Название: The Sheikh's Bride
Автор: Sophie Weston
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Контркультура
Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish
isbn: 9781474015790
‘Oh,’ she said again in quite a different voice. She held out a gracious hand. ‘How kind of you, Mr Amer. I’m Deborah, er, Roberts, Leo’s mother.’
‘Leo?’ he murmured, bowing over her hand.
‘Ridiculous, isn’t it? Especially with a pretty name like Leonora. After my grandmother, you know. But her father always called her Leo. And it just stuck.’
‘Mother,’ protested Leo.
Neither of them paid any attention to her.
‘Leonora,’ he said as if he were savouring it.
Deborah beamed at him. ‘And how kind of you to check on Leo.’
He was rueful. ‘I was hoping to persuade her to have dinner with me. But she is already engaged.’ He sighed but the dark grey eyes were sharp.
Deborah put her pretty head on one side.
‘Well, now, isn’t that odd? I was just coming to tell Leo that I really didn’t feel like going out this evening.’ She allowed her shoulders to droop theatrically. ‘This heat is so tiring.’
Leo could not believe this treachery.
‘What heat, Mother? Every single place you’ve been today is air conditioned within an inch of its life.’
Deborah looked annoyed. Amer’s lips twitched. But, strategist that he was, he did not say anything.
Deborah recovered fast. ‘Well, that’s exactly the problem.’ She turned to Amer appealingly. ‘We English aren’t used to real air-conditioning. I think I must have caught a chill.’ She managed a ladylike cough.
Leo felt murderous. She was almost sure the beastly man was laughing at both of them.
‘Then you’d better stay in your room,’ she said firmly. ‘We’ll order room service.’
Deborah gave her a faint, brave smile. ‘Oh no, darling. I’ll be better on my own. You go and enjoy yourself with Mr Amer.’
Amer took charge before Leo could scream with fury or announce that the last thing in the world she would enjoy was an evening with him.
‘If you are sure, Mrs Roberts?’ he said smoothly, as if that was all it took to decide the matter. He nodded to Leo, careful not to let his satisfaction show. ‘Then I shall look forward to our excursion, Miss Roberts. Shall we say, half an hour?’
He walked off down the corridor before Leo could respond.
‘Mother,’ she said between her teeth.
Deborah was unrepentant. ‘Just what you need,’ she said briskly, ceasing to droop. ‘An evening with a seriously sexy article like that. Should have happened years ago. Now what are you going to wear?’
Leo knew when she was beaten. She stood aside to let her mother come in.
‘There’s not a lot of choice,’ she said drily. ‘My work suit. Or the sun flower job you’ve just talked me into.’
Deborah flung open the wardrobe door and considered the ensemble with a professional eye. ‘That will do. It’s versatile enough. How smart do you think it will be?’
Leo sighed in exasperation. ‘I haven’t the slightest idea. I only met the man once before you thrust me into this evening’s fiasco.’
If she thought that the information would make Deborah apologise, she mistook her mother. Deborah was intrigued.
‘Determined, isn’t he? Very flattering.’
‘Oh please,’ said Leo in disgust.
Deborah ignored that. ‘We should have bought you some shoes,’ she said in a dissatisfied voice.
Leo picked up her low-heeled black pumps and held them to her protectively. ‘They’re comfortable.’
Deborah sighed. ‘Oh well, they’ll have to do. At least, there’s stuff in the bathroom to polish them up a bit. Now what about make-up?’
Leo gave up. In her element, Deborah took charge. She shook her head over the ragged ends of Leo’s newly washed hair and took her nails scissors to it. After that, she gave her a brief but professional make-up which emphasised Leo’s long silky lashes and made her eyes look enormous. She ended by pressing onto her a magnificent pair of topaz drop earrings.
‘I’m not used to all this,’ protested Leo, surrendering her neat pearl studs with misgiving. ‘I’m going to make a terrible fool of myself.’
‘You’ll be fine,’ said Deborah.
But she did not pretend to misunderstand Leo’s doubts.
‘Darling, you’re so capable. You can handle anything, not like me. How have you got this hang up about men?’
‘It’s not a hang up,’ said Leo drily. ‘It’s the sure and certain knowledge that any man who goes out with me has been turned down by everyone else in the netball team. Unless he thinks he’s dating my father.’
Deborah shook her head. ‘I don’t understand you.’
‘I do,’ muttered Leo.
‘So explain it to me.’
‘Big feet and too much bosom,’ said Leo baldly. ‘Plus a tendency to break things.’
Deborah was shocked. ‘Leo! You have a wonderful figure. Think of all those girls out there having to buy padded bras. Men just love curves like yours.’
‘Oh sure. A demolition expert with feet like flippers is pretty irresistible, too.’
Deborah sighed but she was a realist. ‘Look, darling, men can be very unkind but they’re not difficult to deal with if you know how. Tonight, just listen to the man as if he’s an oracle. And try not to bump into the furniture.’
Leo’s laugh was hollow.
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