Claiming His Christmas Wife. Dani Collins
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Название: Claiming His Christmas Wife

Автор: Dani Collins

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

isbn: 9781474072823


СКАЧАТЬ that she had the dim sense to show it. It might be a different neighborhood, but the apprehension was the same as she’d always felt in her childhood. Weakness would be pounced upon. She never showed it if she could help it.

      She had never been this weak, though. It took a superhuman effort to release him from that tenuous connection of grasping his hand—not just physically, but because she felt so lonely. So adrift.

       Why was it so freaking cold out?

      Shivering, she fumbled her key from her purse and moved to the door of her building. It wasn’t locked. Never was. The entryway smelled like sauerkraut soup, which was better than some of the other days.

      Travis swore as he came in behind her and set a hand on her upper arm, steadying her as she climbed the stairs. His looming presence, intimidating as it was, also felt protective, which made her heart pang.

      “Hey,” one of her neighbors said as she passed them on the stairs. She was off to work the streets in her thigh-high boots, miniskirt and fringed bra beneath a faux fur jacket. “No tricks in the rooms.”

      “He’s just bringing me home.”

      “Don’t get caught,” the woman advised with a shake of her head. “You’ll get kicked out.”

      Imogen didn’t look at Travis, but his thunderous silence pulsed over her as she pushed her key into the lock and entered her “home.”

      It was the room where she slept when she wasn’t working but so depressing she would rather work. It was as clean as she could make it, given the communal broom was more of a health hazard than a gritty floor. She didn’t have much for personal effects, having sold any clothes and accessories that would bring in a few dollars.

      There was a small soup pot on the only chair. It usually held a bag of rice and a box of pasta, but she had dumbly left it in the shared kitchen overnight a few days ago. She was lucky to have recovered the dirty pot. Payday wasn’t until tomorrow, which was why she hadn’t eaten when she collapsed.

      Sinking onto the creaky springs and thin mattress of her low, single bed, she exchanged the damp blanket she’d been clutching around her for the folded one, giving the dry one a weak shake. “Can you leave so they don’t think I’m entertaining? I really can’t handle being kicked out right now.”

      “This is where you live.” His gaze hit her few other effects: a battered straw basket holding her shampoo, toothbrush and comb, for her trips to the shared bathroom; a towel on the hook behind the door; a windup alarm clock; and a drugstore freebie calendar where she wrote her hours. “The street would be an improvement.”

      “I tried sleeping on the street. Turns out they call your ex-husband and he shows up to make you feel bad about yourself.”

      His “Not funny” glare was interrupted by a sharp knock and an even sharper, “No drugs, no tricks! Out!”

      “Would you go?” she pleaded.

      Travis snapped open the door to scowl at her landlord.

      “He’s not staying—” she tried to argue, but of course she was on the bed, which looked so very bad.

      “We’re leaving,” Travis said, and snapped his fingers at her.

      She flopped onto her side with her back to both of them.


      Oh, she hated her name when it was pronounced like that, as if she was something to be cursed into the next dimension.

      “Just go,” she begged.

      “I’m taking this,” he said, forcing her to roll over and see he held her red purse.

      “Don’t.” She weakly shook her head. “I can’t fight you right now. You know I can’t.” She was done in. Genuinely ready to break down and cry her eyes out.

      “Then you should have stayed in hospital. I’ll take you back there now.”

      She rolled her back to him again. “Take it, then. I don’t even care anymore.” She really didn’t. All she wanted was to close her eyes and forget she existed.

      With a string of curses, he dragged the scratchy gray blanket from her and threw it off the foot of the bed. Then he gathered her up, arms so tense beneath the thick wool that her skin felt bruised where it came in contact with his flexed muscles. He was surprisingly gentle in his fury, though, despite cussing out the landlord so he could get by and carry her down the stairs.

      “Travis, stop. I’ll lose all my things.”

      “What things? What the hell is going on, Imogen?”

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