Modern Romance Collection: January 2018 Books 1 -4. Dani Collins
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СКАЧАТЬ the rear seat alone was dashed when Alexei slid in beside her, and she silently cursed his close proximity as the limousine cruised through city streets towards their destination.

      ‘No last-minute instructions?’ Natalya managed quietly, and incurred his measured glance.


      Okay. Time out from idle conversation. Which suited her just fine.

      Instead she reflected on the meeting’s key points, and the background research she had managed to glean on the major player in opposition.

      An open mind, adhere with polite formalities, record all details from both parties...and become the quintessential PA.

      In other words, be prepared for anything.

      The limousine pulled into a semi-circular driveway and drew to a halt adjacent an impressive entrance lobby.

      Showtime, Natalya accorded as they were met and led towards a bank of elevators, one of which transported them to a high floor where they were escorted to a designated boardroom.

      There was a brief moment when Alexei’s hand inadvertently brushed her arm, and she hated the way her pulse immediately quickened to a crazy beat.

      In the name of heaven...focus.

      The fact she did owed more to the experience of long practice, and she took her seat at the conference table, extracted the necessary iPad, and mini-recorder.

      Playing tough in the business arena was an art form Alexei had mastered with unfailing ease as he calmly stripped negotiations to a base level of take it or leave it. Something which didn’t augur well, and resulted in harsh criticism of ADE CEO’s tactics.

      Cut-throat didn’t come close. Although Natalya had to concede the methodology worked. A break for lunch involved food eaten in one of the hotel’s private rooms...and a review of key points from the morning’s meeting.

      High-powered, with Alexei’s unyielding stance, and his superb negotiation skills.

      Natalya could only quietly admire his ability to figuratively pin his business competitor to the wall...while her personal jury remained out regarding the inherent ruthlessness he managed to employ.

      The pace increased during the afternoon, with Alexei adamant his terms were final, which led to a hastily arranged meeting the following morning.

      ‘Reschedule our flight to mid-afternoon tomorrow,’ Alexei instructed as their limousine took the route to their hotel.

      Natalya sent him a killing look as they entered their hotel suite. ‘In this technological age legal documents can be digitally signed and emailed.’

      ‘True.’ He removed his suit jacket, loosened his tie and tossed both onto a nearby chair as he sent her a piercing look. ‘You’re questioning my decision?’

      ‘Merely expressing an opinion.’

      ‘Which you feel entitled to do?’

      Why did she suddenly feel as if she’d ventured onto shaky ground? ‘It wasn’t specifically mentioned in my employment contract.’

      Was that a faint gleam of humour in his dark gaze?

      ‘Consult the menu and order a meal to be delivered to our suite at seven.’ Alexei waited a beat. ‘I’ll have the seafood pilaf.’ He reached forward and collected his jacket and tie, then turned towards his room. ‘I’ll change and go down to the gym for an hour.’

      All this togetherness didn’t augur well, especially from her perspective. She could manage days, business lunches and dinners. It was the overnight thing that bothered her. Especially the sharing of a suite, despite it being a sensible business arrangement.

      Hadn’t she accompanied Roman to interstate meetings? Shared similar suites in several different hotels?

      So why, now, did she feel wary? Defensive, on edge?

      Yet she did, and it angered her that she should.

      Worse, a full-blown suspicion Alexei took pleasure in figuratively ruffling her feathers.

      Civil during business discussions in the presence of others, yet when alone with him she detected a watchful element, almost as if he was deliberately intent on...what?

      There had been a time when she could read him well. Yet the passing of time had wrought changes. Few of which she could condone. For even now, her heart ached for the loss of the love they’d once shared. The pain of him leaving her so suddenly without a word and no further contact, despite all her efforts, still a wound that had never completely healed.

      So go do something constructive, an inner voice urged. Check out the hotel boutiques. Or better yet, go swim laps in the hotel pool and work off some pent-up angst.

      The pool won out, and she quickly rang Room Service, placed an order, then retrieved a one-piece from her bag, changed, caught up a towelling robe, popped the suite swipe card into one of two capacious pockets, and took the elevator.

      Most of the guests were readying themselves for drinks at the bar or in the lounge, and Natalya felt a sense of relief on discovering she had the pool to herself.

      The water was enticing, crystal clear and sparkling. Without hesitation, she shrugged off the robe and dived in.

      It felt so good as she rose to the water’s surface and began stroking laps, one after the other, steady at first before picking up speed. After a while she lost count, content simply to power up and down the pool’s length, varying strokes as the whim took her, until she simply rolled over and lazily backstroked to the pool’s edge.

      How long had she been in the water? Half an hour?

      A quick glance at the wall clock revealed longer, and she hastily emerged, dried off, then pulled on the towelling robe. Ten minutes should be sufficient to return to the suite, shower and dress before room service delivered their evening meal.

      Alexei was already seated in one of the lounge chairs as she entered the room, and she met his gaze, rolled her eyes, lifted a hand in a silent gesture and hurried towards her bedroom.

      Oh, hell, emerged as a silent condemnation as she caught a glance at her mirrored reflection. Bright lights enhanced her damp hair...rats’ tails was an apt description...bare face...great!

      So what? He’s seen you in less...a lot less. But that was years ago when things between them had been different.

      Way different.

      Suck it up, girl. Take the fastest shower ever, dress and wind wet hair into a knot on top of your head, add lip gloss and go.

      Food, perhaps a shared wine, followed by coffee and a recap of the day’s business at hand. An hour, maybe two. Then she could escape to her room, duty successfully executed for the evening.

      Three hours, slightly more to be exact, Natalya perceived, as she checked her laptop, read and discussed pertinent points, gave her opinion when asked, and provided a requested overview from her perspective.

      ‘Honesty? Or circumspection?’