Perilous Pursuit. Kathleen Tailer
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Название: Perilous Pursuit

Автор: Kathleen Tailer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Suspense

isbn: 9781474096515


СКАЧАТЬ they were alone, Jake sighed audibly. Mackenzie raised an eyebrow. “So I take it this wasn’t your first choice of assignments.”

      “Not even close,” Jake agreed in his southern drawl.

      “Did you even know this project was in the works?”

      “Nope. The chief must have known how I’d react. That’s why he played this one close to the vest. I didn’t even have an opportunity to talk to him about it this morning like I’d planned.” He leaned forward. “Look, you’re gonna get in our way. It’s that simple. You’re making my job a hundred times harder. I know the chief seems to have high hopes for this film of yours, but I sure wish you had chosen a different agency for your exposé.”

      “Exposé?” Mackenzie said, hoping her frustration wasn’t showing. “That’s hardly what I’m doing. My film will be a positive documentary about the good work that you’re doing. It’s designed to make the US Marshals look good—not hurt you.” She shifted. “You should also know that this was your agency’s idea, not mine. They sent out a request for bids, and my proposal won the contract. If I wasn’t the one behind the camera, it would have just been someone else doing the work instead of me.”

      He seemed to ponder her words, but in the end he didn’t change his expression. “Regardless, you’re still going to be in my way.”

      “The more you cooperate, the sooner I’ll be out of your hair. That’s a promise,” Mackenzie said, hoping her frustration wasn’t coming across in her tone. There was no reason to antagonize the man, especially since he had come to her rescue just last night. Arguing with him was also a waste of time. She would just have to prove to him that her work would reflect well on his unit and the job he did. She pulled out her storyboard sheets and laid out her plans for the movie, going over the various scenes she hoped to film and giving him the narrator’s script, which would tie it all together.

      “This is just my initial plan. I’d like for you to read over all of this and let me know your opinion. I want to create a realistic piece—not a work of fiction. Your input is vital.”

      * * *

      Jake gathered all the papers together in a stack but barely glanced at them. “Fine. I’ll take a look as soon as I get time, if I get time.” He grimaced, wanting to stay focused on doing his job and doing it well, not on making a video that he had no interest in. “For now, I would like for you to take a look at some mug shots. I think I recognized one of the guys from your attack last night, and if I’m right, he’s a mean, nasty character that I really want to get off the streets. Do you mind taking a look?”

      He could tell that he’d offended her by not studying the papers she’d brought, but his focus was on catching criminals, not helping make a movie for publicity. When she nodded, he quickly led her out to the bull pen where the deputies had their desks. He seated her at a long table with three large books of pictures. He left her for about half an hour and then came back once he noticed she’d flipped through the last of them.

      “Did you see anyone you recognized?”

      Mackenzie shook her head. “Nope, sorry. I only saw one of them for a few seconds as he was leaving, and the other one didn’t look like any of the guys in these books.”

      Jake was frustrated by the news but handed her a stack of flyers. Each page showed a fugitive’s picture and had a short description. “Try these. Maybe you’ll see him in there.”

      She took the flyers and started thumbing through them. Suddenly, she became animated and held up a picture. “That’s him! That’s the hairy one that put the gun under my chin. I’ll never forget those eyes for the rest of my life.”

      Jake took the paper, his suspicions confirmed. The photo was of Carter Beckett, a thief and murderer who had robbed a bank in Cairo, Georgia, and killed a convenience store clerk in Tallahassee. He had been on their local most-wanted list for almost two years. “Good work, Ms. Weaver.” He was so pleased he’d gotten a lead on Beckett that his negative attitude melted a bit. “Look, I’m glad you’re okay after everything you went through. I’ll call the local police that worked the scene last night and give them the update. Once we catch him, we’ll need you to come down again and pick him out of a lineup for us.”

      “No problem. I’m glad I could help.” She smiled. “And don’t forget, I’ll be here anyway, working on the movie.”

      He gave a small, humorless laugh. “Yeah, I guess you will.” His feelings warred within him. He still wasn’t happy about the movie, but by identifying Beckett, Mackenzie had given him the first big lead in the case, and he did need her help. He had to work with her if he was going to make any progress, whether he liked it or not. His cell phone rang, and he excused himself and answered.


      “Marshal, this is Kevin Bourdain with the Tallahassee Police. We met yesterday?”

      “Sure, I remember. I was about to call you. Ms. Weaver just identified one of the perps who attacked her yesterday. He’s a local boy named Carter Beckett. I’ll send over his sheet in a minute or two.”

      “Sounds good. I’ll take a look. In the meantime, I’m calling because we’ve had another incident at the Weaver apartment. Someone broke in and ransacked the place. They tried to torch the apartment, too, but thankfully, the entire building didn’t go up in flames. There isn’t much left in her living room. We’re here now and are looking for Ms. Weaver. It sounds like she’s okay and with you, but we just wanted to verify her safety.”

      Jake glanced at Mackenzie. “Yes, she’s fine. We’re just finishing up with the mug shots. Do you want me to bring her over?”

      “That would be great. We need her to take a look around and let us know what’s missing. Maybe she can give us some insight into these crimes, as well.”

      “Sure thing. We’ll be right there.” He hung up and gestured at Mackenzie. “I’m sorry to say there was another break-in at your apartment and a fire.” He put his hand on her shoulder, trying to offer her some comfort. “I’m really glad you didn’t stay there last night.”

      Mackenzie’s face showed alarm, and she stood rapidly and started stowing her paperwork. “Was anybody hurt?”

      “Thankfully, no. The perpetrators ransacked your apartment, though. I’m also guessing the guys that started the fire were only amateur arsonists, because the flames didn’t spread beyond your apartment. The fire department has everything under control, and police have secured the scene. They want me to take you over right now to let them know if anything was stolen.”

      “Are you sure it’s safe?”

      “Yes, they wouldn’t ask me to bring you if it wasn’t.”

      The answer didn’t seem to persuade her, and he could see her hands had started to shake like they had yesterday at the crime scene. He softened his tone. “The perpetrators are probably long gone, especially with all those police and fire department personnel walking around. And I’ll be with you the whole time. I promise.”

      This answer seemed to help, and he noticed a grateful look in her eyes. “Was it the same guys that attacked me?”

      “I don’t think they know yet, but we’ll find out for sure once we get there if they have any leads.”

      He СКАЧАТЬ