The New Cowboy. Rebecca Winters
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Название: The New Cowboy

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon American Romance

isbn: 9781474014229


СКАЧАТЬ brothers, she was a completely different person, warm and loving.

      He found it unbelievable that such a desirable woman wasn’t involved with someone special. In talking with Sadie he’d learned that Avery had dated a little in high school. Evidently she preferred to be off riding in the mountains and spending time on the Crow Indian Reservation. After high school she went to Montana State University in Bozeman for her undergraduate degree. Later she received a graduate fellowship from the anthropology department at Berkeley in California.

      Zane could only speculate about her social life during that six-year period before she returned home to work these past two years. His thoughts flew back to the time he’d lived at the Bannock ranch house for two weeks. Sadie and Jarod had spent their honeymoon on the Corkin ranch so they could be near her half brother, Ryan, while the Hensons helped tend him.

      Zane had moved out temporarily to accommodate them and took over Jarod’s bedroom on the second floor down the hall from Avery’s bedroom. During those two weeks, Zane shared his meals with Avery and her grandfather in the morning and evening.

      They’d mostly discussed ranch life and her work with the Crow people who lived on the reservation. Not only was she intelligent, she had a great love for the Crow culture, no doubt due to Jarod’s deceased Crow mother.

      Connor and Avery shared a different mother. After Jarod’s mother died, his father met another woman and married her. Two children came from that marriage, Connor and Avery. From the beginning it was clear Avery worshipped her older brothers and the three of them were tight in every way.

      Avery had depths he hadn’t found in other women. She did ranching chores with her brothers and could ride a horse like Sadie and Liz. In fact she could do a lot of things a vet could do. Her remarkable talents and the desire for academic learning that had earned her a master’s degree made her exceptional in his eyes.

      During those two weeks they’d played cards with Ralph and were starting to get to know each other better when his application to join the BLM was approved and he was sent to Georgia for law enforcement training. After being in the SEALs, it was like déjà vu.

      But in one day Zane had to pack his bags and go. When his training was over, he was temporarily assigned to the field office in Glasgow, cutting off his chance to spend more time with her. Though his instincts told him she wanted to be with him, something was holding her back from expressing her interest openly. She was a mystery that wanted solving.

      He picked up lunch at a drive-through before entering the field office in Billings. While he ate, he listened to the noon news.

      ...And there’s still no news about the explosives heist. Last week we reported that five hundred pounds of explosives had been stolen from a locked federal storage facility near Billings, Montana. Federal officials do not believe it’s terrorism-related, but it has raised security issues.

      Montana’s only congressman was quoted as saying, “I’m deeply concerned about the theft and will be closely monitoring the investigation.”

      Zane frowned and turned up the volume to listen while he finished off his hamburger.

      The thieves took off with various emulsion-type explosives, cast boosters and detonating cord. Federal officials aren’t able to point to why the explosives were taken and have downplayed what could happen if they fall into the wrong hands.

      Some in the area—who don’t want to be named publicly—believe the facility might have been looted by local miners or by private forestry-related companies that want to bypass buying the explosives legally. The local sheriff says they don’t have any idea who did it, but the types of items taken are used in mines and to clear rock slides and construction trails.

      The latest news flash on the heist was the first thing the lead ranger Sanders talked about after they shook hands. “Welcome to Billings and your first case.”

      Zane chuckled.

      “The spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said they’re offering a five-thousand-dollar reward for information and the culprit will be given ten years of prison time. There’ve been no arrests yet.”

      “I’ll do my best.”

      “We’re pleased to have you assigned to our team, Lawson. That drug trafficking ring you put away has rid the state of a real menace. Congratulations on your special commendation from the top brass. With your background in the SEALs, no one’s surprised you’ve surpassed expectations.”

      “Thank you.”

      “From now on you’ll be conducting criminal and civil investigations into various types of crimes spreading through eight counties associated with our field office. Besides pursuing investigations for cultivation of marijuana, fraud, arson and assaults on BLM employees, you’ll be looking into thefts of archaeological and paleontological resources. More and more of that is going on.

      “Just today we had another call from the local police concerning more vandalism and thefts at one of the dig sites. Some of these crimes are broad in scope, involving interstate transport of stolen artifacts. Many of your investigations will require you to work outside your assigned area. Don’t be surprised if you’re asked to join a task force for interagency operations and security.”


      “With this latest theft, I trust you’re ready for more trouble.”

      “To be honest, I’m anxious to get started on some new cases.”

      Sanders broke out in a smile. “The SEALs loss is our gain.” He got to his feet. “I know you’re on your way home so I won’t detain you. Before the day is out, I’ll email some of the recent cases involving geovandalism and felony mischief to you. Call me anytime.”

      “I will. Thank you.”

      He hurried out to his truck, anxious to get home. Six months ago he’d flown down to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas with Sadie and her husband to watch Liz and Connor compete. Avery had come with her family.

      They’d all partied after the competition and she’d seemed to enjoy his company while everyone was around. They’d danced for several hours, long enough for a fire to have been lit. If they happened to be alone she kept him at arm’s length, yet the chemistry between them was stronger than ever. Unfortunately he’d had to get right back to Glasgow.

      Under the circumstances, any relationship had to be put off while he was still working in the northern part of the state. Though he’d been home a few times since then and had gotten together with her and both families, he needed more time alone with her.

      A half smile broke the corner of his mouth. Now that his transfer had come through, he was going to get all the time he wanted. After all, they were next-door neighbors from here on out.

      Avery loved the month of June. After coming out of freezing winter, night didn’t come until late and the mountains sprang to colorful life with wildflowers. But lovely as it was to have the warm sun following her home to the ranch on this Thursday evening, the balmier weather brought out vandals and thieves who desecrated the archaeological sites.

      The one she’d been working on outside Absarokee had been hit again, infuriating her. She and СКАЧАТЬ