Christmas Witness Pursuit. Lisa Harris
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СКАЧАТЬ you,” he said.

      “Like?” She sat back and waited for him to continue.

      “You’re strong. You have a sense of humor.” Griffin paused. “And you’re beautiful.”

      “I’m guessing I blush at compliments, as well.”

      He smiled back, but she didn’t like the way he stirred her heart. She couldn’t remember what she ate for breakfast yesterday, let alone if there was someone else in her life. This definitely wasn’t the time or place to be feeling the tug of an attraction. All she was going to end up with was a broken heart. And somehow—despite everything she’d forgotten—she knew she’d had at least one of those.

Paragraph break image

      Griffin studied Tory for a moment while she dug into her dessert, wondering why he’d said something so...personal. She was beautiful, but to say it out loud?

      Still, there was something different about her from most women he met—something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Despite the alarming situation she was being forced to deal with, she was managing to hold herself together better than he’d expected. With her medical training, it made sense. She was used to making decisions in the middle of a crisis situation, but having a man who was wanted by the FBI after you brought things to a whole other level. Those feelings of fear and vulnerability were amplified with her memories suppressed. Being attracted to someone who couldn’t remember who they were seemed ridiculous.

      He needed a distraction and he had a feeling so did she.

      “How about a movie?” he said. “It might keep your mind off of all of this for a while.”

      And keep his mind off the woman sitting next to him.

      She took another bite. “For some reason, I don’t think I’m a huge movie fan, but I think I’d like that tonight.”

      “Good. My parents have a huge selection of DVDs. What’s your favorite?” He sat back, wanting to take back the question. “I’m sorry.”

      “Forget it. Why don’t you choose?”

      He set his dessert on the coffee table, grabbed one of the movies he knew his mother loved and slipped it into the DVD player. Why did he keep forgetting he wasn’t there to get to know her? This was a job, nothing more. Besides, how was he supposed to get to know her when she couldn’t remember her past? Even if it did eventually come back, his job was just until the FBI detail got here.

      Halfway through the movie, they added a big bowl of buttered popcorn. When the final credits rolled, he realized she was leaning against his shoulder.

      “Are you still awake?” he asked.

      She nodded then yawned “I saw the ending, but think I missed part of it.”

      “I learned you have a cute snore.”

      “Very funny.” She laughed. “I learned I like romantic comedies. Especially Christmas ones.”

      “I figured something intense wasn’t going to be a good choice considering that the point was for you to forget everything that’s going on, so I guess we accomplished that.”

      “Agreed.” She scooted a few inches away and turned to him. “But to be honest, forgetting things hasn’t exactly been an issue since the accident.”

      Griffin frowned, wanting to kick himself for his insensitivity. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

      “It’s okay.” She shot him a smile. “I’m teasing.”

      He let out a low chuckle. “You might have lost your memory, but like I said earlier, definitely not your sense of humor.”

      “What I really should be saying is thank you.”

      “For what?”

      “For helping me get my mind off all of this, even if it was just for a couple hours—and even if I fell asleep. I have a feeling that the next few days if not weeks are going to be tough. But in the meantime, I can’t imagine a homier safe house.”

      He turned off the TV and the Christmas lights, grabbed the half-empty bowl of popcorn and headed toward the kitchen. “I can’t guarantee that the FBI is going to treat you to a movie and popcorn every night, but while you’re here we can afford to indulge some.”

      He stopped midsentence, realizing what he was thinking. For some crazy reason he wished she were staying here—not just until the storm was over, but until he knew she was completely safe. And he wanted to be the one to ensure she stayed safe. But that wasn’t going to happen. She’d only be here until the storm passed and the FBI could get her out, then he’d get back to his normal life.

      And reality.

      He turned off the kitchen light and started upstairs with her.

      “The house is beautiful.” She ran her hand across the wooden banister as they walked up the stairs. “When was it built?”

      “My grandfather built the original structure back in the early 1900s, but my father continued to add on. He put in the second story back in the seventies, added a back porch and most recently put in a gun room for safety.”

      She glanced at the vaulted door at the end of the hallway. “So he’s a serious hunter?”

      “Hunter...collector. He had the vault put in a few months ago. His first grandchild—and any future grandchildren—was his main motivator, though he’s been talking about doing it for years. If you’re interested in hunting, he’s the man people come to. I might be biased, but he and my grandfather are experts on not just hunting but survival and really anything outdoors. He loves this land and knows how to adapt to whatever comes.”

      She stood quiet for a minute in front of the guest room.

      “You okay?”

      “Yeah. I’m fine. Just tired. I love hearing you talk of family, but it makes me wonder about mine.”

      “The memories will come.”

      She nodded. “I hope so.”

      “Do you need anything else?”

      “I don’t think so. I have my bag from the agents’ car and your mother helped me get settled.”

      “Good. But if you end up needing something—anything at all—during the night, I’m just down the hall.”

      “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

      A moment later she turned around and slipped into her room.

      He stared at the closed door a few seconds then made a tour of the house, ensuring all the doors and windows were locked. His parents had gone to bed an hour ago, but he had a feeling he wasn’t going to get much sleep.

      The wind was still howling outside and the snow continued to lay a thick blanket on the ground, which meant he couldn’t imagine someone coming after her now. Not in this СКАЧАТЬ