt of male pleasure, Lily’s body squeezed impossibly tight. “Oh,” she whispered as her thighs shuddered around her hand. “Oh, yes.” She breathed through the spasms, drawing them out as long as she could, rubbing until her flesh grew too sensitive to bear it.

      Slumping into the chair, Lily let her hand fall limp against her leg.

      Surely he couldn’t deny her now. She wanted to give him everything.

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