The Gathering Dusk. Cynthia Eden
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Название: The Gathering Dusk

Автор: Cynthia Eden

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежная классика

Серия: Killer Instinct

isbn: 9781474065887


СКАЧАТЬ dead don’t feel pain,” she said. She’d given herself comfort with those words so many times over the years.

      “No, that luxury is just for us, isn’t it?” Now his gaze had come back to her face. “You’re damn good when it comes to killers. Don’t know that I’ve ever seen anyone work quite the way you do. Bass and the other agents on our team—they weren’t looking at Farris.”

      No, they’d focused their attention on another man, one county over. A man who was recently divorced, a loner now, but... He didn’t fit my profile. He still had too many strong ties. He hadn’t been pulling away from society. Not like George.

      “You see things that others don’t...” A slight pause. “When it comes to killers.”

      “You’re saying I don’t understand you?”

      His fingers stilled. “Do you think I’m a killer?”

      Oh, yes, she would need to tread very carefully here. “Just because you fought and fired in the line of duty, it doesn’t mean—”

      “You read my fucking confidential files.” Anger thickened his voice. It was the first time his anger had been directed at her. She didn’t like it.

      “No.” Samantha fought to keep the emotion from her voice. That was one of her talents. When it came to locking down her feelings and giving the world a perfect mask to view, she was at the top of the class. “I didn’t.” But his words had just confirmed what she’d suspected when she’d begun to build a profile on him.

      I profile my friends. I profile my lovers. I can’t turn it off. I wish that I could.

      She cleared her throat. “We need to get back to the office.” They were just outside of Richmond, and the drive back to DC wouldn’t be an easy one, not at this time of the day. “Let’s just go, okay?”

      He hesitated, and Samantha thought that he was going to push her to determine just how much she really knew about him. She tensed, but he gave a grim nod. He cranked the engine once more. Shifted to Park and—

      “Just because you have to fire,” Blake said, not looking at her, “in order to save yourself and your partner... That doesn’t make you a killer, either.”

      No, but it did make her someone...who had killed.

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