Her Ex, Her Future?. Louisa George
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Название: Her Ex, Her Future?

Автор: Louisa George

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request

isbn: 9781474062831



      ‘I realise that now.’ She sighed. ‘But the whole IVF thing was so grim and painful and devastating and by its very definition so physically mainly about me that I failed to see it involved both of us. Plus I knew how much you wanted children being an only child and things, and the knowledge that I couldn’t have them just about broke me apart. I didn’t cope with things very well and I shut you out.’

      ‘I allowed you to.’ Kit shoved his hands through his hair and frowned. ‘I told myself that I was giving you space but in reality I think what I was doing was avoiding something I didn’t have a clue how to handle.’

      It was the first time he’d acknowledged his contribution to the collapse of their marriage and it warmed a part of her deep inside that had always been so cold.

      ‘Really we were both victims, weren’t we?’ she mused, feeling an odd sense of calm spread through her. ‘Of something we didn’t have the strength or maturity or understanding to deal with.’ She paused. ‘Of course you topping things off by going and sleeping with someone else didn’t exactly help.’

      As her words hung between them Kit paled beneath his tan. ‘I’ll never forgive myself for that,’ he said, his voice cracking a little. ‘There’s this nugget of guilt that’s always there and I’m so sorry, Lily. For everything. But particularly for betraying your trust like that.’

      ‘You’re forgiven.’

      ‘Am I?’


      ‘Are you sure?’

      ‘Of course.’ She took a quick sip of champagne. ‘Five years is too long to be angry and resentful and I think I forgave you ages ago. I get now that you must have been feeling lonely and isolated and all those other things you said at the time,’ she said, remembering the endless evenings she’d spent going over it all. ‘That doesn’t mean what you did didn’t devastate me, because it did. But I can sort of see how it happened. I mean, we hadn’t had sex for months, had we? And we were barely speaking. We were virtual strangers. Something had to give at some point.’

      His jaw tightened and shadows flickered across his face. ‘Nevertheless I made that choice to cheat,’ he said gruffly. ‘I was the one that trampled all over our marriage vows.’


      ‘I’ve regretted it ever since.’

      ‘Did you ever consider not telling me?’

      ‘For about a nanosecond.’

      She tilted her head and looked at him. ‘Was it really just sex and a one-off?’


      ‘Then maybe it would have been better if you hadn’t.’


      ‘Although our marriage was dead in the water long before that, wasn’t it? So the end result would probably have been the same.’

      ‘If I’d thought there was any hope of salvaging it I’d never have done what I did,’ said Kit.

      ‘Wouldn’t you?’

      ‘No. Not that it’s any excuse. Nothing excuses it. Certainly none of the justifications I came up with.’

      Lily winced as everything he had accused her of—self-absorption, surliness, lack of understanding among others—all came back. ‘I guess we both said things we probably shouldn’t have.’

      ‘Probably,’ he said with a nod. ‘But I’ve had time to think too and I was too quick to absolve myself of any of the blame. Whatever was happening to us, I should have made us deal with it together. I regret the fact that I didn’t.’

      For a moment they lapsed into silence, the space between them no longer filled with regret but a sort of tentative understanding.

      ‘Listen to us,’ she said softly, ‘each trying to take the blame for the way things turned out.’

      ‘Unlike when it actually happened when all we could do was blame each other.’


      Kit smiled, his eyes glittering in the candlelight. ‘Who’d have thought we’d get so wise?’

      ‘Well, I’ve had a lot of time to think and I ended up figuring that for me it was like someone—you—had died or something because the man I knew would never have done something like what you did. So I kind of went through the whole grief thing, starting with shock and rage. It took me a while and a lot of wine to get round to the acceptance and forgiveness stage but I got there. And here we are, I guess.’

      Kit didn’t say anything to that, but just looked at her for several long, heavy moments, his eyes darkening and the expression on his face changing into something that made her heart thud and her throat tighten.

      ‘What?’ she asked, her voice husky.

      ‘You’re incredible.’

      ‘No, I’m not,’ she said, trying to tamp down the surge of heat rising up inside her and the thudding of her heart. ‘Just a bit older maybe and appreciating the benefit of twenty-twenty hindsight. Anyway, it isn’t all one-sided. Didn’t you say you’d been thinking too?’

      ‘I’ve had my moments.’

      She shot him a rueful smile. ‘And it’s not like I didn’t do things I regret.’ Her smile faded and she bit her lip as a familiar wave of shame rolled through her. ‘I’m sorry about cutting up your clothes and keying the Porsche, Kit.’

      ‘Don’t be.’

      ‘And the email was truly unforgivable. I should never ever have done that.’

      Kit shrugged. ‘Water under the bridge.’

      Not for her. Once the initial surge of triumphant satisfaction had faded she’d felt sick and hollow and riddled with guilt. Still did a bit. ‘Did it make things very difficult?’

      ‘Pretty tough.’

      She inwardly cringed. ‘What did you do?’

      ‘Having been informed of my questionable integrity none of the British banks would lend me anything and the venture capitalists wouldn’t touch me with a bargepole so I went to the States.’

      ‘I read that your first hotel was in New York. I wondered about that. Will you tell me how you did it?’

      * * *

      And so, over the course of dinner, Kit did. He told her how after New York he’d moved to Paris and set up a hotel there. And then, most recently, London.

      He told her of the satisfaction he felt of realising the dream he’d had ever since his jet-set parents had taken an apartment in Claridges, the dream that had sustained him through his degree in hotel management and his swift climb up the ladder. He shared the obstacles he’d faced and the successes he’d had.

      And СКАЧАТЬ