Texas-Sized Trouble. Delores Fossen
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Название: Texas-Sized Trouble

Автор: Delores Fossen

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: A Wrangler’s Creek Novel

isbn: 9781474082303


СКАЧАТЬ Lucian often sat to read reports and such. No Lucian. However, the cook, Abe Wiser, was there. His feet were propped up on an ottoman, his body stretched out, and the guy was snoring. Abe was a lousy cook, an equally lousy worker, but unlike the revolving door of housekeepers, Lucian had kept Abe—for reasons that were unclear to anyone but Lucian.

      “He’s not here,” someone mumbled.

      Now, that was a voice he did recognize despite the mumbling. It was his brother Dylan. It wasn’t a surprise that he was there since unlike Lucian, Heavenly Pastures really was Dylan’s home. And the fact that he hadn’t smothered Lucian in his sleep was a testament to Dylan’s “I really don’t give a shit” attitude.

      Dylan was coming from the direction of the kitchen, a beer in one hand, some papers tucked under his arm and the remainder of a pizza slice clamped between his teeth. He removed the pizza and gave Lawson that “Dylan Granger” smile that melted women into puddles of, well, whatever women melted into when they saw that pretty face and the endless supply of rodeo buckles. Dylan wasn’t just a cowboy. He was a rich bronc-riding champion.

      Unlike Lucian, Dylan had definitely inherited all the charm in the family, and he was the reason Lawson had such a small dating pool. Dylan had slept with at least half the eligible women of Wrangler’s Creek. A good portion of the ineligible women, too. Since Lawson had a rule about dating any of his brother’s exes, that had limited him to only a handful of prospects.

      “Karlee said Lucian was here,” Lawson pointed out. And since Karlee was the most efficient assistant in the state of Texas, Lawson had believed her. That’s why he’d driven out right after he packed for his trip.

      “He was, but he left about fifteen minutes ago. You must have just missed him.” Dylan tipped his head to Lawson’s midsection. “Do you really have stitches on your ass?”

      “Yeah, and you might need some when I’m finished with you. Why the hell would you let Lucian or Mom sell the house to Eve?”

      “So, that’s why you’re here.” Dylan munched another bite of his pizza and got to walking, heading in the direction of his office. Which was on the other end of the house from Lucian’s. Apparently, the most charming cowboy in Texas wanted to keep his distance from the least charming one.

      Dylan went in his office, setting the papers, beer and remainder of the pizza slice on his desk before he put his hands on his hips and faced Lawson. “I didn’t get a chance to talk anyone out of anything because it was a done deal before I even heard about it. Mom gave Lucian her power of attorney to sell it, and he did.” Dylan shrugged. “Lucian always did have a soft spot for Eve.”

      “Lucian’s never had a soft spot for anyone,” he grumbled.

      Lawson took out his phone to call his mother, Regina. She didn’t answer, of course, and Lawson had no idea where she was. Regina wasn’t exactly motherly in the normal sense of the word and rarely returned his calls. Still, he left her a message.

      “It won’t do any good, you know,” Dylan commented. “The papers have been signed.”

      “Since when? Because the gossips in this town are too good for me not to have heard about this.”

      Dylan shrugged. “My guess is Lucian kept it quiet by using his San Antonio lawyer. He probably didn’t want you putting up a fuss before the deal was finalized.”

      “Putting up a fuss” made him sound like a toddler who didn’t want a nap. Shit. This was serious. “Eve will practically be my neighbor.”

      Dylan showed no sympathy whatsoever about that. “It’s a quarter of a mile from yours, and pardon me if I don’t boo-hoo about you having a hot actress to gawk at every now and then.”

      Lawson wouldn’t be gawking because if he couldn’t figure out a way to nix this deal...well, he didn’t know what he was going to do, but it might involve building a very high fence. And yeah, he did sound like a cranky toddler.

      “Eve doesn’t know the house she bought could be right on the edge of the land that might eventually be part of a lawsuit,” Lawson pointed out. And that was something he could enlighten her about.

      But Dylan quickly burst that bubble. “I told her all about it.”

      Lawson frowned. “What about her knowing that I’ll be her neighbor?”

      “I mentioned that part, too, and she still wanted the place. I have no idea why.”

      Hell. Lawson did. But it couldn’t be that. Eve had lost her virginity to him in that house on her seventeenth birthday. It was definitely memorable, but after the way she’d left town and broken off things with him, she couldn’t be sentimental about the location of her de-virgining.

      Could she?

      He thought about that a second and decided the answer was no.

      “So, I heard Eve named the baby Aiden,” Dylan continued while he sipped his beer. “I guess she decided against Brett.”

      That pulled Lawson right out of his de-virgining thought. “Brett?”

      “Yeah. I talked to her last night when she got in, and she mentioned it was one of the names on her list.”

      Lawson was glad she’d nixed it. He didn’t need anything to remind him of the friend he’d lost, not when he was working so hard to forget it. Of course, Eve would likely think it was easier for him to forget since he couldn’t remember much. Only bits and pieces. In a way that made it worse because Lawson had filled in those gaps with some god-awful stuff.

      “Why’d you talk to Eve?” Lawson asked, getting his mind back on the conversation with his brother. “Better yet, why didn’t you tell me you’d talked to her? And is there any reason you didn’t mention to me that she was coming here or that she was pregnant?”

      Dylan scratched his chin. “That’s a lot of questions. Angry-sounding questions. Are you jealous?”

      “Hell, no.” And he gave Dylan “the big brother” look that often had preceded a butt-whipping when they were kids.

      Dylan smiled, made a yeah whatever sound. That sound had often preceded a butt-whipping, too. “Eve called me right before she bought the house. She asked me how I thought you’d take her moving back. She was worried that you’d be upset—”

      “Damn straight I’m upset—”

      “But I told her you were a grown man,” Dylan said, talking right over him, “and that the stuff that happened between you two was water under the bridge.”

      “I’m a grown man with a memory,” Lawson fired back, which, of course, sounded toddler-ish again. He huffed. Since he wasn’t gaining any ground here, it was best he headed out, and he was about to do that until Dylan spoke again.

      “If you talk to Eve,” his brother went on, “let her know that I did try to call Tessie for her. She’d given me the girl’s number and address in case of an emergency.”

      She’d given the number to Belle, too, and Eve had also asked him to call Tessie if something went wrong with the delivery. “Did you talk to Tessie?”

      Dylan shook his head. “I tried, but the call СКАЧАТЬ