Wedding at Sunday Creek. Leah Martyn
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Название: Wedding at Sunday Creek

Автор: Leah Martyn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

isbn: 9781472045515


СКАЧАТЬ first cut of a scalpel.


      JACK YANKED HIS thoughts up short with a barely discernible shake of his head. He needed to get back into professional mode and quickly. ‘Give me the background on your patient.’

      ‘Mitchell is sixteen.’ Darcie spun her head to look at him and found herself staring into his eyes. They had the luminosity of an early morning seascape, she thought fancifully. She cleared her throat. ‘He works on his parents’ property about a hundred kilometres out. He was bitten on Monday last.’

      ‘So he’s been hospitalised all this week?’

      ‘It seemed the best and safest option. I’m still getting my head around the distances folk have to travel out here. If I’d released him too early and he’d had a relapse and had to come back in—’

      ‘So you erred on the side of caution. I’d have done the same. Where was he bitten?’

      ‘On the calf muscle. Fortunately, he was near enough to the homestead to be found fairly quickly and he didn’t panic. His parents were able to bring him straight in to the hospital.’

      ‘You don’t think he could possibly be suffering from some kind of PTSD?’

      Darcie looked sceptical. ‘That’s a bit improbable, isn’t it?’

      ‘It can happen as a result of dog bites and shark attacks. How’s he been sleeping?’

      ‘Not all that well, actually. But I put it down to the strangeness of being in hospital for the first time.’

      ‘Well, that’s probably true. But there could be another reason why he’s clammed up.’ Jack’s lips tweaked to a one-cornered grin. ‘He’s sixteen, Darcie. His testosterone has to be all over the place.’

      Darcie’s chin came up defensively. Same old sexist rubbish. ‘Are you saying he’s embarrassed around a female doctor? I was totally professional.’

      ‘I’m sure you were.’

      She swept a strand of hair behind her ear in agitation. ‘Perhaps I should try talking to him again.’

      ‘Why don’t you let me?’


      ‘I’m on staff now,’ he reminded her. ‘And your Mitchell may just open up to another male. That’s if you’re agreeable?’

      Darcie felt put on the spot. He’d given her the choice and she didn’t want to be offside with him and appear pedantic. And he was, after all, the senior doctor here. ‘Fine. Let’s do it.’

      Jack gave a nod of approval. ‘Here’s how we’ll handle it, then.’

      * * *

      Mitchell was the only patient in the three-bed unit. Clad in sleep shorts and T-shirt, he was obviously bored, his gaze only intermittently on the television screen in front of him.

      Following Jack’s advice, Darcie went forward. ‘Hi, there, Mitchell.’ Her greeting was low-key and cheerful. ‘Just doing a final round.’

      Colour stained the youth’s face and he kept his gaze determinedly on the TV screen.

      ‘This is Dr Cassidy.’ Darcie whipped the blood-pressure cuff around the boy’s arm and began to pump. ‘He’s going to be spending some time with us here in Sunday Creek.’

      ‘Dr Drummond tells me you crash-tackled a snake recently, Mitch.’ Casually, Jack parked himself on the end of the youngster’s bed. ‘What kind was it?’

      The boy looked up sharply. ‘A western brown. They’re deadly.’

      ‘They’re different from an ordinary brown, then?’

      Almost holding her breath, Darcie watched her young patient make faltering eye contact with Jack. ‘The western is more highly coloured.’

      Jack flicked a questioning hand. ‘How’s that?’

      ‘These guys aren’t brown at all,’ Mitchell said knowledgeably. ‘They’re black with a really pale head and neck. They’re evil-looking. The guy that got me was about a metre and a half long.’

      ‘Hell’s teeth...’ Jack grimaced. ‘That’s about five feet.’

      ‘Yeah, probably. I almost peed in my pants.’

      ‘Well, lucky you didn’t do that.’ Jack’s grin was slow and filled with male bonding. ‘I heard you kept your cool pretty well.’

      Mitch lifted a shoulder dismissively. ‘Out here, you have to learn to take care of yourself from when you’re a kid. Otherwise you’re dead meat.’

      Over their young patient’s head, the doctors exchanged a guarded look. This response was just what they’d hoped for. And it seemed that once started, Mitch couldn’t stop. Aided by Jack’s subtle prompting, he relaxed like a coiled spring unwinding as he continued to regale them with what had happened.

      Finally Jack flicked a glance at his watch. ‘So, it’s home tomorrow?’

      ‘Yeah.’ Mitch’s smile flashed briefly.

      ‘What time are your parents coming, Mitchell?’ Darcie clipped the medical chart back on the end of the bed.

      ‘About ten. Uh—thanks for looking after me.’ He rushed the words out, his gaze catching Darcie’s for the briefest second before he dipped his head in embarrassment.

      ‘You’re welcome, Mitch.’ Darcie sent him a warm smile. ‘And better wear long trousers out in the paddocks from now on, hmm?’

      ‘And don’t go hassling any more snakes,’ Jack joked, pulling himself unhurriedly upright. ‘Stay cool, champ.’ He butted the kid’s fist with his own.

      ‘No worries, Doc. See ya.’

      ‘You bet.’ Jack raised a one-fingered salute.

      * * *

      ‘Thanks,’ Darcie said when they were out in corridor. ‘You were right,’ she added magnanimously.

      ‘It’s what’s called getting a second opinion,’ Jack deflected quietly. ‘I imagine they’re a bit thin on the ground out here.’

      ‘Awful to think I could have sent him home still all screwed up.’

      ‘Let it go now.’ Jack’s tone was softly insistent. ‘You’ve done a fine job. Physically, your patient is well again. He’s young and resilient. He’d have sorted himself out—probably talked to his dad or a mate.’

      She gave an off-centre smile. ‘And we can’t second-guess everything we do in medicine, can we?’

      ‘Hell, no!’ Jack pretended to shudder. ‘If СКАЧАТЬ