Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger / Once Upon A Christmas Eve. Patricia Thayer
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Название: Tall, Dark, Texas Ranger / Once Upon A Christmas Eve

Автор: Patricia Thayer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish

isbn: 9781408903605


СКАЧАТЬ the high walls. A large cutting table was busy with patrons waiting patiently for their turn. On the other side was a large doorway, opening into another area that had several rows of tables with sewing machines.

      Finally a young blonde woman came up to him, her stomach round from the late stage of pregnancy.

      “Hello, I’m Jenny Rafferty,” she said. “Is there something I can help you with?”

      “I was told that I’d find Beth Staley here.”

      The woman smiled. “Yes, Beth is here.” She nodded to a round table in the corner in the front of the windows where half dozen women sat. “‘The Quilting Corner’ ladies.”

      He nodded. “Thank you, ma’am.” He released a breath. He needed to sell this to make his job easier. Hat in hand, he put on a smile as he made his way to the table. The half dozen women, all different ages, suddenly stopped their conversation and stared at him.

      “Good afternoon, ladies,” he said. “I apologize for interrupting, but I’m looking for Mrs. Beth Staley.”

      “That would be me.” A tiny woman in her late fifties raised her hand. “Are you sure you got the name right?”

      The other woman laughed and Coop relaxed a little. “I’m sure if you’re the woman who has the cottage for rent?”

      When Beth smiled, he saw the resemblance to her daughter. Same sapphire eyes and shape of the face. The woman flashed a look at her friends, then back to him. “Why, yes, I do.”

      “Then I’m interested in renting it. I hope I’m not too late.”

      Mrs. Staley looked confused. “Why, Mr. Cooper, would that be?”

      “Your daughter said there’s another interested party.”

      Mrs. Staley sobered. “Oh, yeah, right. Well, that fell through so the cottage is still available. But, young man …”

      “Sorry, it’s Noah Cooper. Everyone calls me Coop.”

      “And I’m Beth, and these are my friends, Liz, Lisa, Millie, Louisa and Caitlin.”

      “It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

      They all returned greetings.

      “Excuse us, ladies.” Beth stood and moved away from the table for more privacy. “Well, Mr. Cooper, if you’re serious about the cottage, I’ll need references … and a deposit.”

      Coop nodded in agreement. “Not a problem. My new job is with AC Construction. But I can give previous references from San Antonio.” His superiors wouldn’t have any problem coming up with something.

      “You’re working for Alex?”

      Coop nodded again. “Yes. I’m a finish carpenter by trade. I’d rather not live in a motel for the next six, or eight months.” He’d had worse accommodations. “When I saw your cottage, it was a nice surprise.” He needed to sweeten the deal. “And I’ve done a lot of home restoration work in the past, and I could help with some repairs around your beautiful home.”

      “I’m ashamed to say, my home has been neglected so badly. When my husband was alive he did all the repairs.” She folded her arms over her chest covered by a shirt that said, I’d Rather Be Quilting. “Would you have the time to work on my place with your other job?”

      “My job doesn’t start for a few weeks. And I’m ready to move in right now. Of course, you need to check my references first.”

      She wrinkled her nose. “I figure if you work for Alex Casali, you must be top-notch. His wife, Allison, owns this shop.”

      “So Mrs. Casali quilts, too.”

      Beth grinned. “You could say that. She’s one of the best.” She motioned him back to the table. “Ladies, Noah Cooper is going to be my new tenant.”


      Everyone turned to see Lilly Perry walking toward the group. She’d cleaned up from earlier, and changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a pink T-shirt. Her brown hair was brushed and laying in soft waves against her shoulders. He’d never guess this woman was in her mid-thirties, and the mother of two.

      “Mother, what’s going on?”

      “Good, Lilly, you’re here. I want to introduce you to Mr. Cooper.”

      “We’ve already met,” Lilly said, not looking happy. “He came by the house earlier.” She stared at him. “How did you know to come here?”

      “Your son, Robbie. He told me where to find Mrs. Staley. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. You said someone else was interested in it.”

      Beth looked at her daughter. “Who else?”

      “Mandy Hews.”

      The older woman frowned. “She’s only eighteen. Not only couldn’t she afford it, but I’d spend all my time chasing off that boyfriend of hers. Good Lord, don’t the women of this generation have any taste in men? The kid doesn’t even have a job.”

      Lilly didn’t like being called out in front of a stranger. “Excuse us, please.” So she took her mother by the hand and pulled her away. Once across the room and out of earshot, she spoke. “Mother, you shouldn’t have agreed to rent to this man before you checked him out. Besides, I thought we decided to rent to a woman.”

      “If I remember, you decided that. Besides, I wasn’t born yesterday and I know how to size up people. Don’t let your relationship with Michael cloud your judgment.”

      “Michael did a hell of a lot more than cloud my judgment. He kicked me and the kids to the curb and took every dime of our money. Not to mention he humiliated me.”

      Beth’s expression softened. “I know, honey. And I wish I could change that, but I can’t. Don’t you think it’s time to move on? Start a new life for you and the kids.”

      Lilly did not want to rehash her problems right here in the Blind Stitch. There had been enough gossip about her around town to last a lifetime.

      She glanced at the handsome Noah Cooper as he talked with the ladies around the table. He seemed to be very charming. That was the problem.

      Mike had been charming when he wanted to be during their thirteen-year marriage. Then overnight things seemed to sour between them and he left her and the kids.

      Suddenly there was a loud groan and everyone turned to Jenny who was doubled over. She gasped as a puddle formed on the floor below her.

      She blushed. “Oh, God. My water broke.”

      The group got up and went to her.

      “My baby’s coming.” Jenny sucked in a breath. “I’ve got to call Evan.”

      “I’ll do it,” Liz said to her. “You sit down.”

      Jenny shook her head. “No, I need to keep walking. I want this over quickly. СКАЧАТЬ