A Regency Baron's Bride. Sarah Mallory
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Название: A Regency Baron's Bride

Автор: Sarah Mallory

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474037907


СКАЧАТЬ found the prolonged scrutiny a little unnerving.

      ‘I am dining with friends at my club tonight but I may well look in later.’

      ‘Well, if you are coming, pray be in time to dance with Kitty and do not spend all your time in the supper room,’ replied his mother, picking up her wrap. ‘Now, we must be off. Come along, my dear, we will go downstairs to wait for the carriage.’

      Lady Harworth might complain that her house was not situated on the magnificent west side of Cavendish Square but it seemed to Kitty that the whole of fashionable London was intent upon attending the ball. The square was crowded with vehicles. Coachmen and postillions traded insults while liveried footmen directed the carriages to the entrance before tenderly handing down the occupants and escorting them into the house.

      Kitty followed Lady Leaconham up the wide sweeping staircase, her nervousness somewhat alleviated when she saw Ann waiting for her at the top of the stairs, a beaming smile upon her face as she held out her hand to Kitty.

      ‘Is this not wonderful? I have never seen so many carriages in the square before. It is going to be such a squeeze, and Mama has hired a whole host of musicians to play for us. I cannot wait for the dancing to begin!’

      ‘Well, you must contain yourself a little longer,’ put in her mother, directing a smile towards Kitty. ‘There are any number of people still to arrive. Now pray, Ann, allow Miss Wythenshawe to move on, that the other guests may approach.’

      Kitty glanced behind her: a column of gorgeously gowned ladies and elegant gentlemen stretched all the way down the stairs. It was quite unnerving to see so many strange faces. She knew so few people, despite having been in Town for a whole month. Kitty was so daunted by this thought that when she saw Daniel Blackwood enter the house and join the line she could not suppress a smile of relief.

      It was unfortunate that the gentleman should glance up at that moment, raising his brows when he saw her smiling down at him. Kitty quickly turned away, blushing furiously. What had possessed her to smile at the man? Resolutely putting this aberration aside, she followed her godmother into the ballroom, only to stop on the threshold and gaze about her in astonishment. The lofty room was ablaze with light from several glittering chandeliers. Everywhere was colourful and noisy confusion, the sounds of the musicians tuning up adding to the laughter and chatter of the guests.

      ‘Good evening, Aunt, Miss Wythenshawe.’ Lord Harworth stepped up to them and bowed. He gazed at Kitty, appreciation in his slightly protuberant grey eyes. ‘I hope, Miss Wythenshawe, that you have not forgotten you have promised to dance with me later this evening?’

      Kitty gave him a shy little smile. ‘No, indeed, my lord.’

      ‘Good,’ responded his lordship. ‘Capital. I shall look forward to it.’

      ‘Well, that is an exciting start,’ declared Lady Leaconham, as Lord Harworth moved off to greet more guests.

      ‘It is, ma’am,’ said Kitty, feeling rather overawed. ‘At least I shall have one dance partner tonight, and if Lord Leaconham should turn up and dance with me as well I shall think myself very content.’

      ‘Oh, I do not think we need to rely upon Garston tonight,’ declared her godmother, her voice rich with satisfaction. ‘I have already noticed several gentlemen looking at you with interest, my love. I shall introduce you to everyone I know, and with you looking so very pretty this evening I have no doubt that we shall soon find you any number of partners. And with luck a good many of them will be unmarried!’ She took Kitty’s arm and began to look around her. ‘Now, where shall we begin?’

      Between them, Lady Leaconham and Miss Harworth introduced Kitty to so many people—turbaned matrons, bewhiskered lords and eager young gentlemen—that there was no possibility of her remembering all their names, but she should not complain, for when the musicians finally began to play she had the satisfaction of walking out on to the dance floor to join the very first set. Her initial anxiety soon disappeared as she realised she was familiar with all the steps and she uttered up a silent prayer to the squire for employing such an excellent dancing master. After that first dance, she found there were a number of gentlemen eager to partner her and she began to enjoy herself. Rather to his mother’s surprise, Lord Leaconham arrived in time to stand up with Kitty for a minuet and even came back later to escort the two ladies to the supper room, where he remained to entertain them until it was time to return to the dancing.


      It was towards the end of the evening when Lord Harworth came to claim his dance with Kitty. He appeared to be in the very best of spirits, although she suspected that the high colour in his cheeks was partly the result of the rather potent punch being served at supper. After a particularly lively country dance he pulled her hand on to his arm.

      ‘Well done, Miss Wythenshawe. My sister informs me this is your very first ball, but to see you dance one would never know it.’

      ‘Thank you, my lord,’ Kitty replied. ‘I did not expect to enjoy myself half so much. Everyone has been most kind, especially you, sir, and your sister.’

      ‘Phshaw!’ Lord Harworth puffed out his chest. ‘Think nothing of it, Miss Wythenshawe. Now, where shall I take you, who is your next dance partner?’

      ‘Why, sir, I do not think I have one, so perhaps you could escort me back to Lady Leaconham.’

      ‘What, no partner?’ cried my lord. ‘But these will be the last dances of the night. We cannot have you sitting out! I promised m’sister we would keep you amused tonight, so we must see what we can do.’

      Lord Harworth raised his head and began to look about him.

      Kitty disclaimed and declared herself perfectly ready to join her godmother, but her escort merely patted her hand as he raised his voice to address someone.

      ‘Blackwood—just the man! You are not dancing?’

      The press of people had prevented Kitty from spotting Daniel Blackwood, but she saw him now as he stepped towards them, unsmiling, towering over her, a dark and brooding figure in the colourful crowd.

      He said briefly, ‘No, my lord. I do not dance.’

      ‘Nonsense, man, you trod a very pretty measure with Ann earlier this evening, I saw you! I have here a delightful partner for you.’

      Kitty went cold.

      ‘Believe me, my lord,’ she began, ‘there is no need—’

      ‘Nonsense, you will be doing Mr Blackwood a great service,’ cried Lord Harworth jovially. ‘I am appalled to think he has been standing around all evening.’

      ‘I assure you, my lord,’ Daniel began, his tone clipped, ‘I have partnered more than one young lady tonight—’

      ‘Then you must dance again, sir!’ Lord Harworth took Kitty’s hand and held it out. ‘Come along, Blackwood, take Miss Wythenshawe to the floor!’

      Kitty thought she might die of embarrassment. Daniel, his face cold and shuttered, held out his arm to her and when she slipped her fingers on to his sleeve he silently led her away.

      ‘I am sorry,’ she managed, biting her lip. ‘I know you want this as little as I do.’

      ‘Society has its rules, madam, СКАЧАТЬ