Handle Me. Kira Sinclair
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Название: Handle Me

Автор: Kira Sinclair

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы

Серия: Uniformly Hot!

isbn: 9781474058070


СКАЧАТЬ racked her brain for something to talk about, but nothing seemed safe. She didn’t want to discuss her brother, which meant just about every memory, friend and acquaintance they shared was off-limits. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to discuss their interlude in the tree house.

      Kaia’s shoulder brushed against her thigh. She watched the dog’s limping stride, and not for the first time felt awed by how completely she compensated for the loss of her limb.

      Guilt swamped Van. She should have been paying more attention to Kaia instead of worrying about her own bad mood, and should have walked slowly so the dog wouldn’t have to put in so much effort. Not that it seemed to bother her.

      “She’s completely healed?” Van found herself asking, although she hadn’t planned on going there. Thoughts of Kaia’s injuries inevitably led to thoughts of her brother’s death.

      “She wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t. She had to be medically cleared and then psychologically evaluated to ensure she could make a safe pet before the military would consider adopting her out.”


      He’d said something about that before, but Van hadn’t really thought about the process. She knew it had taken some time, but just assumed most of that had been for Kaia to heal from her injuries.

      “Are there any residual medical issues? Any medications? Therapy? How can I help her?”

      Ty turned, his gaze spearing into hers. She got lost in those stormy-blue eyes for a second, her mind emptying of everything but him...and how he could make her body hum.

      Shaking her head, Van tried to pull herself back to reality.

      “Nope, she’s fully healed. Nothing you need to do except love her.”

      Love her. Why did that thought cause nerves, grief and longing to mix uncomfortably in her belly?

      They reached the park. From several feet away, someone called her name.

      “Savannah! Hey, Savannah!”

      She looked over to find one of her neighbors waving frantically.

      Nadine lived two doors down. The week Van had moved in she’d shown up at the door with a plate of brownies and a big smile on her face. She was sweet, nosy and—it didn’t take Van long to realize—the self-appointed neighborhood gossip.

      “Did you hear about Mr. Macintosh? Poor thing. He shouldn’t have been trying to clean those gutters himself, though. My son Eric would have been happy to help. I didn’t know you had a dog. And who’s this tall drink of water with you?”

      Nadine finally paused, staring up at Van expectantly from where she’d crouched down to pet Kaia’s head.

      But before Van could answer, Ty stepped forward. “Ma’am, you should never approach a dog without permission from the owner.”

      “Oh.” Nadine blinked and then scrambled up. “I’m sorry. I suppose you’re right. I’ve just never met a dog I didn’t like.”

      There was something about the mega-watt smile Nadine flashed that set Van’s teeth on edge. Along with the neighborhood gossip, she was also known as the neighborhood flirt.

      “What happened to the poor thing?”

      Van’s stomach rolled. For the first time she realized that this was a question she’d have to answer over and over again.

      And that each time she did would be a reminder of Ryan.

      She had no idea what to say. But luckily, Ty did.

      “Kaia is a retired military working dog. She was injured in the line of duty.”

      “Oh, the poor thing,” Nadine gushed, again reaching out to touch her.

      “She’s been trained as an attack dog.”

      Van had to admit a small part of her was gleeful at the way Nadine snatched her hand back, cradling it against her chest like Kaia had snapped at her. Kaia simply sat, patiently watching the flighty woman.

      With a wide-eyed glance, Nadine’s gaze darted around the park full of people, taking in the mothers, fathers, grandparents and kids running, yelling and laughing.

      “Is it safe to have her here?”

      “Absolutely. She won’t attack unless ordered to.”

      Nadine’s wary gaze returned to Kaia. “Gosh, she looks so sweet.”

      “She is. One of the sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet.”

      Nadine flashed another smile, this one a bit sickly, and then made her excuses to leave. Van watched her flit from group to group, no doubt relaying the message that Kaia was a killing machine everyone should protect their children from.

      “Dammit,” Van whispered under her breath.

      “Not like you could keep her history a secret, Van. At least this way she’ll spread the information for you so that you don’t have to answer questions every time you and Kaia step out of the house.”

      Van looked over at Ty. He simply stared at her, understanding filling his gaze.


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