The Conjure-Man Dies: A Harlem Mystery. Rudolph Fisher
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Название: The Conjure-Man Dies: A Harlem Mystery

Автор: Rudolph Fisher

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Ужасы и Мистика

Серия: Detective Club Crime Classics

isbn: 9780008216467


СКАЧАТЬ it didn’t.’

      ‘Do you mean that maybe he was killed first and hit afterwards?’

      ‘Why would anybody do that?’ Dr Archer asked.

      ‘To make it seem like violence when it was really something else.’

      ‘I see. But no. If this man had been dead when the blow was struck, he wouldn’t have bled at all. Circulation would already have stopped.’

      ‘That’s right.’

      ‘But of one thing I’m sure: that wound is evidence of too slight a blow to kill.’

      ‘Specially,’ interpolated Bubber, ‘a hard-headed cullud man—’

      ‘There you go ag’in,’ growled his lanky companion.

      ‘He’s right,’ the doctor said. ‘It takes a pretty hefty impact to bash in a skull. With a padded weapon,’ he went on, ‘a fatal blow would have had to be crushing to make even so slight a scalp wound as this. That’s out. And a hard, unpadded weapon that would break the scalp just slightly like this, with only a little bleeding and without even cracking the skull, could at most have delivered only a stunning blow, not a fatal one. Do you see what I mean?’

      ‘Sure. You mean this man was just stunned by the blow and actually died from something else.’

      ‘That’s the way it looks to me.’

      ‘Well—anyhow he’s dead and the circumstances indicate at least a possibility of death by violence. That justifies notifying us, all right. And it makes it a case for the medical examiner. But we really don’t know that he’s been killed, do we?’

      ‘No. Not yet.’

      ‘All the more a case for the medical examiner, then. Is there a phone here, doc? Good. Brady, go back there and call the precinct. Tell ’em to get the medical examiner here double time and to send me four more men—doesn’t matter who. Now tell me, doc. What time did this man go out of the picture?’

      The physician smiled.

      ‘Call Meridian 7-1212.’

      ‘O.K., doc. But approximately?’

      ‘Well, he was certainly alive an hour ago. Perhaps even half an hour ago. Hardly less.’

      ‘How long have you been here?’

      ‘About fifteen minutes.’

      ‘Then he must have been killed—if he was killed—say anywhere from five to thirty-five minutes before you got here?’


      Bubber, the insuppressible, commented to Jinx, ‘Damn! That’s trimming it down to a gnat’s heel, ain’t it?’ But Jinx only responded, ‘Fool, will you hush?’

      ‘Who discovered him—do you know?’

      ‘These two men.’

      ‘Both of you?’ Dart asked the pair.

      ‘No, suh,’ Bubber answered. ‘Jinx here discovered the man. I discovered the doctor.’

      Dart started to question them further, but just then Johnson, the officer who had been directed to search the house, reappeared.

      ‘Been all over,’ he reported. ‘Only two people in the place. Women—both scared green.’

      ‘All right,’ the detective said. ‘Take these two men up to the same room. I’ll be up presently.’

      Officer Brady returned. ‘Medical examiner’s comin’ right up.’

      The detective said, ‘Was he on this sofa when you got here, doc?’

      ‘No. He was upstairs in his—his consultation room, I guess you’d call it. Queer place. Dark as sin. Sitting slumped down in a chair. The light was impossible. You see, I thought I’d been called to a patient, not a corpse. So I had him brought where I knew I could examine him. Of course, if I had thought of murder—’

      ‘Never mind. There’s no law against your moving him or examining him, even if you had suspected murder—as long as you weren’t trying to hide anything. People think there’s some such law, but there isn’t.’

      ‘The medical examiner’ll probably be sore, though.’

      ‘Let him. We’ve got more than the medical examiner to worry about.’

      ‘Yes. You’ve got a few questions to ask.’

      ‘And answer. How, when, where, why, and who? Oh, I’m great at questions. But the answers—’

      ‘Well, we’ve the “when” narrowed down to a half-hour period.’ Dr Archer glanced at his watch. ‘That would be between ten-thirty and eleven. And “where” shouldn’t be hard to verify—right here in his own chair, if those two fellows are telling it straight. “Why” and “who”—those’ll be your little red wagon. “How” right now is mine. I can’t imagine—’

      Again he turned to the supine figure, staring. Suddenly his lean countenance grew blanker than usual. Still staring, he took the detective by the arm. ‘Dart,’ he said reflectively, ‘we smart people are often amazingly—dumb.’

      ‘You’re telling me?’

      ‘We waste precious moments in useless speculation. We indulge ourselves in the extravagance of reason when a frugal bit of observation would suffice.’

      ‘Does prescription liquor affect you like that, doc?’

      ‘Look at that face.’

      ‘Well—if you insist—’

      ‘Just the general appearance of that face—the eyes—the open mouth. What does it look like?’

      ‘Looks like he’s gasping for breath.’

      ‘Exactly. Dart, this man might—might, you understand—have been choked.’


      ‘Stunned by a blow over the ear—’

      ‘To prevent a struggle!’

      ‘—and choked to death. As simple as that.’

      ‘Choked! But just how?’

      Eagerly, Dr Archer once more bent over the lifeless countenance. ‘There are two ways,’ he dissertated in his roundabout fashion, ‘of interrupting respiration.’ He was peering into the mouth. ‘What we shall call, for simplicity, the external and the internal. In this case the external would be rather indeterminate, since we could hardly make out the usual bluish discolourations on a neck of this complexion.’ He procured two tongue depressors and, one in each hand, examined as far back into the throat as he could. He stopped talking as some discovery further elevated his already high interest. He discarded СКАЧАТЬ