Название: Mason's Marriage
Автор: Tina Leonard
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр: Контркультура
Серия: Mills & Boon American Romance
isbn: 9781472075468
“In the fields. Nanette is going to learn how to ride fence this morning.”
Mimi picked up her suitcase. “I’m going to hide this upstairs for now. At least until I spring some changes on Mason.”
“Mr. Mason doesn’t handle change very well,” Helga said with a smile.
“He’d better learn to adapt. He’s about to meet the even more stubborn side of Nanette’s family tree.” She went upstairs, trying to decide on the best place to sleep. There were several empty bedrooms that had been occupied by the Jefferson brothers over the years, and Nanette had been sleeping in the guest room.
Mason slept up here, too. A slight chill traveled over her skin as she gently swung open his bedroom door. His bed was made, and his dresser was tidy. A pair of jeans lay on the bed, as if he’d changed his mind about what he wanted to wear today. On the dresser was a picture of Mason and Nanette, posing beside Olivia’s horse, Gypsy.
She knew she should be grateful that Mason was so crazy about their child.
“You can sleep in here,” Helga said, her grin broad. “We can move Nanette here, too, and put Mason down the hall.”
“I don’t think so.” Mimi backed away from Mason’s room.
“A mother needs to be with her daughter,” Helga commented. “Always I had Kelly with me.”
Helga’s daughter, Kelly, had married Fannin, one of Mason’s younger brothers. Mimi needed no reminder of how important the mother and child bond was. But moving into Mason’s room was bound to start a fire of some kind. “Maybe we could push a small bed into the guest room Nanette is using.”
“Hmm.” The German housekeeper nodded. “We could. Mason is planning to decorate for Nanette. You might not like to stay in a room that is decorated with angels and bows.”
Mimi smiled. “I really don’t care about that.” She crooked an eyebrow. “Angels and bows? Did Mason pick the decor?”
“Yes. In a catalog from England.” Helga took a catalog from Mason’s side table. “This is Daddy’s idea of what his little girl should have.”
Mimi was stunned. “It’s breathtaking. And it costs a fortune!”
Helga grinned. “She’s his only child.”
Mimi blinked. “But such extravagance! That’s not like Mason at all!”
“It’s good for him. Let him spend. He is celebrating.”
“I guess so,” Mimi murmured. He was crazy. “I don’t suppose he ordered the matching pink three-story dollhouse, as well?”
What sounded suspiciously like a giggle escaped the stoutly built woman. “Of course. Nothing less than heaven for his little girl.”
Mimi’s heart curled tightly inside her. A very sad part of her was saying that they’d messed this whole thing up very badly. She and Mason would have been a good team: friends, lovers, excellent parents. Why had he not loved her enough to ask her to marry him?
Now it was really too late. She knew that by the way he was making plans without her. What father selected his little girl’s room decor on his own? “What did he say when he told you?” Mimi asked, her heart so tight she could barely stand it.
“He told me that Nanette was his child. Which I had already known.” Helga shrugged.
“You couldn’t have,” Mimi said. “I didn’t tell anyone except Bandera, whom I swore to secrecy.”
“Pfft. You and Brian were never together long enough to make anything happen.”
“Neither were Mason and I, really,” Mimi said.
“But it happened. And she looks just like him, anyway.” Helga folded her arms with satisfaction. “I was making dinner when he called all his brothers, and I can tell you that he was quite proud. He bragged, actually, about his little daughter.”
“He can be so odd,” Mimi said with a reluctant smile. “I want to be so angry with him for taking Nanette out of my house like a caveman, but part of me admires the side of him fatherhood has brought out.”
“Very possessive. Good in a man,” Helga said with a nod.
Mimi wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know.” She sighed. “We grew up playing with goats…and rope swings…and playing pranks on people for fun. We were a renegade band, me and the Jefferson boys. I would have been so lonely without the Jefferson kids. She’ll be lonely out here.” Mimi sighed. “At least in town there are many children for Nanette to play with.”
Helga laughed. “Have another baby.”
Mimi stared at her. “I don’t really know what to say to that. How? Why? With whom?”
The housekeeper smiled. “Same way as the first time. Why? So Nanette won’t be lonely. Although I think another baby would be more for you. And the only man you want to father your children is Mason. So, with Mason. That would be best for everyone.”
Mimi jumped as she heard Mason’s boots coming up the stairs. “Uh-oh.”
Helga drifted away, leaving Mimi to face Mason alone.
“What are you doing?” Mason said when he saw Mimi. He noted her suitcase and frowned.
“Well, if you won’t come to the mountain, the mountain must go to you. Or something like that,” she said, feeling very, very nervous.
“Meaning?” he asked with a bigger frown.
“That I’m moving in.” She lifted her chin defiantly, waiting for the storm to erupt.
He shrugged. “Make yourself at home. Pick a room, and ask Helga for towels. Excuse me.”
He disappeared into his bedroom and closed the door. She stood in the hall, her mouth open. Helga peeked her head from around a door frame and gave her a grin before disappearing again.
Mason’s bedroom door jerked open, scaring her half out of her wits, since she hadn’t fully recovered from his acceptance of her decision. She was still in fight-or-flight mode, and the adrenaline hadn’t had time to filter through her body.
“Nanette’s downstairs eating her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Can you go watch her for me? I need a shower.”
He closed the door. Mimi stood still for one second, then hurried down the stairs. Nanette sat at the table, chewing happily, her hair prickly with straw pieces. “Sweetie!” Mimi exclaimed. “I’ve missed you!” She hugged and kissed her daughter with delight.
Nanette handed her a piece of sandwich. Mimi shook her head. “No, thank you. But it looks delicious.”
“Uncle Mason made it,” Nanette said.
“Oh.” Obviously, Mason hadn’t seen fit to enlighten his daughter to what he was apparently crowing all over the town and to all his brothers. Mimi wondered СКАЧАТЬ