Soon To Be Brides. Joan Elliott Pickart
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Название: Soon To Be Brides

Автор: Joan Elliott Pickart

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежная классика

Серия: Mills & Boon Spotlight

isbn: 9781408905982


СКАЧАТЬ to my career 0Caitlin..”

      “I’m sorry if I gave you that impression, Matt. It’s certainly not my place to approve or disapprove of the way you conduct your life. Goodness, I don’t even know you.” She paused. “I think it would be best if we changed the subject. Even better, why don’t we go have our pizza.”

      “Sure, we’ll go for pizza, but let’s change the subject first. Why did you decide to become a single mother?”

      “Gosh, Matt, don’t hold back, just ask me any personal question that pops into your head.”

      Matt chuckled. “I’m sorry. I guess it is rather personal, isn’t it? But I’m interested in why you came to this decision. Not that you’re obligated to tell me, of course.”

      “Let’s just say that I believe this is the very best choice for me…personally. End of story. Subject closed. Shall we go?”

      Matt nodded and followed Caitlin out the front door.

      Oh, yes, he thought. The lovely lady did, indeed, have secrets that she didn’t intend to share. So many questions surrounded Caitlin Cunningham, creating so many answers he intended to discover, one by one.

      The pizza restaurant was popular and crowded, and Caitlin and Matt had a short wait before a booth became available. They decided on what toppings they wanted on their pizza and what they would drink, then Matt went to the counter to place their order.

      “It’ll be about fifteen minutes,” he said, returning and sliding in across from Caitlin. “So. Have you made arrangements for day care for Miss M.?”

      “I’m going to be working at home. I’ve already reached an agreement with my boss about it, and I’ve changed the third bedroom in the house into an office. Later, when Miss M. is ready to play with other children, I’ll consider day care. Even if I had been matched with an older child, I planned to stay home with her at first because she’d have so many adjustments to make.”

      “Don’t you think you’ll get cabin fever working at home?”

      “No, I don’t believe so. I’ll have my daughter with me, remember? Plus, she and I will be going back and forth to the magazine office to pick up and deliver work, connecting with other people. Once we get into a routine I should have a healthy balance during a given day.”

      “I hope it all goes the way you have it planned. Life has a way of throwing us curves when we least expect them at times. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and Miss M. for smooth sailing ahead.”

      “That was a rather pessimistic statement.” Caitlin frowned. “Life has a way of throwing us curves? Are you referring to yourself?”

      “Me? No, no, not at all. My life is set up exactly the way I want it. I’ve hit a momentary glitch with this enforced-vacation bit, but things will get back to normal for me soon.”

      Caitlin nodded.

      “The reason I said that about the throwing of curves,” Matt went on, “is because I just saw a woman who reminded me of my cousin, Patty. She’s going through a rough time right now and got more than her share of nasty curves, I’m afraid. I wasn’t implying that anything would go wrong with your plans.”

      “Oh, I see.” Caitlin paused, then looked directly at Matt. “You know, we seem to be just on the edge of getting into arguments no matter what topic we touch on tonight. There’s a…I don’t know…a tension between us that isn’t very pleasant.

      “If you’d rather not go shopping for baby supplies I’ll certainly understand. We were all on such emotional highs last evening and… Anyway, we can have our pizza and forget about the other if you’d prefer.”

      Matt leaned forward and covered one of Caitlin’s hands with one of his on the top of the table.

      “No, Caitlin, I’ve been looking forward to this outing all day. I’m sorry if I’ve been shorttempered, or whatever. Hey, let’s start over from right now.”

      “I’ve been a bit brusque with you, too, and I apologize.” She smiled. “All right. Hello, Matt, it’s nice to see you again and I certainly thank you for your help with my grand endeavor this evening.”

      “Hello, Caitlin,” he said, not releasing her hand. “I’m glad to be of service.”

      She had to get her hand back, Caitlin thought frantically. There was a tingling heat traveling up her arm and across her breasts, causing them to feel strangely achy as though needing a soothing touch. Now Matt was pinning her in place with his incredible brown eyes and her heart was beating like a bongo drum.

      “That’s our number,” Matt said. “I’ll be right back with a gourmet delight.”

      Thank heaven for pizza restaurants that called out lifesaving numbers, Caitlin thought, drawing a steadying breath. Darn it, she had to get a grip on herself, stop this nonsense of being thrown so off kilter by Matt MacAllister’s blatant masculinity. He touched her, she melted; he gazed at her, she dissolved. This would never do.

      They were going to be together on a daily basis soon, and she couldn’t fall apart every two seconds because Matt was close to her. Well, she’d probably be fine over there because she’d be focused on the baby. Her precious daughter.

      Matt returned with a huge pizza and a pitcher of soda, then trekked back for plates, glasses and napkins.

      “There,” he said, sitting down. “I think I have everything we need…except…” He smiled at Caitlin.

      “Except?” she asked.

      “You don’t happen to have the pictures of Miss M. in your purse, do you? I sure would like to see that munchkin again. She’s already stolen a chunk of my heart. I’m going to be putty in her tiny hands when I actually see her. Do you? Have the pictures?”

      Oh, Matt just didn’t play fair, Caitlin thought as unexpected and unwelcome tears stung her eyes. Why did he have to be so sweet, so endearing, on top of everything else he had going for him in the plus column. How many men would ask to see baby pictures as he was? Not fair at all.

      Focus on the minus column, she told herself. This was Mr. I Work 24/7/365. He wouldn’t be caught up in cute pictures of babies and putting cribs together if he weren’t being forced to take a vacation. Matt was just filling idle hours with anything available. Remember that, Caitlin. Don’t you dare forget it.

      “Of course I have the pictures.” Caitlin smiled. “I never leave home without them. I took them to work today and Marsha and I drove everyone nuts poking our photographs under their noses.” She handed the two pictures to Matt. “Here she is.”

      “Hey, kiddo. You’re just as cute today as you were last night. That is wild hair. Maybe we should take her some of the goop, that styling-gel junk, that people use.”

      We? Caitlin thought. We should take the baby some styling gel? Where had that we come from? Well, now, don’t go crazy, Caitlin. Matt had been drafted into being her luggage handler or whatever his title was. Her partner, per se, because her friend couldn’t go. So, it was natural that he’d see himself attached to her and the baby during the trip, in a manner of speaking.

      Okay, СКАЧАТЬ