Undercover Wife. Merline Lovelace
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Название: Undercover Wife

Автор: Merline Lovelace

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue

isbn: 9781408961988


СКАЧАТЬ You know him?”

      “I do! We trained together as junior FSOs.”

      Her pulse tripping, Jilly got Nareesh’s number from Sandra Hathaway.

      The afternoon sun had warmed the air when she emerged from State. She stood for some moments on the wide front steps, debating her next step. She really, really wanted to follow this lead on her own. If it produced results, Hawk would have to eat his objections to her lack of training and experience. Common sense and the awareness that she was part of a team had her reaching for her cell phone.

      Since she hadn’t yet been equipped with one of OMEGA’s handy-dandy, supersecure communications devices, she couldn’t directly access the Control Center or any of the operatives. Instead, she dialed the number for Lightning’s executive assistant.

      “Offices of the Special Envoy. How may I help you?”

      “Elizabeth, it’s Jilly. I need to speak to Uncle Nick.”

      “He’s still in conference, dear.”

      In conference was code for upstairs, doing duty as OMEGA’s director.

      “I thought he might be. Ask him to call me on my cell when he’s free.”

      Her cell phone pinged moments later.

      “Where are you, Jilly?”

      “Just leaving State. I may have something.”

      Or not. The lead was pretty tenuous at this point.

      “I want your okay to accompany a friend on a visit to a temple tonight.” She couldn’t go into more detail over an open line. “I’ll brief you after the visit.”

      The silence on the other end was deafening.

      “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Lightning finally asked.

      “No, but my friend does. He’s with the Bureau. His boss might call you for confirmation that it’s okay for me to ride along. Will you give it?”

      Another silence, longer this time.

      “Uncle Nick? Am I good to go?”

      “You’re good.”

      She restrained her exultant whoop but couldn’t resist punching the air with her fist.

      Hours later, she huddled beside a turbaned Ben Nareesh in his darkened car. Their intent gazes were fixed on the small screen in his handheld unit. It was fed by cameras the FBI had positioned to cover the brick warehouse. Figures had been slipping through the cloudy night and into the warehouse for the past half hour.

      “I still can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Nareesh muttered. “Or that my boss gave the green light. You must have some powerful contacts.”

      Jilly merely smiled as Ben’s gaze swept over her, looking for a chink in her disguise.

      He didn’t find one. She was draped in a silk sari she’d purchased in a downtown D.C. shop that catered to the city’s large Indian and Pakistani population. Tinted contacts darkened her eyes. Thankfully, her jet-black hair had needed no touching up. She’d parted it in the middle and fashioned an intricate series of braids that now tugged at her scalp.

      “Just follow my lead,” he instructed. “And if we do find any sacrificial animals, we both stay the hell away from them.”

      Ben hadn’t taken her warning about a potentially lethal virus lightly. In addition to his team of backups, he now had a crew encased in biohazard protective gear standing ready. All were prepared to move at his signal.

      Jilly’s nerves were strung tight when Ben stowed his unit and shifted to face her.


      She hooked the silk veil across the lower half of her face, dragged in a deep breath and nodded.


      Hawk was huddled with a team of scientists at the Centers for Disease Control’s Washington office when a cell phone chimed.

      “That’s mine.” Annoyed at the interruption, the woman opposite Hawk flipped open her phone. “Dr. Cook.”

      He could tell the news was electrifying. The doc jolted upright in her chair and whipped a startled gaze his way before snapping the phone shut.

      “The FBI just raided some kind of underground temple. One of the folks on the raid wanted to know if you’re still here.”

      Hawk’s insides turned to ice. Jilly. That had to be Jilly.

      “They found several animals being prepared for sacrifice. One of them is an extremely rare nomascus concolor. The team has the animals in isolation units. They’re delivering them to the containment lab as we speak.”

      All three scientists were already out of their chairs. Hawk stayed right on their heels as they raced through a maze of darkened corridors, down three flights of stairs and through an underground tunnel to a brightly lit lab.

      He’d had to accept that Lightning had given her the go-ahead to accompany this friend of hers. A thorough check of Special Agent Nareesh’s background and credentials had resolved some of Hawk’s misgivings. That, and the fact that she would just ride along. As an observer. Not a direct participant.

      He was still nursing that mistaken notion when he picked up the wail of a siren.

      “Stay in the observation booth,” Dr. Cook instructed as she zipped herself into biohazard protective gear. “It’s sealed off and safe.”

      The booth’s glass wall gave Hawk a clear view of the team that entered the lab some moments later. Looking like space travelers in their hooded suits, the team carried plastic cages with controlled breathing units. One of the cages contained what looked like a small rhesus monkey, the other a slightly larger primate with white tufts of fur on its cheeks. The gibbon’s eyes were huge and frightened and seemed to lock on Hawk through the glass window.

      “Poor babies.”

      He recognized Jilly’s voice instantly but had to look twice to ID the woman who rushed into the booth, followed by a tall, slender man in a white turban.

      Black mascara rimmed her eyes, which looked decidedly not blue from where he stood. A red caste mark decorated her forehead. To go with the pistachio green sari draped across one shoulder, he surmised, and sweet, cloying scent of incense that surrounded her like a cloud.

      “Hawk! They told me you were still here. This is Special Agent Ben Nareesh. Ben, this is Mike Callahan.”

      She paused, smiled and looked Hawk square in the eye and said, “Mike and I work together.”

      Hawk got the message. In her own, inimitable way, Gillian-with-a-J had just thrown down the gauntlet. If he didn’t accept her as an equal, right here, right now, it would be war between them.

      He knew he would come out the СКАЧАТЬ