Finding Amy. Carol Steward
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Название: Finding Amy

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781472020963


СКАЧАТЬ I bring you any dessert?” the waitress asked, eyeing first Sam, then Jessica. When she saw Jessica’s red eyes, she looked back at Sam, as if he’d done something to cause them. “Are you okay, ma’am? Can I get you anything?”

      “I’m fine, just recalling a bad day. No dessert, thanks.”

      Sam answered without a second thought. “I think Amy and I need your peach pie à la mode, please.”

      “Sam, she’s going to take all night to get to sleep after all that sugar.”

      He smiled at her then, and Jessica knew she was in trouble. The tables had turned since their first introduction. She’d wanted something from him that night, but now, it looked as if he had his own plan in mind.

      “Kids go wild from sugar? I thought I read research has disproved that theory.”

      “Researchers didn’t test Amy. And honestly, I don’t have the energy to stay up with her tonight. That chocolate milk pushed her limit.”

      He caught the waitress’s attention and changed his order, asking for a bowl of fresh Colorado peaches for Amy, instead.

      “Think she’ll buy it?”

      Sam’s sly expression turned her heart to mush. He was a dangerous man. “Probably not, but it was very nice of you to try.”

      The pie and dish of peaches arrived, and Amy devoured them before Sam had two bites eaten. Amy reached her fingers across the table and again pinched her fingers and thumb together.

      “One bite, Mom?” he whispered to Jessica.

      “Only if you’re willing to keep her busy later,” she threatened.

      “Not a problem. Amy, say ‘please,’ and I’ll give you a bite.”

      She motioned “some” with her fingers.

      Sam backed away. “No, say ‘please.’”

      Jessica held up her hand. “Sam…”

      “Say ‘please’…”

      “That’s not a good idea, Sam.” Jessica tried to warn him, but it took even less time than usual for Amy to lose her patience and pitch a royal fit. “Amy, no.”

      Sam looked terrified of what he’d done and started to give her the bite anyway. “I’m sorry.”

      Jessica held out her hand and blocked the spoon with the bite on it. “Don’t reward negative behavior, Sam. No matter how desperately you want her to quiet down. Finish your pie and we’ll meet you outside.”

      She dropped a few bills onto the table, lifted Amy and her bag and made a beeline for the exit. Amy kicked and screamed all the way to the pickup, where Sam met them minutes later.

      “I’m so sorry, Jessica.”

      “Amy has no patience. It’s not your fault.”

      Amy lifted her head from Jessica’s shoulder and reached out her dainty hand. “Pwease,” she sobbed.

      “It’s all gone, sweetie.” He opened both hands to show her, and Amy dove into them. “Whoa, got her.”

      Jessica let go and winced in pain.

      “Are you okay?”

      She nodded while her eyes filled with tears. Sam quickly helped Amy into her car seat, then made his way around the pickup.

      “By the way, here’s your money. I didn’t expect you to pay. I invited you out tonight.”

      “Invited me?” He had considered this a real date? She couldn’t think about that now—her back was beginning to burn. She motioned to the truck. “I think I’m going to need help…maybe I could stretch out in the back seat.”

      He tilted her chin. “I know you’re upset, and I heard your back pop, but the last thing you need tonight is to have the rescue unit using the jaws of life to get you out of there.” He waited until she mouthed okay before he picked her up and set her onto the leather seat, helping her slide to the middle. “I bet you’re wishing we’d brought your car now.”

      She got nervous even when a police officer drove behind her. She couldn’t imagine having had to drive with one in the seat next to her. Especially Sam. “Right now, I’m very glad you’re here.”

      “Why don’t we take you to the hospital and let a doctor check it out?”

      “There’s nothing more they can do. I have surgery on Thursday. That’s the soonest they can get me in. Just take us home and I’ll get ice on it.”

      “Will you at least let me stay and help until Amy’s asleep?”

      Jessica took a deep breath and let it out very carefully. “But you have to go back to work.”

      “That can wait. You need help now.”

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