The Bridesmaid's Proposal (Valentine's Day Short Story). Rebecca Winters
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СКАЧАТЬ do you mean?”

      “Don’t listen to her!” Melissa broke in on them with a maniacal look in her eyes. “I heard her tell Miranda she was in love with you, but she was lying! All this time she’s been sleeping with Carlo.”

      Carly gasped. “That’s not true and you know it,” she whispered, enraged.

      “Give me a break—” Melissa fired back. “Think about it, Fabio. That’s why you’ve never been able to get Carly in your bed.”

      “You’re wrong, Melissa. The only reason I haven’t slept with Fabio is because I knew you were in love with him. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

      “Ooh. You really know how to play hardball, don’t you?” Melissa’s furious gaze switched to Fabio. “The only reason she’s hitting on you now is so she can get her hands on your portion of the Andretti fortune.”

      “There is no fortune, Melissa,” Fabio declared with quiet menace. “I gave it to the church when I entered the priesthood.”

      “I wouldn’t want it anyway!” Carly cried. “Money means nothing without love. How can you stand there and accuse me of such lies? Carlo’s old enough to be my father. He’s always been in love with your mother. They’ve been like parents to me. Don’t listen to her, Fabio.”

      “Don’t listen to her, Fabio,” Melissa mimicked brutally. “Get ready to die, Carly!”

      Melissa pulled a gun from the thigh holster beneath her dress. But before she could shoot it, Fabio wrenched it from her hand.

      “I might have known you’d try to ruin your mother’s wedding day,” he said with cold fury. “My uncle told me how their first wedding ended in disaster because of you, but you’re not going to get away with it a second time. Get out of here, Melissa!”

      Two ushers seating people rushed into the vestibule. “What’s going on? The guests are waiting.”

      “Escort this woman from the church and call the police to pick her up for threatening Carly with a deadly weapon.”

      While one of the ushers dragged Melissa, who went kicking and screaming, the other one relieved Fabio of the gun.

      After he disappeared, Fabio turned to crush Carly in his arms. “Are you all right?”

      “Yes.” She struggled for breath. “Fabio—you didn’t believe her, did you?”

      “What do you think? According to Carlo, she’s been unstable for years. Maybe she’ll finally get the psychiatric help she needs.”

      “She was actually going to kill me.”

      “Don’t think about that now.”

      “How can I not?” she cried. “Oh, no—the wedding march has started up!”

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