Wild Child. Christy McKellen
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Название: Wild Child

Автор: Christy McKellen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Dare

isbn: 9781474071468


СКАЧАТЬ tug down her skirt to cover her.

      She sits up, propping her hands on either side of her. ‘Thanks, I needed that,’ she murmurs.

      I don’t look at her. I can’t. If I do I think I might say something I’ll regret later. Instead I nod, then walk away, skirting the desk, and sit down in my chair.

      She slides off the table and turns to look at me, her head held high as if nothing untoward has happened. As if I haven’t just taken advantage of her in the most lewd way possible.

      ‘You can leave now. Remember what you promised me,’ I say to her, determinedly keeping my voice steady.

      I fold my arms again, so she doesn’t see how much my hands are shaking. I’m sure she’s going to get angry, tell me I’m a monster to dismiss her so coldly after what has just happened between us, but she doesn’t. Instead she pushes back her shoulders and gives me an obedient nod.

      ‘Yes, sir, Mr Chivers,’ she breathes in that delicious husky voice of hers.

      Turning gracefully on the spot, she heads for the door—but before she leaves she turns back and flashes me one last guileful smile, letting me know that this thing isn’t over between us, then lets herself out of my office, closing the door quietly behind her.

      I drop my head into my hands and let out a low groan.

      Well, that didn’t exactly go as I planned.


      I’m supposed to be looking out for her while her father’s in New York. He specifically warned me not to let her get into my head and twist me around her little finger and I laughed, telling him there was no way that would happen, thinking I could handle her.

      Well, I guess I did handle her. Just not in the way I intended.

      We’ve crossed a line now, though, and I know there’s no going back. But at least I know what I’m up against.

      Anyway, she won’t be working here for long, and judging by her reputation for short, sharp relationships she isn’t looking for anything serious from me.

      I certainly don’t want a serious relationship right now—not that she’s the type of woman I’d expect to settle down with anyway...if I ever do.

      That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy what just happened between us. She certainly is a fascinating woman...

      I rub my hands over my scalp, feeling frustration flood through me.

      She’s the very last person I should be letting get under my skin right now. It’s okay for her—playing at working here, then swanning off to fritter away her trust fund on some vanity project—but it’s my career and reputation at stake and I have to put my business first.

      If she thinks I’m going to carry on playing her sexy little power games she can bloody well think again.

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