A Mistletoe Proposal. Rebecca Winters
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Название: A Mistletoe Proposal

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request

isbn: 9781474043229


СКАЧАТЬ inside her. Rick had just given her more reason to walk away from him as soon as Sharon got back.

      “That had to have been a wound to his colossal ego,” she murmured.

      “You could say that. He was the only firefighter I knew who didn’t come to my wife’s funeral. As Benton said, he was conspicuous by his absence.”

      In a fraternity like theirs, Andrea realized any absence would be noticed. “Then I don’t understand why he came to the hospital with the other guys to see you.”

      “I’ve been asking myself the same thing, but I think I know now.” His hands gripped the back of one of the chairs. “How long was he there at the shop?”

      “I don’t know. I left first.”

      “Let’s call your mother and find out. Ask if he ever went into the back area. Put it on speakerphone.”

      Rick had a definite reason for asking that question. Andrea was positive it had nothing to do with her. She reached into her purse for the phone and made the call. When her mom answered, she asked about the firefighter who’d been in the store earlier. Andrea explained this call was at Rick’s request.

      “Well, he wandered around the shop for about five minutes looking at all the merchandise while I waited on some other customers. He eventually picked out a smoker and paid for it. Then he thanked me and left.”

      “Rick wants to know if he went in the back.”


      “Thanks, Mom. I’ll explain later.”

      She clicked off and looked up at Rick, who’d started pacing. “Tell me what you’re thinking.” His grim expression made her nervous. “Obviously something is very wrong.”

      He came to a standstill. “Didn’t Hayward tell you he wasn’t there to buy anything?”


      “But in the end, he bought something from your mother.” Lines marred his handsome features. “I don’t want him harassing you again.”

      “After what I told him, I’m sure he won’t.”

      Rick averted his eyes. “Excuse me for a minute while I make a phone call. Don’t move.” He gave her a long, hungry kiss that left her thoroughly shaken and trembling before he let her go and walked out of the kitchen.

      While she sat there dazed, Tessa came running into the kitchen from the door leading into the garage. She was carrying a packet and Sharon was right behind her. “Hi, Andrea!”

      What a change in her! Andrea thought. “Hi yourself!”

      “Where’s Daddy?”

      “He’s on the phone in the other room.”

      “Is he still in bed?”


      “That’s good. I want him to get well really fast.”

      “So do I. How was class today?”

      “Rodney Carr threw up by the teacher’s desk. He ate corn dogs for lunch. Everybody ran out in the hall.”

      “Oh, dear.”

      “His mom had to come and get him. Mrs. Riley said the flu is going around. If we start to feel sick to our stomachs, she doesn’t want us to come to class.”

      Amazed at all the information pouring out of her, Andrea tried to stifle her laughter. Wait till she told Rick. “Did you like the corn dogs?”

      “No. They’re yucky.”

      “Then I bet you’re hungry,” Mrs. Milne interjected.

      “Yes. What are we going to have for dinner?”

      “I thought I’d make tacos.”

      “Um. Daddy and I love those. He’s always hungry and eats anything.”

      That child had worked her way into Andrea’s heart. “Well, that’s lucky. Somewhere I read that a firefighter consumes a lot of calories when he’s on duty.” She was still trying to stifle her laughter.

      Sharon rolled her eyes. “That makes it easy for me. My husband was a picky eater.”

      “So’s my father,” Andrea admitted.

      “Tessa? Go find your daddy and wash your hands while I fix you some apple dippers.”

      “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

      A few seconds later she could hear voices in the hallway. When Rick’s deep, male belly laugh resounded in the air she knew Tessa had told him about what had happened at school. After his dark mood, the happy sound was a revelation.

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