Welcome to Mills & Boon. Jennifer Rae
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Название: Welcome to Mills & Boon

Автор: Jennifer Rae

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

isbn: 9781474013673


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Flynn didn’t sleep much.

      He’d woken his solicitor up the moment Helena left and asked him to book a flight over to discuss the new marriage contract. Explaining why that was necessary hadn’t been fun, and he rather suspected he’d have to do it again in the morning anyway, once Henry was properly awake. Even the best contract solicitor in London needed a little time to surface from sleep before his brilliance began to shine.

      That vital task performed, he’d headed up to bed, pausing at the top of the stairs while he considered his options. Helena had a point; sleeping in her old room would make the chance of discovery in the morning less likely. And since apparently his stuff was already there anyway, he’d trudged off in the direction of the bridal suite, letting himself into the room next door. And if his body tugged him towards another door, another bed, another body, well, he resisted. Just.

      But lying in sheets that still smelled of her perfume, of roses, of her skin, made it impossible not to think of Helena. His wife.

      He’d hurt her tonight, he’d seen it in her eyes, even if he wasn’t sure exactly what he’d said wrong. Everything, probably. He was out of practice at dealing with women. For the past few years, it had only been Thea for him, and that wasn’t exactly a normal relationship. One of the most reassuring parts of it was being able to discuss things openly and clearly, without misunderstandings.

      But with Helena...they didn’t have that grounding. And so he’d miscalculated and caused her pain. So now he needed to try and find a way to fix that and make sure it didn’t happen again.

      Henry’s arrival should solve the second part of that. Once they had their expectations down on paper, things would get easier between them. But making things up to her...that was all on him.

      * * *

      Flynn eventually drifted off thinking of ways to improve relations with his wife, only to be awoken by his internal clock a mere three hours later. Six a.m. on the dot; he knew without checking his phone. It always was. He’d been waking up at six for so long now he couldn’t sleep in if he wanted to.

      Actually, today he wanted to. If he could sleep, he would miss the departing parents and family. Helena could get over last night with coffee and breakfast, and by the time he finally emerged the world would be stable and right again.

      Flynn sighed, rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. Heat and steam were the next best thing to sleep, anyway.

      Clean and awake, Flynn towelled off and reached for his usual suit before remembering that he was on holiday. More than that, he was on his honeymoon. It might not resemble what other people expected from a honeymoon, but it was the best he was going to get. And he certainly wasn’t going to wear a suit for it.

      Even if he suspected that today, his first day of marriage, would look very similar to every other day that had come before it. He had work to do, as ever. And he had to review the marriage agreement he’d had with Thea before Henry arrived.

      But first he had to make sure his parents actually left for London. At least, with them gone, he wouldn’t have to worry about Ezekiel meddling or Isabella upsetting Helena.

      Of course, with the departure of everyone else, it would just be him and Helena left together. Alone.

      And that, Flynn decided, could get very interesting indeed. At the very least, it would give him a solid chance to make things up to his new wife.

      All the more reason to make sure that Henry got there soon.

      * * *

      Helena woke the morning after her wedding, just as she’d gone to bed: alone. Why on earth did that feel like a surprise? she wondered as she lay back on the luxurious sheets and stared at the ceiling.

      Here she was, the first day of her honeymoon, and she wasn’t sure she was going to see her husband at all. Wasn’t sure that she wanted to either.

      Except their parents were leaving that morning. He’d have to be there to see them off, right?

      And if Flynn was there, did she really have to be there too?

      Helena sighed. Sadly, yes, she did. This was the first full day of the charade that was set to take over her life for the next however long—the act of being a devoted and dutiful wife. At least, with the remaining guests and family gone, the only people she’d have to keep it up for were the villa staff—until they got home to London, anyway.

      Dragging herself out of bed, she showered and dressed quickly before heading down to the entrance hall, her still damp hair curling around her shoulders.

      ‘The car for the airport is here,’ Flynn said, walking in through the front door just as she came down the stairs.

      ‘Unlike the people it’s here to transport.’ Helena looked pointedly around the empty hallway, trying to ignore the way her heart jumped, just a little, at the sight of him. Could she be more pathetic? He might have married her, but he’d made it very clear that all he wanted was the paperwork.

      They stared at each other for a long moment and Helena felt the cool stone walls pressing in as the silence between them grew. She’d never had a problem finding things to talk to Flynn—or anyone else—about before, but all of a sudden it was as if the rings they wore had sucked all the small talk out of them.

      We’re good at this, she reminded herself desperately. We’re the ones who keep the conversation going, who smooth over the awkward silences and the embarrassing comments!

      But apparently that skill only worked with people they weren’t married to. Or when one of them hadn’t turned down a wedding night in the marital bed, at least. Great.

      ‘Maybe I should go and check on them,’ Flynn said eventually, moving towards the stairs. Helena tried to dodge out of his way, but miscalculated, her foot slipping on the bottom few steps.

      She reached for the banister but Flynn was there first, grabbing her around the waist with both arms to keep her upright.

      Helena waited for her heartbeat to return to normal speed now she was safe. It didn’t.

      Looking up, she saw honest concern in Flynn’s golden caramel eyes. His very close eyes. Not far from his very close lips. So close, in fact, that she’d only have to move a centimetre or two and they’d be kissing. Like they’d done after the speeches. And that kiss had hinted at so much more...

      Until he’d turned down her advances just a few hours later. The memory of his dismissal settled over her like a cold shower.

      ‘Just look at you two lovebirds! Such a beautiful sight.’ Isabella’s voice rang out across the hallway, echoing off the stone walls as she descended the stairs. Flynn pulled away so quickly that Helena ended up grabbing the banister anyway. So much for chivalry.

      ‘Let me help you with that, Mother.’ Flynn jogged up the stairs to take his mother’s suitcase from her and carried it down. ‘Where are Dad and Thomas?’

      Isabella rolled her eyes. ‘In the study, I believe. Last-minute business meeting before our flight.’

      Helena saw the look of irritation that crossed Flynn’s face, but Isabella either missed or chose to ignore it. Feeling left out, was he? She supposed СКАЧАТЬ