A Love Worth Waiting For. Jillian Hart
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Название: A Love Worth Waiting For

Автор: Jillian Hart

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781408963258


СКАЧАТЬ hadn’t been a boy in over twenty years, but he didn’t correct her. “You’re looking as lovely as ever. I guess being in love agrees with you.”

      “And why shouldn’t it? Love is one of God’s greatest blessings and one day you’re going to discover it for yourself. I’ve been praying, so you’d better watch out, my boy.” She broke away and nudged him into the threshold. “Let me take a good look at you.”

      “I’m fine.”

      “Fine, my foot! Why, James Noah Ashton you look terrible. Simply terrible. What have you been doing to yourself?” Nanna shook her head, her mouth tight with disapproval. “I know what you’ve been up to, lying to me on the phone!”

      “I wasn’t lying—” He was being selective. He didn’t know for sure if anything was wrong.

      “Letting me think you’re better off than you are! I can take one look at you and see that you’ve been working day and night, not getting enough sleep. Not taking care of yourself. Eating restaurant food.”

      “There’s nothing wrong with restaurant food.”

      “Have you looked in a mirror lately? And why aren’t you wearing a coat? Come inside out of this cold.” She grabbed him by the arm and hauled him into her living room. “Now sit down and warm up in front of the fire.”

      She had every right to scold, he figured. And as long as she went on about his lifestyle, she wasn’t bringing up the word marriage. He checked his watch. Two minutes and counting.

      “It breaks my heart to see you alone,” Nanna called from the kitchen, not sounding heartbroken at all. Oh, no, she sounded like a four-star general on the eve of battle. “I had so hoped you would bring along a date. It’s not good for a man to be alone.”

      “I’ve heard that before. Somewhere, I just can’t think where—” He strolled into the kitchen in time to see her wave her hand at him.

      “Oh, you. Don’t blame a poor old woman for wanting to see her only grandson happy.”

      “I am happy.” He kissed her cheek and stole the oven mitt from her. “Move aside and let the master work.”

      “Master? You can’t cook, young man.” She chuckled, her laughter as sweet as a meadowlark’s song.

      “That’s what you think. I bought this video series by some gourmet chef on how to cook. So you see, I can feed myself and I do know how to get stuff from the oven.”

      “Just be careful. The pan is plumb full—”

      “I won’t spill,” he told her gently, because he loved her. Noah lifted the heavy pan from the oven and set her culinary masterpiece on the trivet to cool. The delicious scents of Italian herbs made his mouth water. “Hey, I just thought of something. You could give me the recipe and maybe I can make it when I’m at home.”

      “That I’d pay good money to see.” Nanna squeezed his arm. “The lasagna needs to cool. Come sit down and I’ll get you some of that lemonade you like. And no, I certainly will not give you my recipe. It has been a guarded secret in my family for generations.”

      “Nanna, I am family.”

      “When you have a wife and children of your own, then I’ll give you the recipe. How’s that?” Eyes twinkling, she led him to the round oak table near the windows.

      “Maybe I’ll have to charm the recipe out of you because, face the truth, Nanna, I’m not getting married. Read my lips.”

      “Oh, what you don’t know.” She tugged at his tie. “Sit down and relax. I’ve made up my mind to treat you so well, you’re never going to want to go back to the big city and the job that’s making you so unhappy.”

      “I’m not unhappy,” he reminded her, and because he knew he could distract her, took her by the hand and pulled out a wooden chair. “My grandmother taught me to treat beautiful women with respect, so here, have a seat. I won’t take no for an answer.”

      “There you go, charming me again. You’re trouble.”

      “Don’t I know it. Now, sit.”

      She slipped onto the cushioned seat with great resignation, but her eyes sparkled with pleasure. “It’s so good to have you here. Now my engagement party will be perfect.”

      “It’s good to be here.” He found a pitcher of lemonade in the refrigerator. “Tell me more about this man you’re going to marry. When do I get to meet him?”

      “Harold?” Nanna clasped her hands together. “Why, you’re going to love him!”

      Noah snared two glasses from the cupboard. “He must be quite a man to win your heart.”

      “He is! Oh, the plans we’ve been making. We’ve hired an architect and we’re going to build a new home, can you imagine? It’s a terrible big project, but oh, what fun I’ve been having. I’ve even decided on the house plan I want. It took a lot of looking, I tell you.”

      A cold sensation settled in the pit of his stomach. “Will you be building here on your land?”

      “Oh, no. Harold owns a large spread. A simply beautiful place. The mountain views he has are a sight to behold. I’ve got a place for the house picked out on a rise, so we’ll have views in four directions. There’s nice afternoon shade for a rose garden.”

      Nanna’s eyes sparkled with pure happiness, lit from behind. Noah hated having to ask the next question, but it was for her benefit. Clearly she was so much in love, she might not see this Harold’s hidden agenda.

      “So, what will you do with this place?” He said it casually as he set the glass of lemonade in front of her.

      “Oh, I thought about renting, but you know how that is. I’d worry someone wouldn’t take care of this house I love so much. Your sister has her own home and I’m sure as can be you don’t want this land—” She stopped midsentence and squinted at him. “Do you?”

      “You know I love New York.”

      “I just knew you were going to say that. Well, you said it yourself, so I guess my only choice is to sell.”

      “Sell?” Noah didn’t like the sound of that. “Is this your idea?”

      “And whose would it be? It’s just common sense, young man.” She took a sip of lemonade. “Now, before you start, I realize there’d be taxes to pay, but that’s your job, handling my finances for me the way you do.”

      “But you don’t want to sell?” he asked carefully.

      “How could I want to sell? I have wonderful memories in this house, but it’s time to start something new for me. Maybe what this old place needs is a nice young family to fill these empty rooms. What do you think?”

      “You’d make money off the place.” A few million, Noah didn’t add. “I suppose you and this Harold have talked about that.”

      “No, we truly haven’t. We haven’t had the time. СКАЧАТЬ