Silent Awakening. Elaine Barbieri
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Название: Silent Awakening

Автор: Elaine Barbieri

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

isbn: 9781472034588


СКАЧАТЬ jumping to conclusions?”

      “I told you. That Natalie Patterson pissed me off.”

      “Really? You usually don’t have that reaction to a hot little number like her.”

      “Janie would like to hear you say that.”

      “Come on! I’m just repeating what you said.”

      “She didn’t look that good to me.”


      Ignoring his partner’s response, Brady said, “We’ve got a day’s reprieve before we can do anything on the case, anyway. I say we get something to eat and then try to clear up what we can on our desks. I need to get home on time tonight.”

      “What for?”

      “I’ve got things to do.”

      “Oh? What’s her name? No, don’t tell me.” Stansky shook his head. “Just tell her to let you get some sleep for a change.”

      Yeah, sure. He forgot. He was supposed to be a stud.

      Brady slipped the car into Drive and took off from the light with a screech of his wheels that set Joe to cursing.

      Chapter Two

      “The results are conclusive. The liver specimens test positive for Candoxine.”

      Natalie glanced around the lab at the gathering of smiling faces as Dr. Gregory made his pronouncement. She had awakened in her hotel room that morning and had dressed conservatively in a sober brown suit that she believed made her appear older and, she hoped, more credible, yet doubts had assailed her. What if she had made a mistake when testing the liver specimens at the CDC? What if by some chance the results proved negative after all? What if Doctors Gregory, Truesdale and Ruberg decided the tests were inconclusive and challenged the results, thereby ultimately challenging the findings of the CDC?

      What if…what if…?

      But her doubts had proved groundless and, to her relief, everyone present appeared as pleased as she was to have the results confirmed.

      Natalie glanced at the tall figure standing silently beside a lab table a few yards away. She altered that last thought. Everyone in the room appeared pleased that the results of the test had confirmed her report…with the exception of Detective Brady Tomasini.

      Natalie struggled to present a composed demeanor. She had become intensely aware of the arrogant detective’s presence the moment she walked into the room that morning; but then, how could she not? It wasn’t only that she couldn’t miss him, considering that Tomasini easily dwarfed the other occupants of the lab with his height and stretch of shoulders, or that she knew he might be considered good-looking by some women—if they were the kind to appreciate his type. Neither was it the fact that he seemed more rested, making the intensity of his surprisingly light eyes keener as they seemed to linger on her longer than necessary, or that the more conventional sports jacket, crisp shirt, tie and freshly pressed slacks he wore did nothing to tone down his intimidating demeanor. She had done her best to ignore him as his stare had bored into her back while the results of the tests were thoroughly examined and rechecked, yet she had been unable to miss his subtle, negative reaction when the results were confirmed.

      Natalie’s lips tightened almost imperceptibly. The man had a way of putting her immediately on the defensive, which she didn’t appreciate. She had worked too hard to eliminate negativity from her life to allow it to seep back in now.

      To be succinct, she didn’t like him—apparently no more than he liked her.

      Intensely aware that the detective had walked forward to join their group, Natalie smiled and accepted the hand Dr. Ruberg offered her. She shook it warmly as the older woman said, “I want to be the first to congratulate you, Natalie. You’ve done us all proud. You’ve proved the true professional that you are by identifying a source of contamination that we couldn’t find. However ghastly the thought that the people in the Winslow party may have been deliberately poisoned, it’s a relief for us here to know that there isn’t a virulent, as yet unidentifiable virus out there somewhere, just awaiting the right set of circumstances to burst into an epidemic.”

      “I’m glad to see somebody’s happy about the results.”

      Detective Tomasini’s interjection turned the attention of all in his direction. He pinned Natalie with his penetrating stare as he continued, “I suppose congratulations are in order, Miss Patterson, but since you were so adept at identifying the Candoxine, maybe you can tell me how such a carefully controlled substance managed to make its way out of a British lab to the U.S.”

      Openly annoyed by the question, Dr. Gregory replied in Natalie’s stead, “I think we’re all agreed that Natalie’s done her job and done it well, Detective, so I guess it’s time for you to answer that question by doing your job.”

      “Actually, I’d like to respond, Doctor.” Refusing to back down from the detective’s challenge, Natalie replied with a cold smile, “In my opinion, there’s only one way the Candoxine could have found its way out of the British lab, Detective Tomasini. It had to be smuggled out.”

      “Oh, I didn’t realize you’re a conspiracy theorist.”

      “I don’t like labels, Detective. I find them inaccurate and limiting, and you’ve just done me the favor of proving my point. No, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I have spoken several times to the Director of Manderling Pharmaceuticals, the British lab working with Candoxine and, as you probably read in my report, I’m satisfied that all the necessary precautions were taken to isolate the drug. There’s no way it could’ve been removed from the lab by accident.”

      “Since you’re the U.S. expert on Candoxine, I suppose I have to take your word for it.”

      “Drug development is a risky, painstaking and expensive business,” Natalie said even more coldly. “Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent with no guarantee of success, making protection of the developmental process an integral component in the successful approval of any drug, Detective, but you can check out Manderling Pharmaceuticals’ procedures yourself if you doubt me.”

      “Oh, I believe you. I wouldn’t expect that someone like you wouldn’t have done your homework.”

      Blood rushed to Natalie’s face. “Someone like me?”

      “Right…an expert.” Tomasini continued, “It just seems to me that you don’t fully comprehend the complexities of the scenario you’ve created.”

      “I’ve created? I had no part in creating this scenario. The only part I played was in uncovering it.”

      “Oh, right again. I did fail to give you credit there, didn’t I?”

      “I’m not looking for credit, Detective. I’ve only done my job.”

      “I suppose.”

      Natalie said flatly, “Whatever. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a moot point. As Dr. Gregory said, the rest is up to you.”

      Deliberately dismissing the detective with a turn of her back, Natalie smiled at Dr. Gregory and said, “Please let me know if I can do anything to facilitate СКАЧАТЬ